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Daybreakers — Round Stone Crest 
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Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alphinaud Lothaire
@Raela the next one will be better <3

He woke that day with wolves to his sides, rhythmical inhales and exhales around the Den and the scent of home. Although his home was new, unfamiliar and the white male among them had yet to find his routine among his new brothers and sisters. They weren’t with many but he had promised himself to bond with every single one of them. He wanted to be the asset he promised to be. Alphinaud’s ear twitched as his conscience drawled back from his dreams and into his body. The male blinked drowsily as he gave himself a minute to stretch, yawn and the whole morning ritual. Slowly he rose from his sleeping place and went to the exit, careful to not disturb anyone who was still sleeping. He didn’t think he was ready to meet the wrath of non-morning wolves this early on.

The outside air was thick with the smell of rain. Dark clouds already hanging above the high trees that secured their home. He might take this opportunity to explore his new home lands. Find a snack along the way and some small prey to bring back to the pack. His eyes wandered over the empty fields as he walked to the cache and took a fat bird for breakfast. Chewing on the yummy meat he seated himself near the Den exit in the hope someone might come out. It would be a delight to have someone to walk with him, tell him some ins and outs about the pack and the members themselves. And so the man ate patiently his breakfast, silently wishing for another early daybreaker to share the moment with him.

Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: Poppin let me know if the Aeus PP needs changing! 

She was roused from sleep in the wake of a nightmare; something that had become more than normal for the woman when she was only weeks old. Even here in this haven she was subconsciously tormented by threats new and old, real and imagined. Instead of thrashing herself awake though, Raela's golden eyes blinked open slowly, vaguely becoming aware that the horrors of her mind were just that. It was a good thing she wasn't the type to dream actively, (something that could not be said for all of the wolves in their midst). Instead she was left with the feeling of adrenaline slipping away from her blood and a vivid recollection of what had happened during certain parts. @Astraeus was still by her side, and still very much asleep. With a long, drawn out sigh she nudged her muzzle closer to him; content to let his presence ground her until she was fully awake. 

The sun had definitely risen, but outside the world was still bathed in its earliest golden glow. Bit by bit her mind cleared, and she was left staring out over the bodies of the others. Everyone was accounted for it seemed, even the children! They'd be awake in no time, she was sure. Her eyes traced each of their dimly-lit forms before a single realization dawned. One of the newcomers, the white male named Alphinaud was absent. She had only just noticed when slow, gentle paw-steps filled her ears. She watched him approach from inside the comfort of the den; breakfast in his mouth. Satisfied that now she truly had count of everyone, the woman carefully parted from her lover's side. Luckily for her he was rather hard to disturb anyway. If he wasn't awake soon she could always come back and do it gently. Gent was still adamant that they get their patrols done early; he'd have to rouse soon. But for now, it was a good opportunity to have a word with the pale wolf by herself.  

Careful paws picked over each subordinate, leading her groggily into the world. She turned to find the snow-coated man just feet away, enjoying his food. She smiled slowly, offering a casual “Morning,” in a hushed tone as she bowed down to stretch. Raela rose, extending her back legs and tail until they too had regained adequate circulation. A swift wag followed as she took in the crisp mountain air that each Crest wolf carried in their scent. She turned back to him, still a bit slow with sleepiness, and padded over. The agouti female reclined on her haunches, raising a single back paw to scratch at her neck. So far what little she'd seen of the man was pleasant and friendly. With Gent being so amiable around the newcomer, she found little to be nervous about. “How're you doing?” It was a much more casual way to start this conversation than had been employed with Calanthe. After all, it was the perfect opportunity to perform her duty of getting to know the new members and helping them each adjust well. Fortunately, her new rank-mate seemed to be getting along fine. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
(This post was last modified: Aug 25, 2015, 01:15 AM by Raela.)
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alphinaud Lothaire
He hadn’t expected any company this early in the day yet Alphinaud found himself pleasantly surprised by a woman with a black marking on her spine. His mind silently went through the names and descriptions he had gotten from Gent in his first evening as a Crest member. A warm smile graced his features as he offered his own greeting in return. ‘Good morning. Raela, am I correct?’ His white head turned slightly as he looked at the yellow eyes of his pack mate. Studying her features with delighted interest, this woman was family, a sister without blood to tie them together but still family. The simple thought was enough to feel warm inside. ‘I’m doing quite well, what about you?’ His white tail swished on the ground as he took a moderate bite of his breakfast. He would need some energy as today would be a long day of excitement. It had been only a few hours but Alphinaud was already loving the crisp mountain air that seemed always present on this part of the realm. If he was correct and this was indeed Raela, she was supposed to be his equal in rank. She seemed to be friendly and the white wolf wouldn’t miss this change to engage himself in some socializing with his new family. ‘If I’m not intruding, I would love to know more about you. How did you end up in the Crest?’ His tone stayed casual but had no lack of warmth as he talked. He wished no more than openness from his family but he was well aware he was a newcomer. Trust and bonds still had to be gained by proving himself worthy to keep a secret, to bear a burden and share happiness. There was no rush though, he wouldn’t mind to take his sweet time and learn about his new family as they learned about him.

