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Venoshock — Drooping Willows 
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Played by Missile who has 11 posts.
Rainbow Stripes
For @Rowan

While the rain had not given up on the quiet residents of Southern Eden, miss Rainbow Stripes was certainly not the one to lose easily in a battle of stubbornness. The mellifluous fall of the unending torrent from the sky will be nothing compared to her sheer determination to live through the feeling of soggy fur clinging to her ribs. While that was the case, it was just not logical and practical to risk getting sick under the rain, especially if she just has herself to fend off against the wild. She had issued a tactical retreat for a while just to make sure she won't catch a chill, but it definitely wasn't a loss against the battle with the sky on her point of view.

Being alone for a bit was nice. There were no rules to follow as a loner after all, and she was free to blaze through every path and road whenever she pleases without thinking of anything she'll have to leave behind. She had to agree that it was better with a bunch of friends with her though, since they've always said the more there are, the merrier it gets. Company seem to be much more better at keeping her alive than herself too as she often forgets to do so, and with long periods of getting drenched and having meals at irregular times, she knew she was playing the game at hard mode. Everything's fun with a challenge though.

She had chosen an old, but sturdy, willow as her temporary repose amidst the weather. Tall and mighty, its branches may just be enough for her to wait out the downpour. A few drops of water do manage to slip through the defenses brought by the foliage every now and then, but it wasn't anything serious that she can't handle. All she had wanted was anything dryer than the grounds past the line of trees, and she was happy that she had gotten it long before she shows any symptoms of sickness. Not that she was scared with the potential, but she knew it would be more fun to meet the new people without gross and sticky mucus stuff on her nose all the time. 

Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya

Like every vow he'd ever made, Rowan had intentions of remaining true - and a strange ability to always fall flat. He had accepted the story of Grizzly Hollow's resurrection from Rook, believed it when the male told him how relations with Willow Ridge had gone sorrow. He'd sworn to himself in that moment to respect it, to receive advice and think on it before he went after any sorry attempt at diplomacy. That was of, course, how he ended up where he was now: under fire of rainfall weaving his way through finger-like branches on the way to the seat of the Archer-Lyall empire.

Paw by paw Rowan got closer to the heartland of willows, each step lighting his spine up with anxious tremors. He wanted to speak to Elettra, perhaps, about what had transpired with his "new&improved" family, perhaps say something about Skoll and how he had posed a danger to his beloved sisters, or just make any attempt to clear their names - Attaya, Lyall, or both. His gait, which had begun on a sturdy note, was waning quickly into a mere plod, uncertain about his self-provided mission.

The torrential downpour appeared to be punishment for his intrusion, each harsh droplet a smacking question of What do you think you're doing here? His dark lips pulled into a grimace, shaken in his mission. What did he think he would accomplish by coming here, anyway? The message had been clear: there would be no alliance of which to speak between Willow Ridge and Grizzly Hollow. He had no advice for Rook regarding the patching of an already shambled relationship, much less any advice for the leaders here to reconsider. Still frowning, his resolve dissolved in the constant rain.

He sought safety, dull gold eyes scanning the treetops for the one with least amount of breaks. Nothing more embarrassing than returning to the forest smelling like willows and burdened with a common cold. He spotted a treetop with thickly clustered branches, and followed its path from leaf to root. It had a sturdy trunk, plenty of room below - and an occupant already.

His ears flattened to his head, regarding the pale form through the blurring drops of rain. He'd certainly been spotted on his journey here, having paid no regard to his surroundings. Though far from the Ridge's borders, he could not rule out any allegiances yet. But the rain did not cease to fall, and the dark-furred male had to take a chance. Rowan loped toward the nearby wolf. His noise twitched as he hesitated, but he did not smell Elettra and Angier's mark upon the she-wolf. "Mind if I join you?" he asked, loud enough to be heard over all the rain.

(This post was last modified: Aug 17, 2015, 01:56 PM by Rowan.)
Played by Missile who has 11 posts.
Rainbow Stripes
 To sit around and do nothing was not the quiddity that Rainbow had expected for herself to be. She knew her true nature was to run around and fly like the wind amongst other related activities that she could see herself to be doing. It would take her a year, or maybe even more, to enumerate all of which she could associate herself with, but what she was doing now was not the included in that list in any way she could imagine. Still, watching the rainfall underneath a willow tree wasn't as bad as she originally thought it was. The cool temperature in the air without heaps of snow on the ground was always welcome for her.

Visions of snow had clouded her connection with reality soon after, where she'd imagine the ground in front of her to be of pure white and the rain be of frost. An imaginary replica of herself would then be frolicing around, only to be extinguished, along with the rest of her winter wonderland, by a voice. An excited yip sounded, half from getting spooked by the sudden inquiry and half from genuinly thanking her luck for bringing company to her steed. Turning her head to his direction, she greeted him with a smile with her tail sweeping the ground behind her. "Sure, big boy! There's lots of room for snuggles and hugs."

She scooted a little bit away from the male, giving more ample space for him to get comfortable with. Despite her efforts to be more hospitable for the stranger, giggles does not seem to stop from her regardless of how unneeded they were. "It's still warm - toasty warm - from all my sitting. Oh, and the only seat available is beside a cute girl like me too. You don't mind that, do you?" She perked her ears and tilted her head on one side as she watched the male, observing his next actions. This was what she liked about meeting strangers. She does not know what to expect from them and it's like a guessing game on its own when she thought about it. Whether she'll like him or not was the question, though one could argue she always likes everyone.

Played by Riley who has 126 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowan Attaya
#awkwardattaya is no lady killer...

Rowan was pleased to hear his offer accepted, though taken aback by her offer in return. Snuggles and hugs? He hesitated in his step, practically blushing beneath his dark fur. At once he did not know what to do and so remained in the rain, water dripping from his fur as he stood. Well, he didn't want to hurt this girl's feelings... but he wasn't exactly sure that he wanted to snuggle up with a stranger at the particular moment. The boy had never experienced intimacy of any kind with any one, and such a brazen invitation - even if it was a joke (was it a joke??) threw the Attaya further than he thought he could be thrown.

He cleared his throat and opted to say nothing, only trotting toward the space that she had opened up for him - a space which she noted was toasty from her cute body heat. On top of that she was giggling an awful lot. He could not tell exactly what was so funny. Maybe she was flirting with him as a joke? The thought put his ears close to his skull and let a sulky frown settle upon his coal covered face. It seeped into his attitude with a surliness that was not necessarily rare for the male, just often hidden. He almost plunked his butt on the ground, but the opportunity to be childish arose and before he knew, it he was taking it.

Planting his dark paws in the soft earth he gave a lofty shake of his wet hide, intentionally careless about the droplets that would go flying towards his company. Following that he pouted, "I don't get what's so funny." It was not his shining moment, a moment for which he really didn't have an excuse. The female was curious and he hadn't prepared a reaction for someone so open - and thus he could only slide to his haunches and lean slightly away, confused and brooding.