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Kiss with a fist — Sacred Grove 
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Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
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Atiris Heavenstar
Her paw was healing fine from her stupidity-caused accident on the mountain. She could walk fine on it, as the swelling had subsided and the fur had begun to grow over the scraped skin again. Atiris wasn't one to baby a wound anyhow, and found that her legs grew itchy a lot faster than she assumed they might and so, she left her packlands a few times a day to strike out and enjoy the scenery of the world around her. She hunted when the mood struck her and other times she meandered, chartering the land as she went and trying to make a good memory of where various geographical places were.

She crossed the river, stopping on the opposite bank to get a drink and she paused there, shortly after. She could smell more wolves in the area, though she had not reached or passed the borders of a pack land. Still, she could tell that she was near to a pack land and curiosity got the better of the slim, reddish female who picked her way along the river's edge as it split the small island-like piece of land in half, toward the thick growth of forest that smelled like pack wolves.

Not knowing exactly what the bonds were like between her pack and this one, she backed away and crossed the river, moving further away from the pack borders. She didn't want to stir up any serious trouble, and knew that some serious trouble would be easily had if she lingered too close to the borders. Thus, with a river between herself and the place where she might get her head chopped off, Atiris began to snuffle along the bank of the river, just to see who had passed by and when.

Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
He was not exactly stalking his fellow pack member. But as Weldering noticed her off in the distance while passing through the Wildwood he could not help but notice the direction she was heading into. To say he was a little concerned for his fellow Midnight Plateau loyalist and also his friend was about spot on. He knew what the Swift River Pack was capable of and how they treated him - even before he helped Ioni with his challenge. The young black masked warrior trailed behind Atiris somewhat in a protective fashion. He still had a moderate limp with one of his forelimbs. His shoulder still baring the wound from his recent fight with the Tainn boys.

He did not seem to think it would do much harm just to follow her though, just to make sure she did not come into any trouble as he had done. Of course this meant that he was yet again placing himself into trouble by being so close to the pack he was rivals with. But Weldering failed to see it that way, what were the chances of being caught again anyway? Luckily her pace was kept slow, easy enough for the brute to slowly wander behind, but he could not help but cringe as she moved right up to the borders. A heavy sigh of relief escaping as she sniffed and then begun to move away. Finally as she begun to head back straight toward where he stood he waltz forward with a concerned frown. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Atiris, what are you doing here?"
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atiris Heavenstar
<i>Two threads at once = twice the fun!</i>

Atiris wasn't terribly concerned by the fact that she was close to a packland- but there was a river between her and the borders, and she had met one of the pack members thus far and he hadn't seemed too bad at all. So the inquiry which came from the sterling male who showed up almost spontaneously to question her was regarded with one ear turned back and a look which might have been given to someone had they sprouted a second head. She smiled, though, glad to see Weldering again, though she could sense his tension and her eyes lingered for a moment on his wounds.

She shrugged one cinnamon shoulder. "Thought I'd look for my marbles- I think I lost them along here somewhere," She said, trailing off as she jokingly began to scan the ground. She moved toward him and took another look at his wounds, nose wrinkling. "What happened to you?" She asked. Atiris wasn't terribly good at expressing concern so it sounded more like a demand, though her inquiry was sincere.

Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
Sorry for the wait! Debain asked me to join so :3

<blockquote><font style='margin-left:20px;'>What had it meant?</font>

Though Kinis had planned on purposefully skirting Swift River's edges for at least a few more days, the sudden and highly unexpected sound of Ruiko's call had rather made up his mind for him.

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>Why would Ruiko leave?</font>

His major worry about returning had always been the reception Ruiko would give him, the disappointment he would face and the sheer lack of being able to explain himself properly. What was there to explain? That he was young and stupid, and his dislike and fear of his sister had gotten the better of him? Was that something you should freely admit to? Shame had kept him away, but panic brought him here now.

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>What could have happened?</font>

Weakness was overcome by adrenaline, and it was on this type of fuel that Kinis made his way close to the borders, the last hints of trepidation slowing his feet as he drew nearer. Why would Ruiko leave? Was he still around? Was coming here futile? Where had he gone? Would Kinis be able to find him again? Though he feared a trail gone cold, this was the only place Kinis could think of to get any answers. Kinis could have sworn to hear something about Indru, but he couldn't recall correctly... what if Indru had returned, and the whole family with him? What if Borlla was just the beginning? What if everything could go back to how it had been, bittersweet as that notion was?

