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RICOCHET — Secret Woodlands 
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Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
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Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

She hadn't even considered getting even relatively close to the pack den for months. She hadn't considered it a possibility for she feared that they would look at her like the insane wolf she had discovered she once was. It was different though, she knew she couldn't hide forever and it was time to act on the knowledge about what could happen. She had only heard of Nina; she couldn't remember who she was still. Ashanti had never crossed paths with her because the woman was a mother who was caring for children and Ashanti had kept close to the borders the entire time. She thought it was time she poked around near the pack den to see if anyone there might be able to help her learn more about what exactly had happened in her life before Ipsum Falls had found her. She was nervous and the anxiety had started to get under her skin but not into her mind.

So far her mind had been bulletproof and healthy.

She gulped as she saw form that was the den before her. Her icy blue eyes were filled with worry as slowly her white paws moved out in front of her. What would they think? She was sure they knew she was there because her scent was always around the outskirts... but what would they think of seeing her so close to where they kept Nina's own blood? Would they still look at her as that crazed and unstable girl? It was behind her and parts of her didn't want to believe that it was real even. Her head lifted from her paws slowly as she peered within the contents of the den. "Hello?" The voice was steady and calm but she had no idea how. She would have thought that she sounded shaky, even terrified.

She could feel her heart beating out of her chest and she was almost sure that the others who may or may not have been around could hear it too. She was nervous that her tail flicked slowly from side to side in an almost anxious way. She was terrified.

[Image: Ashanti-greysig02.png]
Played by Ghost who has 44 posts.
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Silentium Hervok
I hope you don't mind me hopping in :)
Silentium is about 9 weeks old, but still speaks at the same level as a 5 week old

Truthfully....Silentium didn't do much, especially not when compared to his brothers who more often than not were trying to sneak off and explore. He preferred to be alone at home in the den or out near its entrance, where it was safe. That was exactly where he was today, within the darkness of the community den his eyes were staring out at the world. He was content with this, watching the occasional bird flit by and smelling the wind without being in any danger. The pup had no problem breaking up the squabbles his brothers were constantly in, but he didn't go out searching for trouble like them.

This was all he knew, this half silence that accompanied him. None of the adults spoke of it in front of him but he was sure there were whispers, especially among those who were close to Nina. His speech was much farther behind than @Pacem's or @Unitas' and he wasn't learning at the same rate. While they were now able to leave the den area on their own and easily find their way back Silentium often got confused and overwhelmed as he tried to make up for his disability. So after a few failed attempts at going out he had made a subconscious decision to just not try anymore, to just stay home.

This being said, Silentium did appreciate the company of his mother and even his brothers if they weren't being too annoying. When the sound of pawsteps approached the den the blonde boy stood expectantly, waiting for his mother to poke her nose into the entrance. Instead to his surprise he was greeting with a snowy white muzzle, and the voice of a female he didn't know. Backing up a few steps as a precaution the boy stood up tall, puffing his chest out like he did to intimidate his brothers and called back, "Hul-loh?" the words were slow to leave his mouth and the syllables over-rounded, over emphasized, but still recognizable as a greeting.

Miffliness-Stock & BmAStock @DA & Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Namara who has 231 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashanti "Celestina" Aranna

She was surprised to not hear a voice of an adult but instead to hear a puppy speaking. But it wasn't a normal puppy voice... it sounded like a puppy for a little more then a month and by her calculations, Nina's puppies were already past their two month point. With a soft voice she started to talk to the pup to put his mind at ease in case it was just somewhere else. "Hello little one. I'm Celestina but most here call me Ashanti." She stayed very still because she wasn't sure she should be around one of @Nina's pups without her consent first. But truthfully, she was too scared to see how the mother and queen would react to her presence after her mental collapse that she remembered nothing about.

Every day is the first of the rest of your life. She reminded herself as she slowly entered the den and sat down. "What is your name little prince? Is Nina your mother?" She asked the boy carefully as she gazed outside the den. She was worried what everyone else would think. She was, without a doubt, highly insecure that she actually belonged in the woodlands. She was told she belonged here but she didn't feel it. She felt like she'd be cast out like a sinner and it scared her. She was terrified that maybe no one would be able to answer the questions about who she was and who she was supposed to be. To be honest, ever since she found out that Dractive wasn't her father, she had been terrified of rejection and her past.

Played by Ghost who has 44 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Silentium Hervok

silence is golden
silentium hervok
silentium est aureum

A small frown creased the blonde face as Silentium focused on unravelling the words she had spoken, they had been said very quickly and he didn't understand all of them. This much he did know, she was greeting him, and asking something about his mum. His chest had deflated slightly at being stumped so quickly by this stranger but he still tried to give her the answer she was looking for. This woman of two names had said something about Nina, which is what he had heard other grown-ups call mum before....was she looking for her?

Silentium did not realize how long the silence had stretched on, or that the silence was rather inappropriate for a regular conversation. In fact more than a whole minute had gone by without words from the boy, just the characteristic frown and a look of deep concentration on his face. So when he finally did offer up some words of his own it was as if there had been no pause at all and the conversation was completely normal. Erasing the frown from his maw the prince said as confidently as he could, "Hul-Loh Seles-Selestes-Celest." He had completely butchered her name and after tying his tongue in knots in his attempts he settled on Celest being close enough.

There was once again silence, but this one much more brief as Silentium tried to sort the words out in his head that would answer the question he thought she had asked. Nodding to himself he continued, "I'm Si-lent-um," which in truth wasn't his real name, but again, close enough. "Or Si, my nayme is Si. Ma wuh-ent with my bru-thers." Then his speech ended abruptly. He had been planning on explaining that his Ma had gone with Unitas and Pacem for a walk, but it had been so hard to get the words out that he did that he gave up.