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Come On, Come Out — Swift River 
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Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>Just like every single morning the sun edged its way into the den Corinna had fashioned for her family. Unlike every dawning, however, little Fenru had been pushed toward the tunnel by his larger, older siblings. Blinking at the sunlit tunnel, he let out a yawn that curled his pink tongue. Mum had probably gone out to catch breakfast or quench her thirst. He refused to worry or cry out for her; he knew well enough by now that she would always return.

Arching his back and stretching out his forearms he wriggled his clawed digits before silently creeping up into the intrusive sunbeam. His tail swayed happily as he squinted and tested the air for any familiar scents besides his parents'. By this time, he had started compiling a list of words and craved to learn more. He dared to bound away from the den entrance but almost immediately, he stumbled two steps backwards onto his rump and decided to wait. Three feet away from his siblings was quite far enough honestly...</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jun 28, 2011, 11:05 PM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Leah who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kenai Tainn
<blockquote> As elusive as he may have been this week at Swift River, Kenai didn't exclude himself completely from the pack schedule. In fact he had everything pretty well memorized - well at least anything that involved the puppies. Corinna's heavy den scent came riding on the breeze and his head tilted up slightly as his nostrils flared taking it in. Rich golden eyes peered from quite a distance and <i>finally</i> a puppy emerged.

It didn't appear that Corinna was anywhere near, but there was that inevitable black hole in which she could be in - the den. He sighed, knowing better than to parade up to a mother's den. But as the puppy came out without hesitation Kenai's ears perked up excitedly. His tail silently waving back and forth. Deciding against all his instincts, he went forward emerging from his hiding spot in the heavy undergrowth.

As he slowly approached, and yet still kept a good distance from the entrance - although his eyes never took away he wagged his tail a bit harder, his head dipping down to be level with the pup. It may have look a bit strange, his shoulders humped up. <b>"Hey! Fenru!"</b> He chimed happily, hoping the pup would remember him but wouldn't take it to heart if he didn't.

Kenai was working up the courage to beg Corinna to let him watch the pups - she could take longer breaks and spend more time out and about. It would be beneficial to her. He nodded to himself, trying to think of a way to bring it up if she where to show.
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>Fenru glanced over his shoulder to the den, wondering if his siblings would appear. When they didn't, even after a few minutes, he simply continued to wait for Corinna to return. He stared at the surrounding forest and pawed at the dirt, even pressed his small nose into a patch of grass where his father had once been several hours before him. In a matter of moments, however, the sound of rustling took him by surprise. His own ears perked up and he eagerly took a <span class='word'>catawampus</span> step forward. <b>"Mumum?"</b>

He had been expecting his mother, so when a large, yellow-eyed man stepped into view, his brows rose in surprise. <i>"Hey! Fenru!"</i> the gray gent greeted, drawing near. The young Tainn waved his tail excitedly. He knew this wolf. <b>"Uncle!"</b> he chirped in return, smiling as he toddled forth into the space before Kenai. Being as bold as he was now was something Fenru usually reserved for when someone was around to watch him - his parents or siblings - but today was different. Besides, he had seen Rihael bound up to the older Tainn before... surely, what could it hurt if he, too, welcomed him with just as much enthusiasm?</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: Jul 02, 2011, 10:44 PM by Fenru.)

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)
Played by Leah who has 23 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kenai Tainn
<blockquote>His heart swell at the young pup's words, Kenai embraced them with welcoming ears letting them seep into his core and melt his insides. He hadn't been here that long and already he was fitting into his old spot so comfortably once again. His tail couldn't cease - it waved to and fro with joy. Momentarily forgetting about Corinna, the wolf urged forward greeting the youngster with gentle nudges of his nose.

It was this little event that made him determined to speak with Corinna. He glanced at the den curiously thinking of the pups, and of course of the mother. <b>"So what are you up to - today Fenru? Where are your siblings and mother?"</b> He was beginning to think she had left. Probably to stretch her limbs, quench her thirst or just get out altogether. Either way, he still remained his respectful distance from the entrance.</blockquote>
Played by Grey who has 322 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Fenru Donata
<blockquote>The elder Tainn pressed his nose along his nephew's muzzle and shoulders, making Fenru just absolutely beam. He took the opportunity to place a lick on Kenai's chin and lips before releasing a few soft yips. Kenai asked his nephew about his agenda and where Kisla, Rihael, and his mother was. Fenru tilted his head as he comprehended the string of words. <b>"Plaaayyy!"</b> he trilled, arching his back and spinning in a circle before hastily sitting down. Whether or not he had been asked what he was doing or going to be doing, the pup probably would have said the word either way.

His cobalt eyes were still trained on Kenai's face and he gave his Uncle a wide smile. <b>"Mummm..."</b> his lips and vocal chords lingered on the word that identified Corinna. <b>"Mum!"</b> he simply repeated with a squeak, pointing with his nose in the direction where she most likely went. It was just a guess, but for all he knew, she could have been anywhere; his little mind was just aware that she wasn't <i>too far</i> away. He reached up in attempt to touch at Kenai's tall figure - his muzzle or neck or shoulder - but quickly improvised and made a second attempt to bat at one of his large forepaws. <b>"Heee..."</b> he sounded mischievously, expressing his amusement as he watched his paw land on his Uncle's digits.</blockquote>

Taekwondo (M, W, F) | Rapid-Response Day (Tu) | WoW Nights (F, Sat, Sun)