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set adrift — The Wildwood 
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Played by - who has 10 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Out of Character

ooc text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

In Character

It was a normal day; not too hot and not too cold. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. The large femme was secretly grateful for this so she could see everything perfectly. Since this was to be her home, she needed to know it in and out. After all, if an enemy were to encroach onto her pack's territory, she should have the upper hand.

Noa really wanted to meet her packmates. What were the like? Where they as nice as Indru? She didn't worry much. She can handle her own. Lifting her nose up, she smelled the fragrant air. The flora smelled so nice. Her breath hitched as she smelled something awful. Noa lowered her nose and moved on. Someone sure did take a large dump nearby, and she didn't want to stick around and bathe in it.

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Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
<blockquote>Perhaps his wounds should have kept the brute closer to the den, to better facilitate healing, but Marsh wasn't one for hanging about waiting for things to mend. Had he been more susceptible to pain, that might have encouraged rest, but the long gash down his left-hand side was little more than a mild ache, something which twinged when he twisted the brittle scabbing but otherwise was easily forgotten. He was, at least, refraining from more active duties, but damn he did not want to sit at home all day doing nothing.

At the very least, he could scout, for trotting made him feel better and kept his mind active. Ensuring that the pack's borders were fresh was always a top priority, keeping up to date on any changes a mere bonus. Though the scent of strange wolves came and went fairly regularly - mercifully, rarely inside the pack's borders - today something different crossed his nose. A female, unknown to him, but definitely bearing Indru's scent; a newcomer? Instantly he was intrigued. The pack had been fairly close-knit for a long time, and indeed Marsh himself was probably the biggest outsider, being neither a Tainn nor mated to one. Neither Volkan or Borlla were old enough to join the adult ranks, and though this new female was young herself, she did not smell like the underdog.

No, Marsh had just gained an equal, it seemed.

This dictated his mission for the day. With a good hour of patrolling behind him, Marsh lowered his head and made to track this unknown girl, his injuries all but forgotten as he marched along with purpose. When the scent lead out of the pack's borders, Marsh half wondered if she knew where she was at all, but he could tell that he was getting closer, for the scent was getting more fresh, and he sped up, eager to meet this addition to the pack.

Her trail led through the forest, the air heavy with blooms, and it was not long afterwards that the copper wolf finally sighted his quarry; a large white creature, meandering through the trees, most likely exploring. With his target acquired, Marsh slowed, intending to observe her for a few moments before intercepting her - but should she notice his presence, he would approach boldly. He was not trying to sneak up on her, merely work out a first impression before actually meeting this new Second.</blockquote>
Played by - who has 10 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Out of Character

Ever since I saw Marsh I wanted to RP with him. :D lol yay

In Character

This tree looked the same as the one earlier. Was she going in circles? Furrowing her brows and blowing air out of nose in aggravation she sat her rump firmly on the ground and with an upturned head, yawned. Her ear flicked and she sniffled and looked down at her paws absent-mindedly. They were dirty. Damn her white fur! It got dirty so easily and Noa hated getting dirty. She heard a wolf approach and turned her head to look at him. He was obviously not meaning to hide. As if he could! He was pretty massive.

The male's fur was a very pretty color, but he had a lot of scars and a fresh one at that. It made her cringe inside. He smelled like pack but didn't look too friendly. Getting up and stretching lazily and shaking her fur out, she stepped closer to the brute and smiled, tilting her head slightly. Hello there? Slightly questioning his presence. After all, everyone was good in her eyes until proven otherwise.

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Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
What a compliment! <3 I've been finding him difficult lately, so that is really sweet. Noa looks great! and it's nice to have more wolves in SR :D

<blockquote>It did not take long for Marsh's presence to be noticed, and that pleased him. It would not have done to allow an incompetent wolf to hold the rank below Corinna, a wolf whom had grown so much in Marsh's eyes. Where his leader had started a mild thing, she had won his respect and so much more. Now it was time to see if this girl was capable of nearly the same.

