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Storms Are Breaking Over Great Escapes — Sunrise Ridge 
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Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
^-^ if only you knew how much I liked Cotton <3!

i don't even know if i believe
Aurora Thane

With the awkward silence broken Rory could tell something else about her company; he was a nervous wreck. He fidgeted like no other and seemed to be surprised at the slightest conversation thrown his way, it was almost as if he was accustomed to being left out and overlooked and Rory was wondering how anyone could ignore anything about the wolf who's delicate features were a sight to behold. She decided that she liked him, regardless of how awkward he was.

  "You're a long ways from home." she blurted the obvious, shivering ever so slightly from the chill that accompanied her drenched fur, "would they mind if you have to spend a night away...I doubt this storm is ending any time soon." she wasn't a weather watcher and could hardly read the clouds but something about the ferocity of the storm lead her to believe that they weren't going anywhere anytime soon. At least they had a conversation to occupy them, and Rory had a few choice words about his friend. "He's a grump to say the least." she snorted, ears pulled backward and rose almost immediately.

"I don't mean to offend, I can tell that his intentions are well, he just...isn't the most friendly wolf I've met." she made a point to mention, in case he felt her words were a bit harsh. Considering how quickly his tail wagged, she could tell that he was probably a really good friend of this wolf and she didn't want to seem too critical. She thought to mention that Askan had accused her of attempting to scavenge from him, but thought against it considering the ordeal had been resolved between them, at least she had hoped. She didn't want to put the male in that bad of light even though at the time she didn't like having to defend herself, even if his suggestions at the time were true.

Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
She was backpedaling about her comment on Askan. It probably would've been amusing if half of his mind wasn't screaming about the storm raging on outside.

"He's a grump." He chirped without hesitation. Because it was no secret that his friend wasn't always ideal company. Askan was sort of the exact opposite in that regard. But Cottongrass found that he never once minded. Not even when the two of them first met in a freak winter thunderstorm and he was given no choice but to promise the man that he wouldn't follow him home like some lost puppy. What could he say — it was a unique first impression and he was ridiculously easy to befriend. Especially when storms were involved.

"Don't tell him I said that, though." Behind him his tail continued to thump against the ground and he offered her a goofy smile. One that might've been shaky around the edges but a smile nonetheless. It was immediately wiped from his face seconds after.

Something outside flashed and thunder rumbled in the distance. He only flinched a little. And her earlier comments were starting to sink in. Like the one about having to spend the night in the middle of nowhere because the storm had a mean streak that wasn't ending anytime soon. He glanced from the shelter's entrance to the girl before him. His ears rolled back against his head before drawing forward.

Escape was futile.

(He wondered if it was even an option in the first place.)

"You wanna lay down with me?" He asked hoping that she wouldn't see right through him. "We could try and sleep through the storm." Maybe even cuddle a little. Because he was scared and she was cold — why not get the best of both worlds?
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
i don't even know if i believe
Aurora Thane

He hadn't been offended in the slightest, and a smile lit the corners of her face when he agreed that his friend was in fact a grump. It didn't, after all, take a rocket scientist to notice that. She nodded her head in slow agreement when he asked her to keep this secret between them, and another smile formed along her jaws at the thought that this male trusted her enough to build a level of trust; surely he liked her too. She felt her tail wag behind her, but it felt strange to feel this level of excitement with a stranger, a wolf she'd met during a  severe thunderstorm no less, could this be what it felt like to have a real friendly relationship?

 "Your secret is safe with me." she assured him just in case he hadn't caught her head nod. When the silence overcame them once more she focused her attention on the onset of loud crashing thunder and lightening. It was no doubt in her mind that this would be a storm that brewed well into the morning, at least she could only hope so much. She looked toward Cottongrass, wondering if he was still afraid and wasn't in the least surprised that he flinched with each crash and boom the skies played above them, she shook her head softly as if to say "poor thing" but no words left her mouth until he asked whether she would lay with him. It could benefit both of them, she hadn't been close to another wolf in so long.

"I don't know..." she started, shaking her head at first but the shivers that took over her made her second guess her response. Coupling with him would no doubt bring her warmth, but she hesitated for the sheer fact that she didn't exactly know this wolf, and it was weird to snuggle up with strangers, no matter how kind. It didn't take her long to reconsider her options and she wandered toward Cottongrass to stand over him a moment or two longer than was necessary before considering how she could fit in with the male without feeling like a creep.

Here goes nothing she thought, plopping next to the front of the male before scooting closer until they were practically spooning, it was a closeness that Rory hadn't felt in years but it didn't take long for it to feel good and she closed what remained of any spaces until no cold air penetrated her thick coat. Within moments she no longer felt the shivers down her spine and she wondered for a moment if she had helped to alleviate his fear of the storm. "I feel so much better." she voiced, perking her head up ever so slightly before turning it back to her awkwardly outstretched limbs.

This felt good.

Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Touch was something that came natural to him.