316 words

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regular text -

thought text

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Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn
OOC: I feel so bad about letting this go for so long Dx - Permission to assume @Gent has informed her of a few things. 

The man returned her friendly greeting with a hospitality all his own. Grateful for having her suspicions about him cleared, Raela returned the gesture and felt herself easing as the words flowed from his mouth. The woman found herself a tad impressed with his knowledge of her name. She supposed Gent would have of course spoken of her, but to have it stick so well in the rattled mind of a brand new recruit was something. She wasted no time in responding. “Yes,” Rae grinned brightly, some surprise evident on her features. “And from what I've heard you are Alphinaud,” she concluded, wagging the tip of her tail. Most cordially, it was she who his queries landed on next, and the subordinate was more than happy to entertain them on such a peaceful, bright morning. “Oh I'm fine,” she grinned, glancing away as he chowed down. Just feeling the chill morning air was enough to make her feel energized as she took in the sun's golden glow once more. She would never tire of their new home's majesty. 

In the midst of her tranquil staring, another inquiry flicked her bad ear back to face him. He wanted to know about her? Well, it wasn't all that weird was it. After all, she was here to learn more about him too. A small smile turned up the blackness of the woman's lips as she again extended her front limbs in a stretch. “Minka and her mate were kind enough to take me in at the end of this last winter. I wasn't doing so well on my own,” sheepishness crept into her minuscule shrug as she glazed over the darker parts of that story. He didn't need to know she was an exile just yet, and she didn't need to get into those scarring times in her memory on such a nice day. Here was home, and here was happiness. That was all. 

Now flowing with the conversation's familiar pattern, Raela turned it around again. “I hear you're a good hutner,” she began, her voice rising with interest. Though Calanthe was already in training for it, specialized hunters were something the group could always use a team of. Just to be safe, she would see if there were any other bases to cover. “Do you have any other talents?” Her voice treated this much more like a pleasant conversation than an interview, though that's sort of what it was. Helping to sort and organize the group was on her job description, and the sooner this man got acclimated the smoother the pack would run. 

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alphinaud Lothaire
Surprise was carved into her features as she obviously hadn’t expected to him to know her by name. Although it was only by name and nothing more. He believed he had a fairly good memory but even with his biggest effort he wouldn’t dare to hope he remembered every bit of information Gent had given him that night. Amused the Artic dipped his head to the woman. ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you personally.’ His eyes drifted from her eyes to her face as a golden ray of sunlight hit her face and body. It was a significant sight but he was a male with manners and decided not to stare too much as he ate his breakfast.

Last winter, he had yet to experience winter within this realm. But he knew every winter everywhere was always a struggle for rogues. Any animal most of the time had a hard deal to get through winter. Minka and her mate, Phin wondered as he kept listening to Raela’s words. Didn’t she mean Gent? He wondered if the black male and Raela weren’t close enough to call each other by name. The though sounded ridiculous. Slightly confused and knowing it would keep him wondering over the rest of the day he decided to simply ask. ‘You mean Gent, right?’ His Queen and King had seem rather intimate during his joining session it was hard to imagine Ari not to be the love child of the two.

They talked with ease. Comfortable in the sun and he wished no more. ‘I would like to believe I’m a decent hunter. You have to be as a rogue, although I think you would know exactly what I mean.’ He smiled as he took in her question. Humming a bit as he thought about it. He had certainly a few talents he was proud of, but he wondered which would be strengthen the pack. ‘I believe I’m rather social. I like to meet strangers and converse with them. That’s basically how I got in the pack and met Gent. That and of course a decent hunter. I’m a terrible fighter, I prefer words over claws but I’m hoping to improve my fighter skills. It helps when you have partners and not trees to practice with.’ And with that he gave a bashful smile.

(This post was last modified: Sep 26, 2015, 03:50 PM by Alphinaud.)
Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

The pleasantries were continued; only solidifying her impression of the polite man. “You too,” she echoed back; her tail returning to motion once again. A genuine smile crossed her face. What a pleasant man. Unfortunately he fell prey to the same assumption many did upon joining these days; that Gent and Minka were together, as mates. Her smile faded, and she shook her head while preparing the explanation she so often had to give. “No, Minka had a mate that passed away this spring, before the pups were born. But they still refer to him as 'Dad' and to their real father as 'father.' Gent is all they've known, though.” Spilling all this melancholy information wasn't her favorite thing, but it was necessary all the same. “Gent and Minka aren't together though,” she clarified; smirking half-heartedly. 

Thankfully there were other topics of conversation to focus on. Her smile returned in bashful fashion, though she laughed along quietly with his harmless jeer. More interesting than his confirmation though, was his mention of meeting strangers. Though she knew Astraeus desired the Diplomat position, he was hardly trusted enough for Gent to truly consider him, and this is where the pale man had an advantage. Either way, though, he would be more than useful. As soon as he finished speaking she had a retort lined up, and another smile. “Yeah,” she allowed, rolling her eyes a bit. “Though I'd be happy too if there were no fights.” Her golden eyes found him again with the sincerity of her statement. “But I'm not much of one either,” she shrugged, allowing her gaze to once again trail along the foliage. 

