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Showing the Hours — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
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Valtyr Hanar Melian
Valtyr considered his options, trying to formulate a plan of attack. He had to be swift -- the elk could decide to wander off, or even worse, it could catch their scents and the element of surprise would be lost. He was not particularly fast. His frame was simply too large. But if Rebecca charged in first and tried to trip up the elk, he could move in for the kill bite easily enough.

He glanced at the onyx female. She looked bewildered, or at the very least, a little lost. Apparently, hunting something this large was new to her. She needed instruction, and Valtyr could not rely on physical signals to get his message across. Reluctantly, he decided to break his cardinal rule. He put his nose to Rebecca's ear and whispered to her as faintly as possible.

<b>"You run ahead of me and try to grab at one of her legs to trip her. You're faster than I am. Careful, though -- those hooves are sharp."</b>

With a nod, Valtyr backed off and crouched low, ready to give chase as soon as Rebecca decided to strike. He was very unsure how successful they would be. Inexperience was often the bane of a young hunter, even with an older wolf to guide her along.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Okay if I powerplay the elk?

Listening carefully for his plan, Rebecca started to form her own moves in her head. Where would she dodge, where not allow the elk to go, what would be the best place to bite. She was agile and fast, if careful enough, it should be easy to get her teeth on that poor elk's leg. But what it came to strength, she could only hope Valtyr would come to pull the old girl down. Nodding to his plan, collecting power to her hind legs, ready for leap.

When the elk seemed not paying that much attention to anywhere else than the grass, Rebecca charged. Her powerful muscels fired her forward. Prey lifted it's head and tried to turn for run, but Reba was right after it and bit it's hind leg, jumping off when it tried to kick her. She had never done this before, but it was fun! Cheerful look in her face, eyes shining from joy, doggy smile on har face. Bite and jump away, do it again and again. She didn't even remember they were hunting, it was now a game to her. Well, maybe it wasn't that bad, she still did what she supposed to. Slowed down the elk. A lot.

Finally Reba managed to bite and hold on of it's back foot. Left back foot, little above it's hoof. It couldn't kick her now, and she pulled the leg to left, away from the other back leg. But as sick and weak the elk was, Rebecca was weaker, and slowly but steadily teh elk managed to drag her.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
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Valtyr Hanar Melian
((OOC: No problem!))

Valtyr watched as Rebecca took off after the elk like a shot. She was fast and agile, just as he had anticipated. She dodged a kick with ease. The obsidian brute took that as his cue to go. He gave chase after them both, putting on enough speed to keep up, but conserving enough energy so that he would be able to bring the elk down at the right moment.

A frustrated growl escaped his lips as he saw that Rebecca had started to make a game of this. Her youth and inexperience was going to cost them both the kill if she didn't put a stop to it. Valtyr snarled loudly, baring his teeth at her in harsh chastisement. Whether she noticed that or simply decided she'd had enough of the game, he saw her clamp down on one of the elk's back legs. It bellowed in pain. Valtyr put on a burst of speed as it stumbled. Though he was not particularly fast, his top speed combined with his brawn made the onyx beast a freight train with anything his body came into contact with.

With a huge leap, Valtyr connected with the elk's shoulder, snapping at its neck, trying to get a hold on anything he could. The elk bellowed, tumbling to the ground and throwing Valtyr off of its body. Hopefully Rebecca still had a hold of its leg, otherwise they could lose this prey. He rolled to his feet as fast as possible. The elk was starting to get up, too. Valtyr lunged with a snarl of bloodlust, his teeth finally sinking into the elk's jugular, constricting its airway. Victory had hardly tasted so sweet.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca had ignored Valtyr's growl, she often played with her food, but not in the way it would be lost dinner. But she didn't blame him for anything, he didn't know pretty much anything about her (yet), so it was no problem. And he was there fast enough to take the elk down, without that it had escaped from Reba's bloody jaws.

When the old animal was down, Valtyr on it's throat, Rebcca let go from the leg and rapidly placed herself on better position, grabbing stronger and better hold from the leg, making sure it wouldn't get up before it was dead. Then it wouldn't move anywhere. Usually her prey was so small that one bite to their chest was enough to kill them, but she wasn't newbie with the animals that needed choking. And she knew that it was easier when the choker wasn't only one who kept the animal down.

Smile on her face, thinking about the warm meal ahead, still not letting her mind wander too far from her mission to keep the girl down. She wasn't going to fail. When it was dead like stone, she fianlly let go, yawning to get her jaws unlocked, then waiting for anything from Valtyr, permission to start eating or something.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Suri who has 45 posts.
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Valtyr Hanar Melian
((OOC: Unless you have any objections, this shall be my exit post. Fun thread!))

As the elk took its final breath and then released it, Valtyr silently thanked its spirit for the bountiful meal its body would provide for him and Rebecca. Perhaps a silly old tradition left over from his birth pack's ways, but he always found comfort in it. He never truly enjoyed taking the life of another, even when necessary for his survival. He was kind-hearted in that sense. Maybe it made him weak to some, but they only had to take another glance at his powerful frame and think twice about challenging him with such a statement.

Releasing his death grip, Valtyr glanced at Rebecca. She seemed unharmed and was awaiting instruction. Flashing her a grin, he wagged his tail once in permission before setting into the elk. As he stripped the fur and skin and started in on the actual flesh, he felt life return to his weary limbs. The taste of the elk's body was a spark of new life for him in this place, a sign that all would be well here. He could start to forget about his past. He could survive here.

Valtyr ate and ate until he had filled his belly and could not bring himself to take another bite. Licking the blood from his maw, his gleaming, golden eyes found Rebecca once again. His tail wagged again at her. <b>"Thank you for your help, Rebecca. I think I'll go and sleep this meal off for awhile. Feel free to return to the kill if you get hungry again."</b> Such a large animal would keep the both of them well-fed for days, even as they both returned to it to feed. Valtyr would sleep near his prize to have easy access to the food instead of his den. With another nod of thanks, the obsidian beast slowly trotted off to find a good resting place.

Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: I don't have. Bye XD

When he wagged his tail, Rebecca started to dig her way to the elk's stomach. She alway ate stomach and gusts first, due they were her favourite parts. This time they were all she ate, hunger wasn't in her stomach this time. But she ate slowly, taking her time to enjoy the new flavor of elk. Finishing her final pieces at the same time Valtyr did, listening him and then answering: <b>"Thanks to you as well. Okay."</b> with friendly smile.

When Valtyr walked away, Rebecca looked after him for short while, then biting off the old elk's hind leg to take it back home with her. She might walk all way back here, but it was nice to just stay near den and eat some old carcasses or pieces of them. Walking towards home with ehr treasure in her mouth, Rebecca soon lost the eyesight of their meal.

<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">