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The Future Calls
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Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank

A loud grumbling and growling of a stomach, along with digging paws, could be heard near by. A dirty muzzle was lowered to the ground, grasping a leg as it poked up into eyesight. The taste of old meat caused her swollen belly to roar and she jerked harshly backwards. Power filled her movements as she worked away, the limb soon tearing off with one final grunt. A pale rump met the thicket's floor with a quiet thud. Uncaring Danica chewed on her meal, devouring anything that still clung to the old bone. Even attempting to munch on the hard hoof in a desperate hunger caused by her pregnancy. She had odd cravings for food she barely knew, the metallic taste of blood a lustful desire she wished to quench.

Danica gnawed, body stretched out comfortably. Her body calm and relaxed as her teeth cracked the white material, aiming to receive some marrow. Her tongue rasped the sharp edges every once in awhile between the clicking of her teeth. Emerald eyes snapped forward along with her ears and she stopped herself. A simple wag of her tail as she asked, "Hello? Someone around?" At the familiar sound of paw steps within her mother's land. When no one replied she simply went back to her own business, figuring she misheard or it was someone too caught up for her small talk. Either way she didn't mind and despite her boredom carried on. Her thoughts wondered off to what would her puppies look like? Would there be many? Or few? Maybe they'll look like her, or Titan. Hopefully a mixture...boys? Girls? Both? She allowed her imagination to explore the endless possibilities.

Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
So still wondering if Kite or Mirren have noticed? XD To clarify- Titan's at SW borders not inside their territory.

Titan hadn't checked on Danica in some time. He figured that she was still with her mother in Secret Woodlands, and so the male had taken the time off to visit Nina's pack. He had mentioned to whoever he had passed in Grizzly Hollow that he was heading out for ginger root and other herbs found in the thickets, but Titan knew that it was really Danica that he wanted to find. Of course, the male continued to remind himself to actually find some herbs to take back after his visit.

Dani's kind nature and sweet cloying scent were things that he longed for. Too long had they been separated, and Titan didn't like having to visit her when she lived so far away. It was hard to find the time to visit the woodlands princess in between having to hunt, help with borders, search for herbs, and begin making an actual medicine den.

It had come to his attention that no one in the hollow other than @Rook and himself seemed to have any experience with healing. Rook's experience was limited to a list of herbs and their uses whereas Titan had the practical experience to heal with wounds, injuries, and general health problems. Then again, the dark wolf hadn't actually sat down with Rook to ask him if he knew anything else about the healing arts, or whether other members of his family knew a bit. Maybe I should do that when I get back... was the thought that flashed across his mind as Titan thought about the few plants that he did know that grew in this area.

The scent of many wolves began to cross his nose as Titan picked up his head to look at the familiar surroundings. He slowed to a stop just before the thickest layer of scents that betrayed a pack's border to the Thorben male. Then he lowered his silver tipped crown to sniff at the smells. Titan picked through the scents and easily found Danica's luscious smell. It was strange though, a different smell than it had been before. Different than what he remembered her scent being back in Whisper Caverns too. However Titan did not have experience being around pregnant females to know the differences in their scent. The spring when he turned one his mother should have brought another batch of pups into the world, but due to turmoil within the pack she had decided against it. So Titan never learned to 1) figure out when a female was pregnant, 2) learn that pups came from the physical joining of two wolves who loved each other, and 3) figure out how to take care of pups by watching his mother doing so.

The only things Titan knew about taking care of pups came from the arrival of Rory whom Titan had not exactly known about until she was a bit older. He knew that they had to be fed constantly and that they had to be watched so that they didn't wander off territory and get lost, as both Rory and himself had done in the past.

So, not knowing what Danica's strange smell really meant, Titan allowed a wolfish grin to settle upon his maw before  he lifts his head to call out for @Nina and @Danica. Nina was a wolf he wanted to speak with if only to get permission to visit the pack more often in the future so long as Danica was still around. Danica he called for because he greatly missed her. Once his call was finished the dark wolf plops himself onto the ground and sits there waiting for somebody to arrive and greet him."Speech here."  

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Considering they go by the boarders constantly, I'm pretty sure it can be assumed that at least @Kite is aware. Though it'd make since if @Mirren knew too. Sorry it's so long and I apologize if it lacks quality...also how are we splitting health points?)

Happily she chewed on her bone in a lazy style, enjoying her alone time. It seemed like here lately she liked to stray from others, but that wasn't handy when you really wanted to help contribute. She still hadn't found something she was good at, and honestly a strict mother daughter meeting with @Nina would probably help get her crap together. Or maybe with someone else who could, and would, straighten her out like @Mirren. Then again she had smelt another female who carried the same odd pregnancy scent she did and running into her might prove to be more exciting. Maybe she could meet this woman someday, bond a little, raise their pups together in a sense. That would be, oddly enough, rather pleasing to the yearling. The idea of having a new friend through all of this was fun to toy around with, and so she smiled a simple little dreamy smile.