<font style='margin-left:20px;'>... but, <i>why would Ruiko leave?</i></font>

Swift River was no home without that brother, and somehow, somehow, it lost a part of its scariness. If Ruiko wasn't there, then the person whose opinion he valued most wasn't there to be disappointed. Maybe he could go back. But if Ruiko wasn't there, was there any <i>point</i> in going back?

It was with this dilemma that Kinis was forced to stop and take stock of the situation. He had come to the river, the last physical hurdle, and wasn't sure he had the guts to make it over just yet. So great was his distraction that he failed to notice the two foreign packmembers who were only a short way down his side of the riverbank. Ears twitching nervously, his expression one of indecision and pain, the boy chose to sit and rest, staring out to the lands which smelled so beautifully familiar.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
ooc: Sorry for the wait <3

While seeing Atiris was normally a delightful event enjoying spending his time with her and joining in with the quick quips and jokes there was a different side to Weldering. As he grew older this more serious and sincere side was becoming a little more dominant then his odd playful habits as right now he saw little funny about the situation and did not share a smile at her joke. Moving over a bit closer with a slightly limp he brought himself to her side attempting to bump against her side lightly as if to suggest they leave and that she followed. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"It's dangerous here, we need to leave. Right now."

The tone of his voice said it all, though as Atiris wished to know about his wound he scowled a bit looking down at the ground. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Swift River did it." he admitted, it was not the entire story but he did not want to get into the details now, he only wanted to make sure that Atiris would be safe. His plan was to move away now from the Swift River borders further and further and not be detected, though that plan was about to fail. The scent of Tainn filled the air causing his silver hackles to bristle just a little. The young Kinis coming into sight up ahead. From this distance Weldering could tell it was either Kinis or Triell, one of the young Tainn lads, which he was not sure about. If it was Triell he was likely going to be in a lot of trouble though - that he knew. But sliding a few steps closer it seemed to be the latter of the brothers. The scent of Swift River itself upon the pup seemed barely traceable, again that seemed promising. But would Kinis remember Weldering? Not a lot of wolves had a pelt coloured in such a way as he did, would Kinis remember seeing Weldering fight with Indru and Ruiko?
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Kiva who has 36 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Atiris Heavenstar
Atiris was not an inherently serious individual. She didn't think that Weldering was either, but he didn't respond to her joke at all which irked her slightly. Something was obviously bothering him about this place and he moved forward, bumping against her as though trying to herd her away. Her ears flicked forward and back and her brow furrowed, not with worry or fright but with doubt and confusion. He mentioned the other pack and she licked her lips, still hesitant to go away from this place because she could not see for herself why it was dangerous. It was close to Swift River, though, and if Weldering wasn't lying, then they obviously had been none too kind to him.

"Dangerous?" She asked. "I met someone from Swift River- Indy? I dunno, something like that." She said, rolling one of her shoulders to indicate that she wasn't particularly bothered by the fact that his correct name wasn't coming to mind. "He was pretty dandy. Easy on the eyes too-" She said and might have continued or bothered Weldering with questions about why Swift Creek was beating up on him. She caught his gaze though and saw the younger wolf. She clicked her teeth together as her memory finally clicked in. "Indru- that was his name. That a friend of yours?" She asked Weldering, gesturing toward the young male, and loud enough for the pup to hear. Afterall, what could a pup do to harm them?

(This post was last modified: Feb 28, 2011, 03:30 PM by Atiris.)
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>It wasn't the male's approach that first tipped Kinis off to his company, but the obvious words of the female. For a moment, the boy's distraction held, and the only sign of his attention was the automatic turn of his ears towards the noise - then his head caught up with his senses, and he turned his whole head to see that he wasn't alone.

The way the male was moving towards him unnerved Kinis no end. It looked like... <i>stalking</i>. It took no time at all to realise that he didn't recognise either of the wolves, and the wind's direction did not allow him to smell them properly. All he knew was that they were foreigners on the borders of Swift River...

What if they were new pack members? Kinis' instinct to flee was quelled only by this thought, but as he stared at them (partly for fear that, should he look away, it would have been easier to surprise him) he was filled with doubt on that part. He had never seen either of them befo-

No. <i>Wait.</i>

Though the female brought no recognition, something about the male... something... triggered Kinis' memory, though he had no idea what. This fact, rather than reassure him, only managed to unnerve the boy further; why on earth would he remember a stranger? Save for this winter, he had barely left the packlands, and this wolf looked nothing like any of the non-family loners that Indru or Ruiko had allowed into the pack. It made no sense. A small part of Kinis wanted to smell the male, kick-start his memory that way, though did he really want to get that close?

The female's words rang in his mind. <i>That a friend of yours?</i> No, no friend that Kinis could recall.

