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The Blooms Of Spring — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Kat who has 11 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kanaii Kokki
OOC: Figured I'd start since I need posts. <3

Kanaii took a few careful steps, watching his paws with false interest. What was there to do living the life of a nomad, roaming aimlessly through Relic Lore? Why was he roaming aimlessly? For what? That's a stupid question. he thought bitterly to himself. He was roaming aimlessly for his family. Sometimes he had to remind himself that. After everything -- the disappearance of his parents, the loss of Makita, losing Kauda and her friend, nearly drowning... something inside him still knew his family was alive. Maybe he was crazy, but Kanaii wouldn't give up.

It wasn't until he lifted his shaggy white head that he realized he was walking along the paths of the Wild Cherry Orchard. He remembered being here once when he was younger, a little after he nearly drowned and died. It was quite a pleasant place to be and as he looked around it with alert yellow eyes, he saw the blooms of the cherry trees beginning. Spring brought beautiful things, and soon it would bring ripe, scarlet red cherries. Maybe it would bring him good things.

The massive white wolf let out a silent sigh. That was everything he did now adays. Silent, quick. After his mother and father disappear, Kanaii had been devastated and quiet for days, but he eventually perked back up for the sake of his beloved cousins. When Makita had been torn away from them in a fierce twister, Kanaii had remained strong for Kauda. He had provided a shoulder for her to lean on, though they both lost a lot of happiness. All he had was Kauda, and all Kauda had was him (with the exception of her friend, Akita Dashameeer). But what really silenced him was when Kauda was taken away.. when he had nearly drowned. Words had become scarcer than ever, and now none were said. It was just the way it was.