The howl interrupted her thoughts and joy instantly bubbled up within her. Like a young puppy she sprung to her paws grinning ear to ear with excitement, instantly taking off in the direction. She new that 'perfect' voice anywhere, it belonged to her one and only @Titan Thorben. The same male she had shared a piece of her heart with and now, as young as she was, carried his first batch or heirs, or maybe just maybe, heir. Only time would answer all the questions that swarmed withing her spiraling young mind. Paw prints spread far apart left their evidence of Dani's path as she loped to the edge of their territory. She took large, tiring, bounding strides that would get her there in no time at all and she could not care. Not at all, just as long as she saw his face today. His dark fur, handsome features, with blue eyes that seemed to capture and memorize her with every single sneaked, and obvious, glance. *Sheesh,* She thought, *I bet he could make some beautiful pups.* This only caused her toothy smile to widen.

*Wait, but I'm dirty!* She thought suddenly and her paws skidded to a halt, hind following to land her awkwardly on her back. Danica had to take a moment to erupt in giggles and laugh at herself. She figured if he had waited this long to visit, he could wait a little while longer to see her. Also to see her lookin' good. Shouldn't a gentleman sit around to see his little lady? Then she realized that she herself found this unbearable, she wanted to rush to his warm side already. Rolling over she took a seat, cleaning her paws and legs first. Then traveling to her chest area before turning to groom her sides. That's when she saw how round her belly was beginning to be, and her eyes softened. Sure she was scared to be a mom...but there was something about it. Knowing that she was bringing a life into this world, but yet, at the same time she didn't like it. What was she to do with a pup? How in the universe was she to properly raise it? And worse of all would Titan be around to help out often, or scarcely? She was sure he was busy with his own duties to wherever his loyalty laid nowadays.

Then her gut twisted, she still needed to tell him about this surprise she carried within her and confess about the bottle of sin she had drank from. She knew better that fateful night when they let the potent mixture of lust and love to consume their bodies head to claw. Now willingly taking her time with this cleaning session she thought over how she would tell him. Still though, she couldn't help but to stress over his action. Hate? Anger? Betrayal? Disgust? What?! Anxiety creeping into her limbs as she started to want to see him less and less. Slowly her tongue trailed her body with a few nips here and there. Ridding herself of anything unpleasant to see in her soon to be fluffy, clean, soft pelt once more. Then it hit her, why did she care so much about how she looked in the first place? To if or if not a strange odor clung to her? This very man had been around her in plenty of situations for her to feel comfortable around him...they were best friends. "And lovers..." She trailed off.

Looking towards the boarders, which Danica happened to be practically next to, she looked left. Smelling the air she knew that he was just a little ways down along the scent markers. Should she go? Definite, it would be rude to purposely be a no show. Nervously she started what seemed like the longest journey of her young life. It didn't take much for him to come into view and she halted, he looked so good, but she hesitated. Then deciding to remain silent she watched to see if he'd feel her Emerald orbs peering at him.

(This post was last modified: May 01, 2015, 01:21 AM by Danica. Edit Reason: Forgot about the moose )
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben
OMG I FOUND THEIR THEME SONG!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYc9NPiVw7c
Photograph by Ed Sheeran

Titan still sat there on the border just waiting for somebody to arrive. He was starting to get bored now, and the scents of the woodland wolves seemed faint, as if nobody was really around. A small thought of sneaking in to find Danica did pop into his head, but Titan knew that his mother would have yelled his ear off for doing something like that. Then again, Nina did once say that he was welcome at the pack. So the thought did temp Titan greatly. Especially when Danica's scent began to grow more fresh. She was getting closer, but he still couldn't see her just yet.

Nobody had answered his call though, and this made Titan a little nervous as well as uncomfortable. He looked around the territory his blue orbs darting between the tall lichen covered trees and rotten fallen logs. Ferns and skunk cabbage covered the earth making a thick green floor. Where the earth was higher and more dry thick beds of moss lay between bushes, mushrooms, and flowers. numerous small birds darted between the thick branching canopy of trees. Their songs echoed through the woods between the harsh tapping of wood peckers against the trees. A larger pileated woodpecker flew above him towards a particularly large cedar tree to his right. Then the bird landed parallel to the trunk. Then the creature began scouting he tree for grubs and hidden treasure. Titan's eyes stared at the bird for a moment before looking back down to the rest of the forest. However he couldn't see any wolves out and about. Either he had gotten there just after another wolf had finished up a patrol, or he had arrived in between border patrols.

