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Musing Amusing — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
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Rebecca Wheatear
Rebecca woke up in the morning before Dove. The morning was clear, cold, rime on the ground, breathing turned into steam. Opening her eyes rebecca took a deep breathe and scretched. She didn't want to wake sleeping Dove, she looked so peaceful. But she wanted to know more about that strange spring. Silently standing up, she turned and walked to the direction Dove and her had came from.

It didn't take long to walk to the spring through the cold forest. When she turned around the last tree and eyed the spring, surprise made her halt. The spring... Was steaming. It was freezing, if it would rain it would come as snow, but the small spring was steaming? Walking closer and sniffing the stream, a horrible idea slashed through Reba's mind. What if the steam had the same effect as the water when drinken? Quickly jumping backwards and trying to get rid of the steam she had already breathen, the form of creature coming from the woods surprised her.
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Kori who has 25 posts.
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Dove Takaru
Dove awoke the next morning in gasps and coughs. The smoke from the fire in her dream had been choking her, and it surprised her to find herself coughing in real life. Shaking her head, her ears perked up at the silence of the forest. It was still again. With a large yawn, her tounge curled up to the roof of her mouth. She glanced to the side, only to find Reba was gone. Tilting her head in confusion, she got to her paws and stood, shaking her pelt before following her new friend's scent trail.

As she padded on, she realized it was heading back to the spring. With a roll of her eyes, Dove wondered if Reba was having another laughing spasm. As she drew closer however, she craned her neck to peer over a row of bushes, and caught a glimpse of her friend sniffing the steam rising from the spring. <i>How odd,</i> She thought, <i>Steam at this temperature?</i> Stepping through the bushes, she saw her friend leap back from the spring, then look towards to forest. An expression of surprise arose to her face, and Dove wondered what it could be. Pausing, her neck fur bristled, expecting something to leap out at her from somewhere. But where? What was it? Was it her? Something else? Billions of questions jumbled around in her head, making her slightly dizzy for the moment.
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: You turn to control the bear on your next post ;)

Rebecca froze. She saw Dove from the corner of her eye, but concentrated to beast walking from the shadows of morning. Not knowing what to do, she just stood still as the large grizzly male walked from the forest. Heart beating, she knew she had no chances against an adult bear, and most likely Dove wouldn't be helpful enough either. Moving her eyes slowly she tried to see how her friend reacted. She had been so fearful yesterday. What would she do now? Hopefully not at least jump to the scene, then the bear would get attack mode on. Breathing calmly and trying not to move a muscle, Reba stood watched as the bear walked forward, towards her. But then it went past, only giving a bored look to her direction. Maybe it ahd really bad eyesight? Or then it just didn't care. Anyway, Rebecca did not want to give it any reason to care. Moving only her eyes she looked how the bear walked to the spring, sniffed and drank.

Not being able to stop the amused sigh as she saw the bear drinking from the odd spring, she froze again as the bear turned it's eyes to her, still drinking. It drank for short time, then lifted it's head and grunted. That was enough to make Reba shiver. Her tiny movement was enough to make the bear stand on it's hind legs and gron with it's full lungs. And that was well enough to make Reba flee as fast as she could. Running towards Dove she yelled a self-evident command: <b>"Run!"</b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">
Played by Kori who has 25 posts.
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Dove Takaru
The bear reared up and let out a loud bellowing roar, it's sharp teeth <span class='word'>lucent</span>. Dove froze when Reba turned an charged in her direction, yelling run. Immidiately she turned and high-tailed it away, not taking the extra care to check beside herself and see if her friend was close behind. Baring it's teeth in a snarl, the bear roared again in irritation as the fae fled from it, and began to charge on all-fours after them. It's speed gained amazingly fast, and his eyes were locked on one thing: Reba.

(Run Reba, run! D: And sorry I haven't posted in awhile, been busy with tests, and my muse is extreemely low xD)
Played by Dark who has 299 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rebecca Wheatear
OOC: Don't worry with it! :D

Rebecca ran like she had never been in life risking situation before. This was first time she encountered a bear, usually she stayed away from them. Now it was too late. And Reba knew how fast bears could run, hopefully she could run faster. And no going to open fields, the big bear had some troubles getting through the thicker parts of the forest.

Even that Rebecca was fast wolf, the bear could run faster and soon caught up on her. Zig-zaggin, trying to get the bear off, Reba failed. Something grabbed her tail, powerful jaws closed against it. Yelping Rebecca tried to turn, but it's hard when someone is biting your tail. When the bear lifted it's front leg, Rebecca managed to bite it. Growling the bear let go and so did Reba, continueing running and wishing her tail wasn't badly injured. The bear followed her soon, and she started to get little paniced. How would she shake that beast off? And where was Dove? Was she okay? <b>"Dove?!"</b>
<img src="http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j320/alleybomber/CRC9.png">