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There's a bear inside your stomach — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by AshBash who has 476 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Enoki Archer

The boy made a good point as his words fell into the air, emphasizing the impending harsh seasons ahead. Fall wasn't all too bad, but it was a season to take seriously if one planned to survive the winter that always thinned out the weak from the strong. It was during autumn that one needed to pack on as much bulk as possible and if one was belonging to a pack, it was dire to keep the cache pile as full as possible.

Silence fell between the two wolves once more as they continued closer to the source of water that could just faintly be heard in the form of a soft babble until they rounded the bend and the slow trickling water came into sight. Her ears pricked forward in @Kato's direction as he mentioned the pack scent that coated the water which with a quick inhale of the air just above the waters surface proved him correct. Dipping her head in the form of a nod in his direction, Enoki allowed a soft smile to show on her lips.

"Thank you, Kato."Her words were short, but full of gratitude none the less. She was very thankful for the guidance and newly found knowledge. The last time Enoki had passed through this area there was no pack calling the forest home, but that just went to show how much had changed in a years time.

"Do you happen to know what pack reigns in this area?" She asked in a voice laced with curiosity, hoping to gain some more knowledge from the younger boy while they shared each others company and as a simply conversation starter. Awaiting his words she stepped away from his side to stalk up to the waters edge, lowering her head to lap delicately at the refreshing liquid and quench her thirst that had been building since she was awoken from her slumber.

Khalliysgraphy @DA & CathleenTarawhiti @DA - Table by PuppyThief