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I'm not lost, but look what I found. — Windsong Fjord 
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Played by becca who has 463 posts.
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Kerberos Rigel
We can wrap this up whenever!

There was a small smile on Kerberos's lips. Maybe this hardass did care, just a bit. If he didn't why would he give out warnings?

"I don't think me and my friend intend to go much more North than this. She told me that the herds moved South but she wanted to head North." He paused and offered a gentle laugh. "I don't understand her sometimes but I trust her." The tawny male doubted his company would care about what he said about @Maera but talking about her always soothed his nerves. He didn't know why but it just did.

His ears perked as @Askan asked him if he was going to be okay during the winter. "I actually have no idea. I'm living day by day until the time runs out." He paused and frowned partially. "My friend doesn't like packs and is supposedly bad with authority. I don't wanna be some kinda jerk and leave her to be completely alone. Even if things get worse, I gotta be there. We have each other's back."

Kerberos didn't realize how much he had been talking about Maera and perhaps how personal he had been getting. With a soft woof he spoke. "Sorry bout rambling. You didn't need to hear all that." The Rigel offered a smile in hopes that would patch over anything that might have occurred from his rambling.

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Played by Alice who has 1,273 posts.
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Askan Selwyn
Sure sure, this can be Askan's last post and then you can wrap up?

Kerberos hit the nail right on the head. Askan didn't care at all about the nameless and faceless wolf he was talking about. He didn't know her, so why would he care? It didn't make sense. But he supposed that it was good that Kerberos trusted her, even if he didn't entirely understand her. Did anyone ever truly understand someone else? Was that even possible? Askan didn't know, he supposed you could understand someone to a certain degree but never fully. There was always a part of them that was hidden out of sight in the shadows.

It was a little odd that Kerberos actually wanted to hang around with such a disagreeable wolf. Who outright disliked the idea of being in a pack? It was stupid, a foolish notion. Then again maybe they were a match made in heaven, as Kerberos had done a fine job of showing how disagreeable he could be. He was doing better now though, so Askan wasn't going to bring it up.

"Well I suppose that's something. Having someone support is better than having none." Askan admitted with a bit of a shrug.

Kerberos had been muttering on and on, telling him things he didn't really need to know, but Askan was willing to let it slide. For ease of conversation, if for nothing else. The smile-an obvious attempt at clearing the air- was ignored, outwardly at least. His effort was noted though, so it wasn't entirely a waste of the loner's energy. That said, Askan wasn't going to tell him such. There would be no point in doing so. And Askan always made an effort not to do things if they weren't to his advantage, or at the very least worth his time.

"Hm well, I should head back. You do the same, find your friend and stick close, don't wander off if you can help it. Try not to die." Askan told him, his voice firm as though he were ordering the loner to do as he commanded.

Picking up his rabbit, Askan spared one last parting glance at the tawny wolf. "Hope I don't see you around." He uttered, his voice muffled.

With his piece said, Askan turned away and continued his journey back to the snow covered rye field.

(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2017, 12:10 AM by Askan.)
[Image: kana_pixel_by_marthypie-dcn3i8m.gif]
[Image: se_sig_by_becuffin-dbuushz.png]
Played by becca who has 463 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Kerberos Rigel

Kerberos was, surprisingly, not met with over aggression. The younger male simply offered a nod. He really didn't need to say anything else. In fact, he felt like this was wrapping up. Which was completely fine by him. He had grown a bit fidgety anyways.

Then it felt like he was being ordered. Not in a very rude way, though. The dark-coated male's words caused Kerberos to smile. "I'll try my best not to. Safe travels, Askan." The Rigel spoke kindly to the other male. There was something else said but he didn't completely hear it. The other wolf's words muffled by the rabbit in his mouth. What he did pick up was something about "seeing around". Kerberos couldn't help but chuckle gently. "You won't." His body turned to head back to where he came from. It would be a good travel and he hoped it would be spent mostly alone.

His mind would be filled with thoughts of Maera most of the way back. He had nothing else to think about really. The tawny Rigel could wonder about their survival rates like Askan lightly spoke about, but that wouldn't be very exciting. Might fill him with dread the more he thought about their situation. This was not what his parents had intended when they pushed him out into the world.


(This post was last modified: Jan 02, 2017, 01:29 AM by Kerberos.)
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