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Loner in the snow — Thicket of Secrets 
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Played by Seria who has 45 posts.
Kobe Moonshade
Sorry for the wait! I should've had this up awhile ago. @Latif

Kobe opened his eyes and blinked rapidly as snow blurred his vision. Yawning, he stretched and got to his feet. It was another day and he’d gotten through another night. How long would winter last?

He wasn’t quite sure how he was living his life anymore. In the morning he woke to unfamiliar surroundings at night he curled up in a different place. He hunted or he starved. Ran into someone or he didn’t. He wandered and ran. Like a leaf on the wind, he passed by trees and different forests aimlessly. He had no destination but forward for that was the only direction he could go. He’d left his birth pack nearly a year ago to see the world and chase adventure. Had he’d known this is what it truly entailed, he might of never left. But how else was life supposed to be lived?

Trial and error. Mistakes were life’s greatest teachers. He wasn’t fond of making them. They almost always led to an unpleasant surprise. A dark dot in a wintry world, he pushed on through the snow, no less bored but ah, perhaps this day would be different. Maybe it would be interesting. He could use a pleasant surprise and preferably a meal. His stomach was feeling emptier than usual.
(This post was last modified: Dec 28, 2016, 07:38 PM by Kobe.)
Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
OOC: Your fine also i'm gonna backdate this thread to Dec. 21 for Latif so his timeline is straight.

He was hungry. He was always hungry. Latif had grown used to the gnawing sensation in his stomach as it twisted on itself. How long did it take for a wolf to starve to death? He didn't want to die but he honestly wanted to know. How long would he last once he ran out of what little luck he had. Seeing as how he seemed to find something to eat right when he was about to give up hope he couldn't help but wonder how long it would last. How long he would last.

Latif blinked sharply when a snowflake landed in his eye. A faint growl escaped his maw as he shook his head. He was already hungry now a snowflake had decided his eye was the best place to land. Apparently today was going to be a bad day but all he could do was keep his head low and keep walking. On and on. How many steps had he taken today? He didn't know and he wasn't going to try and count. It was too many anyway.

Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention and Latif froze. His head turned to view what he hoped was an easy meal only to find a dark wolf moving through the trees. Not sure if he should ignore him and continue Latif watched for a second and then his stomach gurgled, reminding him he needed to eat.

Latif's ears went flat to his skull as he let out a bark to announce his presence to the stranger. Letting his body lower submissively to ground he waited to see what would happen. He didn't want to be attacked but if the stranger didn't come to him then Latif would go to them and then he could hopefully convince them that they should try and hunt something.

(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2016, 05:34 AM by Latif.)
Played by Seria who has 45 posts.
Kobe Moonshade
Its all good

Kobe lifted his head and his ears turned in the direction of the call. Annoyance pricked at him, he had a feeling someone had seen him before he saw them. His eyes passed over his surroundings. His gaze would’ve went right over the other wolf’s light colored pelt had he not caught his eyes.

“Who are you?” Kobe asked as he approached. The male’s submission just enticed him to raise his tail from level with his back to straight up behind him. If the stranger was willing to give in so easily, the black wolf would oblige. He preferred taking the high road when it came to who was on top, in the beginning anyway.

“I’m Kobe.”

The other wolf didn’t carry the scent of other wolves but Kobe could already tell he was a loner. Pack wolves would never submit so easily. From what he could—as far as first impressions went—the stranger came off rather quiet despite the fact that he had yet to give an answer. Making assumptions however, was a strength as well as a weakness. A wolf could never be judged off their appearance alone.
(This post was last modified: Dec 29, 2016, 09:01 AM by Kobe.)
~~ Do it or don't do it, you'll regret both ~~

Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
It took all but a moment for the dark wolf to find him and make his way closer. Latif noted that he had easily accepted his submissive stance. As if it was his due. It made Latif want to snarl but he curbed that action before it could even wrinkle his lips. It was his own fault that he had ended up in this sorry state and that he had to be extra careful around other wolves. Once he was healthy again he wouldn't bow quite so quick.

I'm Latif. The pale man responded in answer to the question. Now should he just blunt ask about hunting or should he dance around the subject? He decided that he should be blunt as Kobe introduced himself. If they danced around the subject it might take all day and he didn't want that. As if in agreement his stomach gurgled again and Latif's ears fell flat in embarrassment.

Would you be willing to go hunting with me? Or maybe just direct me towards a place I can find something to hunt on my own? Latif asked hoping that this stranger would be familiar with the area. If not well then maybe the hunting together thing would work out better. That is if the Kobe agreed to it.
Played by Seria who has 45 posts.
Kobe Moonshade
Sorry for the late reply, I've been pretty busy lately. @Latif

Kobe couldn’t help but smile at the offered name. Latif. Interesting and unusual. He liked that he didn’t have to contest the other male for dominance. It made things easier. Although he’d never admit to his underlying desire to be a leader, he was not one to follow, at least not blindly. Respect was something to be earned and for him that meant through force. Either physically or through personality.

The pale wolf introduced the topic of hunting and Kobe didn’t answer for a moment. He watched the wolf, silently assessing whether to take the offer. Trust was out of the equation. Kobe trusted no one, not since he’d left his siblings and family in his natal pack. However, he was hungry. It was cold, the winter was harsh and what big game he had come across was either too healthy to chase or too imposing to challenge. He was weary. Tired of this life and worn down by the paranoia of surviving alone. If he did hunt with the wolf how was he to know he would be able to eat it in peace? How could he trust the other wolf not to turn on him when it came down to it? That was to say if there was any food around. His stomach growled and ultimately made the decision for him. He hadn’t eaten anything in days and snow had done little to sedate his hunger.

“I haven’t come across any scent trails.” He said. “I’ll take your offer. Two wolves are better than one.”
~~ Do it or don't do it, you'll regret both ~~

Played by Hex who has 40 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Latif Itri
OOC: Hush, you're fine. @Kobe

He was being assessed and Latif held still not sure of the reason. Had Kobe decided that it was unlikely that a starved wolf would be able to help and that he was better off on his own? Latif hoped not seeing as it would mean one less meal in his already non-existant menu. Too bad there wasn't another wolf around that he could ask or that would be willing to join them. Two was good but three was a heck of a lot better. It would increase there chances by a larger margin as well.

It seemed to take Kobe a long time to answer but when he did the pale man felt relief rush through him. It wasn't that the other had thought that he was incompetent it was that he hadn't found anything either. Well that made two of them then. Still it was good that his offer had been taken up seeing as how Latif had heard the other's stomach rumble as well. Relaxing his submissive posture Latif straightened a bit.

Well then I guess we should start looking before we lose daylight. Latif responded before tipping his head, indicating that Kobe should take the lead. At this point he probably had better sense than Latif did which made him perfect to take the head position. He probably was a better hunter as well so it only made sense for him to take point. That is if their current condition meant anything.