Back to business. “So I suppose you could either become a Diplomat or a Hunter, but which one is up to you,” she said pleasantly, tipping her head a bit. “I can see that Gent trusts you a lot already, which is more than I can say for most.” Which is more than I can say for Aeus, she mused sadly, remembering their near-scuffle. “And if you like meeting strangers...” She let the implication fade into the air with a rising tone, a question.

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]
Played by Xiaoge who has 55 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Alphinaud Lothaire
His eyes widened slightly in surprise as Raela revealed something that was already set in his mind. So the two were not partners. Somewhere it still didn’t click in his mind. Especially with the intimate display between the two he had been sure they were partners. A low chuckle came from his throat. ‘Looks like I’ve been getting ahead with myself and my assumptions.’ His face soon went serious after that. ‘It’s unfortunate to hear the father and previous alpha died. Although I’m sure Gent is a fitting leader and undeniably good daddy material.’ As he said daddy he couldn’t help but tweak the corners of his lips. He had seen the man, how he spoke about the young and buffed himself whenever a possible danger could have happened to them. Gent might not have been bound with them by blood but Alphinaud didn’t doubt for a second that the man was their dad. Just like how the Alpha couple might not be officially partners but he would be a fool to label such a sign of affection as platonic. Surely the two would have some chemistry sparkling between them. A little smirk developed on its own. Who knows, maybe they would have a new balls of fur running around in the next year.

‘It’s good to know you agree with me on this topic.’ He smiled at her. It was a pleasant thought to have someone who also preferred less violent ways to solve their problems. He was sure he wouldn’t be able to get rid of the evil in the world. Let alone keep misery from happening to the pack. But every little bit they could avoid was a precious one. One more chance to be happy. And for all that wasn’t in their luck they would bear it together. That is family after all. So far Raela was more than nice and he could definitely enjoy more of her company from today on and hopefully in the future. She was pleasant and he had no doubt she had her own wits and hidden cards.
‘I’m whatever the pack will need the most. Although my own selfish ambitions would lay in the role of Diplomat. I’ve been a rogue for quite some time and I do enjoy travelling. It would be nice to have some different air from time to time. Whatever I’ll be the man for the job..’ Alphinaud tilted his head. ‘I’ll let Gent and Minka decide. It is definitely good to hear Gent trusts me, after all I consider the man as a good friend. I might be wrong, I’m positive there are more wolves with a longer history with him than mine.’ Alphinaud shove the food, which were only mere bones and dry skin left, aside. He looked at Raela. ‘But enough about me, what are your dreams and ambitions? Surely someone as bright as you would have some interesting goals.’

Played by Jenandra who has 438 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Raela Lieris Asurn

She was glad to see the man take the news about Gent and Minka in stride. His mention of Gent as “daddy material” actually managed to make her giggle. The idea wasn't absurd by any means; but just hearing someone refer to the big, usually blunt and stoic beast as “daddy material” was humorous to say the least. Once her laughter had settled and her warm smile was all that remained, they moved on to the more serious discussion of their seemingly shared preference for pacifism. The woman nodded swiftly to cement their shared stance on the matter. It was good to know that Gent had made a friend of someone else who preferred words to blows. This Alphinaud was already shaping up to be a good fit for the pack in her mind. The both of them ought to be able to keep Gent's temper under control. 

And finally, there was the discourse on the man's chosen role. Her smile deepened and her yellow eyes brightened some as his selflessness impressed her. He was given a few nods of approval and understanding as he continued. He did indeed lean towards becoming a diplomat. From what she had seen so far, it wasn't a bad idea in the slightest. She did manage to speak up once he'd paused. “That's good to hear,” she said, both in reference to his chosen path as well as his flexibility. “And I think you'd fit in well as a Diplomat, if it can be arranged,” she smiled, thumping her tawny tail against the ground. 

It was a bit of a surprise however, when he both complemented and turned the conversation around on her. “Oh, ummm...” she thought for a moment; moving her eyes away as if to excuse herself. A smile had swiftly formed in response to his praise. Memories of Eirian's teasing and pushing appeared first; how he had goaded her toward power and stroked her ego. But it certainly wasn't high on her list. There were far more important things. At a momentary loss for words, the woman settled for honesty and returned her attention to him. “Up until now I was only concerned with getting by and finding a home,” the Crest woman admitted, her tone light but also somber, “and doing what I could around here. But I am working to become the pack's consul, actually,” she grinned, knowing that their desired roles seemed to align. 

“But as far as dreams go... I think I just want to be happy.” It was a most raw and serious admission; though a half-hearted smirk turned up the corner of her lip as she glanced away. One could have read many things into such a statement. One who knew her past could have read it all. Her exile, it still felt so close. Yesterday I was alone, her mind mused, going over it all. “Kinda boring I guess,” she admitted, shrugging a bit. Would it follow her forever?

Image © Chris Smith Photography
Manipulation © Jenandra
            [Image: 1HGS6dy.png]
[Image: AsFM155.png]