Now Danica's scent was tantalizingly fresh. She had to be right nearby, and this had Titan stand up and walking around the border looking for her creamy silver coat. He actually did step over the border two paces to look around the trees, but then a flash of white out of the corner of his eye made the male turn with a smile. He spots Danica standing just a short distance down the border, and a charming grin spread across his features. The Renier she wolf was absolutely glowing today, and his heart certainly did skip a beat. The need to swallow her up with his presence made the dark creature move forward to her. The young males heart nearly busted with warmth and happiness as he finally reached out and touched his nose to her cheek. He hadn't realized just how much he missed her. How much is heart had longed to be reunited with her again.

"What are you doing hiding from me beautiful?" Titan spoke gently before attempting to press himself against her side. 

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Meh, I tried.)

A tingling sensation, creeping down the neck to slither across the spine and tickle a tail. Shivers caused the wolf's body to tremble at the touch of another. Dark fur engulfed her, mingling with cream, Danica was consumed in warmth that burned everywhere he touched her. Gently the woman leaned into her knight, pressing herself into the man she lived for. His touch, his voice, presence, it ignited a feeling she had no words to describe. He rushed life back into her veins, a feeling more satisfying than the beat of a strong heart sending blood out. A soft whine left her as she closed emerald jewels from pure pleasure in the moment of being with Titan.

The compliment and question were both seemingly ignored at first, but she hadn't failed to eventually shy away, tearing herself from his warmth. Bashfully she with-drawled from him, turning and allowing a tear to stroll down her face. An explanation attempted to come out but a sob came instead. How could she tell him? Would he be mad at her? Scream that she ruined his life? A more steady stream flowed now, her confidence wavering, belly in knots. The emotions were all too intense, and she had to swallow the bile in her mouth before it could escape. Her silvery pale tail slunk between furry legs to press firmly against her abdomen.

"I-I...I'm..." The sound of a female choking on her tears while talking filled the silence...”Speech”

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Sep 21, 2015, 12:23 AM by Danica.)
Played by TABs who has 320 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Titan Thorben

  Titan stuffed his nose deep into her fur in order to inhale the creamy gray she wolf's tasty scent. His body warmed as the Thorben leaned into Danica's equally warm side. Their fur mixed while he snuggled into her then licked at her cheek. She almost attempted to say something, and he paused to wait for what she was going to say, but then her words tumbled into nothing. After that he resumed cuddling into the creamy she wolf. Glad to simply be there with her.

Being around the willow wolves and now the Hollow wolves did not help the small hole he felt in his heart when he wasn't with Danica.  More than a few times in both Willow Ridge pack and increasingly in Grizzly Hollow did he think to just up and go to the woodlands to be near her. However the proud noble part of the dark Thorben would win out. He had promised Rook that he would help with Borden, and that was what he was going to do. He would stay until Borden finally left this world. Titan had sealed his fate with that promise, and he didn't know how much he would lose by doing so. All he knew was that it felt like the right thing to do; as much as it hurt him to do so.

If he hadn't been so busy watching the elder wolf and helping out with other pack tasks he would visit his woodlands princess more often. It killed Titan every day to know that she was waiting for him to show up never knowing when he would appear.  He hoped she could understand that he knew how much she hurt and vice versa. All the silver tipped black wolf could do now was assure her that he was there with his warmth and touch. That everything was okay in the world.   "I'm here.." He said softly in her ear.

Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
Accept no defeat, surrender retreat...

Played by WildFlower who has 250 posts.
Inactive No Rank
(Awww, I miss Titanica threads <3 Sorry my posts keep getting shorter....)

Please Wait

Titan had been so focused on using her as a teddy bear, causing mild frustration in the pregnant girl. She huffed in a manner that seemed to say hey, listen to me. Though Dani didn't resist as the larger wolf snuggled against her, sneaking her head beneath his neck to listen to his heartbeat. She stood there for a long silence pressed against his chest, the drum beating from within him. It lulled her into some illusion of calm despite the severity of the conversation. Sighing she once more pulled from him, but his whisper froze her moments and she was at lost. A weak sob escaped her lips as she mutter back horsely, "For now..."

Stumbling forward into him she hid her face once more in dark fluff, tears wetting the area almost instantly. Words were attempted, but violent sobs mixed with fragments were all she could produce. Danica felt broken inside, but whole at the same time, her knight was here...but would he leave her? Refuse to spend another moment with her ever again? She fell to her haunches and looked up at him with big sappy tears rimmed eyes, ears hanging limply to the side, "Promise you love me?" Her voice was hardly audible, like that of a drowned out shout on a stormy day. "Our little thing here...it's a trio now..." She said in a hushed voice, hoping he wouldn't understand what she meant. Admitting she was with-child was so hard! Titan might even hater her...”Speech”

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
(This post was last modified: Oct 05, 2015, 02:12 AM by Danica.)