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The White Plauge — Secluded Spring 
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Played by Brian who has 77 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Icicle Whitefang
Open for WFN Icicle has accidentally crossed the border, a sickly and diseased looking wolf! Thought this might be an interesting interaction before he heads further north, only request is that someone howls for @Gent at some point.

Icicle stepped out quietly and slowly, the large colorless wolf had been traveling less during the daylight hours and more during the night, as he was now. Stepping carefully toward the small spring’s edge, he paused for a moment, catching his own eerie and glowing reflection in pale light of the full moon. He gently placed his muzzle at the water’s edge before lapping up the cool liquid.

Eventually, after his thirst was satisfied, Icicle pulled himself up, a few stray droplets of water running down his white fur and landing back into the pool, causing small ripples to form as he turned to take in his surroundings. Eventually, Icicle’s nose twitched as he picked up a scent that he had not smelled before...a pack’s scent, and it was strong, very, very strong in this area. He hadn’t been paying much attention up to this moment and now, Icicle glanced around carefully, his light pink gaze searching. If he had crossed a border unknowingly, he knew that it wouldn’t be taken kindly too.

Please don’t let anyone who up, please he thought quietly as he glanced around yet again before sniffing the ground, if he could figure out where the border started, then he could make his way back across it without worry. The aching in his joints though, had other plans, speed, was not one of them as the ghostly canine moved slowly and with care toward the strengthening scent of White Fir Notch, if he came to the source, then eh could cross back into the neutral territory.