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Got This — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by Switch who has 688 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jaysyek Enap Lyall
The gray stroked lady was cleary expecting. Her abondemen once sleek was swollen beyond any normal state. It was so large the tiny jolts of life would push against her skin, in quick flinches. Sometimes it tickled, and other times the tiny heals would push against a rib, her bladder, or her full stomach making her pause in her walk to adjust her form. She was definately to the uncomfertable state of things, and had to waddle not to hit her own belly. Least she start another array of kicks, and wiggles. If the movement meant her pups were thriving, she had nothing to complain about. She was only hoping the time would come when she could see them. She didn't think she could get any bigger.

A relaxed smile was pinned to her lips. Gray stroked ears cupped forward in interest, because she was watching a mother robin prepare her own nest. The red chested bird was picking over some different tendrils of grass. Jayse held still, trying not to disturb her thinking about her own "nest". The pack den was cleaned out, another tunnel added, but the soon to be mother wasn't sure if she wanted to birth her cubs in there. She wasn't sure she would want anyone else sleeping in the same area as she. But she hadn't another spot. She hoped to find one, needed to really, she didn't want to force everyone else out of the den. And part of her wanted to find a spot of her own where she wouldn't be to disturbed. Where she'd feel a moment's peace with her own. It wasn't like she didn't want the pack meeting the pups. The oppisite was true. She kinda figured wherever she ended up everyone would find out, she would need all the help she could get after all.

Holding a puff of air in her cheeks, the robin chose her stick and flew away. Puffing it out she watched her go, before moving forward like a turtle without cause. She did have a general direction she was going, but her object was more to keep moving than anything. The stream's trickling flow rang familiar in her ears, and guided her through the forest. She knew how to get to Jasper Rocks, the promise of a cold drink kept her motivated.
(This post was last modified: May 10, 2011, 05:43 AM by Jaysyek.)
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