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strike me down — Willow Ridge 
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Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
For @Renier only. Someone really needs to undo Hecate's teaching and show Sven how to talk proper. P:
Backdated to I forgot if we were & if so when?? must search pm's.
Random Event: Sven, you come too close to a well-defended owl nest.

& the night is closing in

Surprisingly for the aggressive youth, it wasn't often that Sven stuck his nose somewhere it didn't belong and actually got what he deserved for it. Today, however, his luck wouldn't go so well. His boredom had peaked, having not sought out company lately, and despite how much he wanted to be an adult; patrolling was damn monotonous. Nothing seemed to ever really happen, it was just him walking in one big irregular circle pissing on bushes and rubbing against the willow trees' bark. So when he came across the smell of feathers and shit, he couldn't help but forgo responsibility to play one of his favorite games; God.

The near-yearling miched his way to the base of the tree within which the nest was situated, staying low to the ground with his thick pale tail swaying behind him in anticipatory mirth. His gray eyes scanned repeatedly over the structure, trying to determine if there was any way he could manage his way up branch by branch to get to the winged beasties that lay inside. It was... sort of possible. More likely that he would break a bone or even his neck.

A scowl crossed his features and his tail ceased its eager movement when the realization began to dawn upon him that he may have gotten all excited for nothing. Still, giving up seemed premature without at least one good try, and anyways, didn't stupid little birds fall from their nests all the time? He vaguely remembered it being the case last spring. All he needed was to coax one out, maybe they were capable of curiosity? Stuck in his plotting, he didn't notice the sight of the protective parent owl baring down on him, and certainly didn't hear it.

The talons gripped his scruff hard enough to draw blood when the raptor's momentum tore them loose again, and a startled yelp escaped the boy as he spun around to face his attacker.

"The fuck?!" he shouted, snapping his jaws as his frantic and angered eyes searched the blue-white sky to see his opponent wheeling around to come at him again. Widening his stance and parting his fangs he readied himself for it, ready to meet the bird head on and rip it from the sky, and leaving himself open for its mate to make its move.

This time the talons raked across his scalp, narrowly missing his right ear, and dragging out another, now frustrated bark of pain. Two on one? That wasn't fair! his mind hollered, and it only took a third a dive bomb to convince the boy to stop holding his ground and move; but still it wasn't enough to chase him from the tree entirely. This was his land, after all, and once he figured out how to slaughter one of the demons, they'd be sorry they ever settled their spit-and-twigs bullshit home in it.

Each cut was so painful, that even when they didn't manage to get a grip and only grazed him, it was enough to make the boy jump and flinch and zigzag, and the whole ordeal swiftly dissolved into a very chaotic and loud scene of the Archer youth being chased round and round the tree's base, the owl couple darting through the air to attack him, and his scratchy young voice hollering expletives.

"Fuck! Get off! Piece of shit, fuckin' rats! Yeah, try that again, we'll see how-- FUCK, get back here! When I catch you, I'm gonna feed yer goddamn eyes to your shitstained little bast-- STOP THAT, FIGHT FAIR, y'fuckin' whores!"

(This post was last modified: Jun 18, 2016, 05:12 PM by Sven.)
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
gosh Ren is Sven's great uncle >.> I had spaced that out till now. As for backdating I'm thinking the third of Apirl?

I'm waking up enduring my biggest fears

Playing it cool. Of all the things he rather be doing, it wasn't one of them. There was too much inside to keep smothering day after day....waiting. Large paws padded in a quick rhythm, his pent up energy tediously leaving his form as he trotted along the usual stretches of kingdom lines. Morganna's scent came more heavily he would always entertain the idea of seeking her out. He always back peddled. Liking to think she was resting, and would rather remain undisturbed. He was far too stubborn to confront her. So didn't have any grand plans for his day. Curious enough, he did notice Sven had came the same way. He saw why his Aunt was fond of young man. They had rid the river of beavers, and he had been impressed with the boy's skill. At the little gathering his presence had been amusing. What else had he been up to lately?

The Lyall hardly had to search. A loud exclamation of a foul word was all he needed to guide him in the right direction. Swiftly, believing something had to be very wrong, he didn't hesitate to run. He didn't just get a sight of sorts, a pair of large owls  raking their claws upon the boy, but rather an earful as they continued to attack the white wolf.

The circumstances didn't seem to matter. He didn't even need to see blood to come to the almost yearling's aid. A low bark boomed from his throat, one clear warning. Then he charged forward, lunging upward at the current attacking owl, driving it away from Sven. What had possessed them? "Run!" Why he felt he could hold them off, he wasn't about to have a war of life and death with a pair of damned birds. All that was in the hands of Sven in what he did next.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
ahaha. that dates fine with me! pp'd Renier leaving with him, just let me know if you prefer he get hung up with the birds or anything and i'll change it!

& the night is closing in

The event had all the characteristics of a jamboree, except Sven's shouting was exactly what children should never hear, the dancing around was drawing blood and, thankfully for their relationship, the spectator @Renier found nothing amusing about the shenanigans unfolding before him. The ordeal would be ridiculous, if it wasn't so dangerous. There was still enough arrogance in the boy to think that he could handle the situation, but that wasn't exactly a thought process that kept him there. It was just pure anger, ruling his mind as it usually did, for the only instruction he had been given on dealing with it was to 'lash out.'

