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One day can change everything — Wild Rye Fields 
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Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall
about 2.5 days from Cors Ossum to WRF so this would be abooouut the 11th of March, afternoon. Open to anyone in WRF.

Morganna had been mulling over the information she had gained as she travelled. So her son and the Rye girl had encountered the same wolf and wound up in the same place. It all seemed a little too clean to be true, but she also supposed the universe worked in mysterious ways. It had never been a secret that her mother was a talented healer, and her sister had risen to claim that mantle and was off to a busy start. She trusted that both children were in the best of care.

Finally the trees began the thin and the Tundra stretched out before her. She was on the home stretch now and her first breath of tundra air was a welcome one. Just one more stop to make and then she would be home, able to hunker down with Piety and Wraith and simply enjoy her family. With a mins to getting home as soon as possible, her muzzled tipped up in an short but urgent howl. She had news they would want to hear, and she didn't much care who came to recieve it. As she peered beyond the invisible markers, she continued her journey north on at a strolling pace, keeping parallel to the edge of the Rye territory's eastern edge. She didn't have all day.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]
Played by PuppyThief who has 538 posts.
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Drestig Avalon

Spring had come to Relic Lore, though its effects on weather and vegetation where limited, but he could smell it in the air. Soon it would be a year since he and Jessie had settled down in the Fields, and he longed to see the straws turn golden once again. This was supposed to be a season of hope and joy, they'd made it through the winter, their pack had solidified itself in its place here at the edge of the Lowlands. Drestig had looked forwards to an easy spring, one where he and his pack mates could fully enjoy the return of warmth and prey. But the season was overshadowed by anxiety, as it seemed all good things were bound to be. Rather than the playful mood that usually gripped wolves this time of year, the Rye king felt worn, exhausted from worry and with more than just a few fresh, grey hairs in his dark pelt. His daughter was still missing, despite their incessant search and spread of the word, no news of Phoenix's whereabouts had reached the Fields, and hope was growing scarcer by the day. He refused to think the thought, but it did seem more and more likely that the girl was gone forever.

Head full of such gloominess, it was quite a surprise to hear a call at the border, and not from a stranger seeking admittance, but a familiar voice. Weary or not, Drestig moved at full speed to answer, certain that a visit from the, otherwise not exactly adored, neighbor could only meet one thing; News! He found Morganna's scent long before the wolf herself, the seasonal markers not exactly subtle in the air where she had recently passed. Part of the male couldn't help but react on the alluring perfume, but mostly he was annoyed at the fact that she was no longer in the spot she had called from. With a huff he set to following her along the border, head low and ears folded back, eyes peeled for any sign of movement up ahead; At least she's easy enough to track! Finally he saw the blur of brown against the snow and a sharp bark was uttered to alert her, before he leapt into a gallop to cover the last distance. As soon as he reached her, he gasped the question, just as eager to get the information as she was to get it out; "Morganna, what news?"

Word count: 409

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by becuffin who has 879 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Morganna Archer-Lyall

When the bark sounded behind her, she turned with a smile on her face, the tension from their previous encounter gone, a clear indicator that it was good news she bore. "Pretty sure yer girl's been found." She wasted no time delivering the good news with a low wag of her tail, but that Phoenix wasn't in tow with the Monadnock leader would mean that she would need to do a little more explaining. The news would no doubt lead to further anxiety, but it was better to give the parents a chance to prepare surely? "Ran inter an old friend, leads down at Willow Ridge now. Girl matchin' yours turned up with a bump on 'er head an' no memories. M' sister is patchin' 'er up. She's in good paws, learned from th' best." She wasn't attempting to brag, although the pride she felt for her sister was clear. "I imagine Odin'll bring 'er home when he heads back, won't be long now." What she couldn't know was who else her son might have in tow.

But while she was here, perhaps there was more to share. With a storm brewing on the horizon there was always a chance internal politics would spill out onto the lowlands and wasn't it the neighbourly thing to do? To give them a heads up? Not one to like to air her dirty laundry in public, it was difficult to broach the subject with @Drestig, but unsure of what fallout may ensue, forewarned was forearmed. "How have yers been otherwise?" Wasn't that the polite way to go about it? A little give a little take instead of just dumping her mess on their door and then sauntering off into the sunset? Who ever would have thought the oldest Archer daughter could posess manners when it suited her.

[Image: hashtags-skollmorganna02.png][Image: hashtags-morgannarenier.png]