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What a rocky way to be — Larkcall Lowlands 
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Played by Silvia who has 105 posts.
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Dread Flint
It had been a few days since their meeting in the storm and taking shelter in Denali’s den. And Dread just wanted to run, run and never look back.

Yet he felt restless and stuck, as if he had agreed to be locked into something without even realising it. And it was annoying him why it was so hard to figure out. Thoughts and emotions swirled around in his chest and mind, confusing him even further. He let out a little growl of anger, stomping as he walked back towards where he had left his pebble. While he had been wandering further and further away from Denali with the excuse of hunting or just stretching his legs, he had retrieved his pebble from where he had hidden it from her originally and hidden it closer to the den, burying it several yards away. The spot had been easy to find yet hidden from sight in that a small cluster of rocks and dirt was used to hide it. But it was still his pebble and the possessiveness of having something so precious to him (and why was it so precious? It was a stupid pebble! Though it was a pretty gold pebble...) made him keep it hidden. Sharing it was out of the question or even the thought of allowing @Denali to know of the pebble caused him to become irked.

Huffing slightly as he finally came up to the stop it was hidden, a large paw brushed aside the dirt that was covering it and fiery eyes stared down at the shiny rock. It was his, his precious. And he wasn’t going to give it up for anything...