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Setting yourself up for scars — Sacred Grove 
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Played by AshBash who has 357 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Vespertio Vuesain
@Heigen and anyone else who wants to pop in.

The pads of Vesper's paws no longer held the softness they had when he first arrived to this land. That had been five months ago and in that expanse of time so much had happened. He met a woman who stole his heart even if their feelings were yet to be verbally expressed, a pack was raised from the ashes by the two and thrived. Steadily the numbers climbed until they reached a nice handful of wolves calling a portion of Lost Lake home. At least they did for a bit. If a stranger looked upon his past they would have applauded him for rising so quickly in a land so foreign and making a small name for himself. Beneath his cream tinted paws was an empire all his own. Yet, like every empire there came an eventual end. His was just on the horizon and drawing closer with each setting of the sun as one by one the members of Fallen Tree Cove began to disappear or leave of their own free will. Like in the case of Silver, a founding member, who had found her heart yearning to be some place else. To be beside the one who had stolen her heart and as much as it sadden both alphas to let a precious part of the pack go, it was in her best interest. Then the numbers continued to fall. One by one they left after that. Kassander. Ren. Rayne. Andromache, Athena's sister. And the last to leave had left a hole in Vespertio's heart. Athena. His own love had disappeared without a trace. Now all that remained of the Cove pack was two males. Vespertio and the storm pelted man he had recruited himself, Anthem.

With hardened paws and a gradually hardening heart the agouti Patriarch now did the only thing he could to keep his empire from completely withering away to be blown away like dust in the wind, seek out straggling loners who had yet to settle within a pack for the remainder of the cold months. On this overcast day his scouting had brought him to the place known as Sacred Grove to the local wolves who had more months; some even years, beneath their paws living in the lore than he. As he reached the opening to the coppice of trees his paws came to a standstill, letting his paws sink further into the crusted over snow beneath them while his golden gaze; mixed with both emotional weariness and determination, took in the scenery around him. 'Will I keep my brother's decree from becoming a reality?' He thought to himself, a heavy sigh breaking past his fur lined lips to be heard by nothing but the trees and whatever creature lay hidden within a close enough proximity. Oh how the nightmares plagued his mind more in recent nights now that they held the threat of becoming real. Vespertio was a failure in the making, his empire slowly slipping between the webbing of his paws. An epitome of what his brother had declared he would the day he was banned from the Scarlet pack. From home. It was like an entire herd of elk now weighed upon his shoulders as he took a step forward, in the back of his mind the reminder that if he didn't succeed he risked losing it all floated like a leaf on water. He had to succeed.

(This post was last modified: Feb 16, 2015, 05:26 PM by Vespertio.)