Keeping his gaze slightly averted, so not to disrespect a wolf who was yet to earn such treatment (and hopefully would never earn it), Marsh approached her, tail quivering between neutrality and dominance, head raised and ears perked in open curiosity. As she regarded him, so he regarded her, but there was little more to add to the assessment of earlier. Her eyes were blue, that he could include, but other than that she was as any other pretty, unremarkable thing, except perhaps her size. She technically stood taller than Marsh himself, though the wolf tended to appear bigger if only because of his attitude, and he certainly let no small thing like height intimidate him.

She spoke, ruining the moment, but he had expected as such. Fortunately it was nothing more complex than a greeting, which he returned wordlessly by dipping his head. By then, his strides had taken him right up to this new Second, and where common politeness may have dictated that he stop, Marsh was not one for social niceties. No, he wanted to really get to know this girl. Without hesitation he marched past her, almost close enough for their shoulders to brush, his nose dancing over her pelt as he inhaled her, absorbing everything she was. He could smell Indru on her so clearly, that sign that she was to be accepted, and it was still so very fresh. So much potential - for success and failure. Huffing to himself, Marsh turned sharply when he came to her hindquarters and repeated the process on her other side, bringing them shoulder to shoulder before he stepped away, his preliminary analysis complete. She was well and truly stored in his memory now.

Turning to watch her, he wondered whether that would suffice. After all, he wasn't interested in her name or where she had come from, nor in sharing the same. But she wasn't just any member; she was Second! And whilst her scent didn't bring up any red flags, that didn't make her any more suited to the position. Eyes narrowing as he swiftly came to the only logical conclusion, he took a few steps backwards and then dropped to his elbows, assuming the familiar playful stance - but the expression on his face was anything but that of fleeting amusement. No, he was utterly serious. He wanted to <i>play</i>, but it was only to better assess her abilities; totally sensible.</blockquote>
Played by - who has 10 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Out of Character

Sorry I took a while. :( I never really did a fighting thread before so excuse me if I am not thorough enough or make a mistake. T_T

In Character

This male seemed very serious and didn't want to talk apparently. It was a bit awkward for Noa.When he began this...ritual type thing, her face looked weirded out. It was almost like what Indru did to her when she first was accepted into Swift River. She stood stock still. He was intimidating, there was no denying that, but she wouldn't let her guard down.

Then, he dropped his front down and assumed a play bow. His face did not look like he wanted to play. The only thing she could asses, was that he wanted to test her, and the play bow was saying that he wouldn't kill her or severely injure her...maybe. With her face devoid of any emotion, she did the same as he. Her tail wagged slightly and she bolted. Noa would not let this man have the first move. She wanted to prove herself more than anything.

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Played by Siki who has 301 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Marsh Barrew
Am keeping an eye on their life points physique skills in order to compare them in this <3 Its really quite useful for seeing how they shape up against each other :D

<blockquote>She earned points by staying still and succumbing to his investigations, and she earned some further by appearing to comply with his intentions. Then she ran. Marsh felt a spike of irritation as she darted away, for this hadn't been exactly what he had intended, but then it was a part of the game; she couldn't be faulted. With a single harsh bark, he leapt after her, his side instantly complaining but ultimately ignored. Marsh, whose forte was not speed, nevertheless just about managed to keep pace with the larger female, snapping lightly at her ankles and thigh as he struggled to close the gap between their shoulders. Aware that this could not last if he allowed it to remain a simple matter of chasing - which would ultimately tell him nothing other than she was able to cross more ground than him - Marsh pushed himself just that little bit further in order to shove himself at her hips and hindquarters, aiming to throw her balance and force her to stop and face him properly. A rumbling growl started in his chest, purely borne from association with the act and no real aggression, and rolled on as he waited to see if she would have to stop. Otherwise, this test was already over, with inconclusive results.</blockquote>