It came easy to him in the form of friendly nudges and affection nuzzles that he never once thought twice about. And maybe it was something that made others uncomfortable. The world knew that it wouldn't be the first time someone cowered or snapped at him to back off. But he didn't push. Not even when the she-wolf seemed to hesitate somewhere just out of view. Instead his tail continued to drag along the dirt in lazy energy and he settled against the ground.

She didn't have to sleep beside him. It wouldn't be the first time he only had panicked thoughts to keep him company through stormy nights. He could withstand another.

And when he heard the distinct shuffle of paws against dirt — he was ready to be left alone. There was no reason for her to stick around. She could always find another place to hole up for the night that didn't have tactile strangers inside of them. His breathing stuttered when he felt a warm presence alongside him. Her voice filled his ears in the moments that followed. It came from somewhere just outside of his peripherals.

He leaned into it.

It was nice. Her warmth and physical presence offered him some small comfort while the storm outside continued to rage on without mercy. "I never got your name." He finally mumbled. His body felt heavy and he focused on his breathing. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed. He tried to block it out even for a moment.
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Sorry, I kinda rushed their touchy x.x I can't believe I missed that. I like these two by the way :D

i don't even know if i believe
Aurora Thanne

Unlike her counterpart, despite the warmth, this just felt strange sharing such a tight space with a wolf she'd barely exchanged a hello to, but it didn't stop her embrace and she didn't move an inch away from him. Her breathing grew more controlled, careful not to interrupt his own and she realized almost immediately that she had begun to synchronize her breathing alongside his own, the careful rise and fall of their chests the only sound that could be heard aside from the obnoxious storm outside. She inhaled deeply, if only to interrupt their flow but it matched effortlessly once more and she no longer fought it, feeling herself finally fall into peace.

Her ear twitched forward at his voice, having forgot it for a moment but glad that it had finally broken the silence between them, it seemed  that was becoming much more frequent. He asked her a question about her name and for a moment, after biting at her lip, she realized that she had in fact forgotten to give him her name, as had he. "Aurora Thanne, but I prefer Rory." she hardly used her full name, it actually felt strange coming from her mouth. "You?" it would be appropriate after all to finally know what to call this warm wolf who had been so welcoming to her.

Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!

Played by Emmett who has 375 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Fade with your next post? We could have something more recent for them~
There was something befitting about her name. Like the universe wouldn't have it any other way. He couldn't help but let out a quiet hum. One that was soft and appreciative even when he shuffled on the spot to get comfortable. He considered falling asleep. Before the storm found its way under his skin and into his mind where it would no doubt reside for the rest of the night. Her voice drew him from the temptation.

"Cottongrass." He offered with voice slurred by tiredness. The makeshift den was becoming an overwhelming comfort. His eyes felt heavy and his breathing came easy. He fought back a yawn and lost the battle. The sensation persisted even when his toes wiggled and his paws flexed. It was all futile when compared to the sleepiness that lurked in the corners of his being.

For the past week he'd been a wolf on the move. One that spent his waking hours exploring forest and open land without prejudice. He didn't realize how much energy it took out of him until he was offered a chance at relaxation. His body sank deeper into the packed dirt beneath. Behind him his tail slowed its wagging pace.

"Think I'm gonna rest my eyes for a little bit, Rory..." He was fast asleep before the sentence was even over.
Played by Hero who has 217 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Aurora Thanne
Sounds good to me! 

i don't even know if i believe
Aurora Thanne

She wiggled some more, from sheer habit than an attempt to grow comfortable. All the while she wondered if her companion was as comfortable as she was, looking back at him she could tell he had found comfort in her touch and no longer seemed as bothered by the storm. She smiled to herself, happy to be able to offer him some kind of happiness even if it were a fleeting at best. What would come of them in the morning?

His voice broke the silence again and her head leaned backward to hear each word, from her peripheral she could see the paling yellow of his eyes it was a image that would stick with her regardless of how long she looked away. Cotton was gorgeous, and he was warm, he was good and he felt  good. "What an interesting name." she voiced, not realizing that his name came from the plants that littered the land some miles away but she knew that she liked it as much as she liked him. "Cottongrass." she spoke it as if to confirm what he had said and the name felt strangely wonderful coming from her mouth. This was a new concept for the dandelion of a woman, and she hoped he couldn't tell.

His breathing had changed well before he had spoken, she could tell that he was probably growing more tired judging from the silence that fell between them once more, and glancing for the millionth time behind her she could sense that his eyes were growing heavy. He trusted her enough to sleep around her, interesting. She let out a quiet "uh huh" when he mentioned resting his eyes and she knew that it wouldn't take long before he would be fast asleep, but unlike him, Rory wasn't quite ready for rest. She would stay awake minutes longer, staring into the darkness that now surrounded them and listened to the sound of storm that carried on outside, it would take her a moment to process what was happening to her and the company that had helped to release these feelings.

-fade to black-
(This post was last modified: Aug 11, 2017, 07:37 AM by Rory.)
Graphics by Arya and Becuffin!