Thus, he did not realize he wasn't any longer alone until Renier crossed through his vision. The man deflected a blow meant for Sven, and the boy's skin stung with delayed anticipation of what those claws would have done without his pack mate to defend him. In the next moment, that single command boomed through the air, and while Sven wanted so dearly to stand his ground, the instinct to preserve himself for once was powerful enough to override his pride. Clenching his jaws shut, he could do nothing else but turn on his heels and take off.

Several glances were thrown over his bloodied back to make sure that Renier had broken away and was at his heels. The raptors kept after them, diving here and there but mostly crying out their anger and warnings. If Renier fell back, so would Sven; but otherwise, the territorial parents would only chase them so far before becoming satisfied with the distance and returning to their nest.

Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
Works for me. :D Sometime they'll need a more current one. @Sven

I'm waking up enduring my biggest fears

Thank the gods the pal lad listened. Ren hadn't wanted to go with any kind of plan B or C. Trying to protect the back of his neck, he zipped behind the Archer, wondering where the invisible line of safety was so he could figure out what the hell had happened. But the owls didn't quite let up. They took a few more dives hell bent on making them pay. Soon their claws were not reaching out, only their awful, chagrin voices. Finally. A last look was given to the height of the trees, but he did not spy a feather, and their voices were more muffled.

 The rogue slid up beside the soon-to-be yearling. Though his steps were hesitant, as gold eyes roved over the blood along the pale coat. "That must hurt like a bastard, but I think we better get you cleaned up. " The last thing Sven needed was a nasty infection. Ren had gotten scraped, but he wasn't reflecting on his own wounds. He couldn't feel them staring at that blood. Taking direction to the stream, he kept pace debating about informing Morganna or Elettra. Unless Sven asked he probably wouldn't. He knew how tall a young boy's pride could be. "So what were you doing before all that happened?" Ren could have pulled off the over protective parenting tone, but instead he went casually curious.

[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]
Played by Cade (inactive characters) who has 594 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sven Archer
go out fighting, go out young

The youth bolted over the ground. Once the decision had been made to run, his instincts took over fully and he was driven to put distance between himself and those agonizing claws as quickly as possible. That @Renier could be heard just behind him every step of the way helped him to race without reservation. It was only once those loud cries began to fade in volume that his strides began to slow, and when at last he was at a trot his chest heaved for air. Pain burned stubbornly across his body, spreading outward over his skin from the cynosure of every single laceration. More than anything, it was annoying, and his pelt twitch continuously as though it could shake the feeling. Blood continued to trickle from several of the deeper ones, and his pale colors made for a dramatic contrast against the crimson. It was certainly better that the Lyall found him like this versus someone who could cause the boy far more embarrassment, say @Ravenna or his father.

What burned more than anything though, was that he'd come out of what had started as an auriferous opportunity with absolutely nothing to show for it. All that had happened was that he'd gotten his ass kicked by a couple of birds, and hadn't even been able to land a strike in relation. How pathetic. A scowl clearly marked his features by the time Renier spoke to him.

The youth's ears picked up in acknowledgement, pale eyes settling upon the tawny man's face briefly before wandering elsewhere. Only a shrug of his shoulders were given in answer, as there was no way he would admit to how much it all really hurt. The other led the way to what Sven inferred would be the river, and he followed along as a casual lope.

"I wanted the owletts," he answered simply after Renier had asked. That was a regular thing, right? For a teenage to want food. Hopefully so, and hopefully the Lyall wouldn't stick his big nose in too far by asking a bunch more questions about it.

a flash of lightning, eclipse the sun
Played by Switch who has 389 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Renier Lyall
I'm waking up enduring my biggest fears

It was hard to deter between being a cool friend, and a caring, responsible adult. But, he quickly realized, how much of a big deal Sven didn't want any of this to be. How the Lyall would have been the same. Holding onto what was left of his pride. Hopefully, he still had a cool, big brother mode. It had come in handy back at the Reach.

The youth didn't hesitate. He gave him a straight answer, and the rogue didn't think any less of him. In fact he thought a lot better of him. "Awe," was all he said in reply for the moment. The river now in sight. Without waiting for his companion he dipped down in it, wanting the cool of its touch. Wounds or not, summer was too damn hot.

"They would have been a different treat." Then, dunked his head down, gathering a drink. There hadn't been much time to question how Sven had gotten in the predicament. Since it had been in want of a snack, he understood. More so he didn't think he needed to tell the Archer why those birds weren't good eating. Not worth an effort. His tongue swept over his lips, and he eyed the pale boy. "Do me a favor, wash out your coat. As far as anyone knows you stole an owl's supper and it retaliated." There was a coy smile to his cream muzzle. He didn't want any of his relations breathing down his neck either.

(This post was last modified: Sep 08, 2016, 04:08 AM by Renier.)
[Image: ps_sig_by_becuffin-dc2lwrc.png]