Ears flat, body turned to them and lowered (though not so far that fleeing would be difficult), Kinis managed to choke out, <b>"Do I know you?"</b> His tone and narrowed eyes would have implied that the answer was yes, but he was doubtful enough to use a question rather than a statement.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
I'm guessing you mean Swift River & not Silver Creek? xD

Hearing that Atiris had met Indru sent a bitter chill down his spine. Easy on the eyes?! Talk about a role reversal because for the first time it was Weldering that was now feeling the sting of jealousy. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Indru is bad news... he's the one that did this to me." He muttered trying hard to not growl and hold his temper back.

Ever so slightly his silver hackles along his back begun to rise, lip pulling back as he flashed a single fang but not towards Atiris he had turned sharply now to focus on Kinis ahead. As he stalked closer he moved so that he could better view of the young wolf. By now it was clear who the wolf was in front of him. It wasn't Triell, his litter's fur was much darker and seeing as it was not Borlla that only left one wolf it could be.

Kinis did not seem to remember him though, that helped. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Mind your own business, Kinis. We're not on your brothers land. That's the other side of the river. Where you belong." He growled slightly. Though Weldering had no intention of doing anything to the youngster despite being very tempted for the sake of revenge. Welde just wanted all the Tainn's to stay in Swift River, where they belonged and to leave the rest of relic Lore in peace.
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>
Played by Siki who has 223 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kinis Tainn
<blockquote>This was bad news, bad bad news. Kinis felt chills run along his spine, quite unrelated to the cold weather, and the prickle of fear lodged itself somewhere in his chest. He couldn't remember where he had seen this wolf before, but he definitely had, and the memory - the vague, intangible memory, which was associated with few visuals but increasing amounts of emotion - was all negative. This wasn't good, and this wolf wasn't good, either.

He meant danger, and his harsh, nasty words only cemented Kinis' fright.

This wolf, he knew so much. Another shiver struck him as the stranger <i>said his name</i>, and Kinis took a hasty step back, tail retreating between his legs and his ears flattened. His mouth opened and closed in meek protest - he hadn't accused them of anything! he hadn't said anything like that! he hadn't done anything wrong! - but nothing came out. <i>'Where you belong'</i> drove the knife home, and a small, strangled noise made its way out of his throat. He had only come here to look, not to clash with some unknown-yet-known danger and be told where he should or should not be. Everything in him said that this stranger - who was not a stranger! - had no right to tell him anything, but Kinis lacked the nerve to enforce that. Right now, he was unnerved and afraid for his life.

In the end, all he could manage was <b>"<i>I didn't say anything,</i>"</b> before he backed away and fled, away from Swift River and away from this foreign pair. So much for coming home and finding answers. Any courage he had stockpiled had just been dashed away on the snow.</blockquote>
<center>user posted image
<i>at least... that's where I'm supposed to be...</i></center>
Played by Debain who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Weldering Darksidy
ooc: Just going to finish this off since Atiris has vanished ;-;

Weldering had been expecting a defensive and slightly aggressive response fro Kinis. But the young wolf in front of him was not the threat. The problem for the large silver and black male was the fact that he was still injured and that without warning Indru or Ruiko would appear and attempt to chase him off for a third time. Weldering's own defenses were held in place with his neck tightly scrunched up for protection and slightly crouching down to make his undersides and chest less accessible. It was not so much that he was worried that Kinis would attack them, the young wolf would have to be insane to do that considering he was outnumbered and by wolves older and bigger then him. Yet the black masked brute was more doing it as a way of intimidating Kinis - which seemed to be working.

He had no sympathy or little remorse for Swift River wolves with Junai and Borlla his only exceptions. They had all treated him badly, Indru and Ruiko seemed to dislike him from the start. They were predigest against lone wolves too! Not to mention they thought they owned Relic Lore which actually all they had claim over was one little bendy river. Then of course there was Kinis' brother who decided to help Indru attack him, doing the damage to his shoulder.

The sight of Kinis leaving brought a sense of satisfaction to Weldering. His cold blue eyes narrowed as he watched Kinis turn tail and run off back into the forest. It was unusual to see the child run away from Swift River but that did not concern the silver and black male as he turned to nudge Atiris once again softly. <b style="color:#0d5b8c; font-family:geogia; font-size:13px">"Let's go before more of those Swift River creeps appear." He grumbled before leading her away from Sacred Grove.
(This post was last modified: Mar 15, 2011, 02:30 PM by Weldering.)
<center><img src=http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z151/kittykarnage/fishmaster.png></center>