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I Don't Believe Its True — Blackberry Fields 
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Played by Tuna who has 3 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Torin Rohain
Date: January 7th
Location: Blackberry Fields
Temp: 8'C - 12'C
Time: Noon

Snowflakes from an evening of soft winter’s snowfall had fallen upon the northern reaches of Relic Lore, coating the land and it’s shrubbery in a fine crystal-white dust. The land seemed covered, as if hidden behind a film of white, hiding the old tracks from days past and the ice that lay beneath one’s path. It was beautiful, if a little treacherous. Snow-tipped trees hovered above him carrying and drifting down with small glittery flakes as the soft, but cold, wind shook their frozen branches. It was a winter wonderland in every sense of the word and with a clear afternoon sky of light blueberry blue one could only seem to ponder what lay ahead.

He probably could have sat and stared down the winding path before him contently forever but as the treeline began to shrink and a new foliage and terrain passed beneath his paws Torin grew eager. The large gaping mouth of the forest was dwindling towards a certain winter paradise. Already one could see the changes at the trees began to shrink and the warm sun’s rays could reach his furry pelt with more ease as he walked. Small bushes stretched the lands ahead on what looked like flat terrain. It had been a few months – far far away from here – since he’d seen any form of land so large and empty. This world and this new place… weren’t like the northern landscapes of the Yukon. Its ridges and mountains where high and lingering above anything else, like gods of rock that seemed too dangerous to climb and could only be admired at their feet. Even the foliage appeared different, with different smells of wood and small wildlife that scurried around him. This place, whatever it was called, was marvellous and beautiful and yet incredibly scary all at the same time. So he took it in large strides.

Through his maple brown eyes he could see the world before him and it made him quiver in excitement. His gait had quickened as he entered the beginning of the snow-covered field before him. It was beautiful and seemed buoyant with the activities of life. Small birds fluttered between the frozen brambles and even the scent of small mice and rabbits caught his senses. His body moved smoothly, like a regal cat, silent and cunning, down the soft rolling embankment as he left the wall of trees. It was hunting time.
(This post was last modified: Jan 08, 2012, 05:15 AM by Torin.)
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>The youngest Lyall had her moments of wanderlust but they were not <span class='word'>profligacy</span> or she would think.

The forest of her home was not as large, and unknown as it once had been. Growing size she took on a new perspective on the land around her, and what once seemed to far for her had changed. So the rest of the world had become fair game to explore. She did not go all hellbent on merely walking anywhere she hadn't been, there was purpose to her wanderings, usually starting on a familiar path that lead from home to an unexplored territory near home. This was for two reasons, so she did not get lost, and home would not be a long run away. In time maybe she would go farther, maybe she wouldn't.

Following her nose on a hunting expedition she trotted along the snowy paths searching for something to eat. Once more the landscape fresh, and untouched took her breath away when she stopped to stare. It was beautiful draped in frosted lace, and she appeared entranced until a flicker of movement caught her eye. Was that a mouse? Ears drawn forward she quickly padded to inspect the nearby bush, certain that was what her nose was picking up. The bush proved to be very prickly, and she didn't think a mouse was worth scratching up her tender nose. Pressing on, she switched her coarse to the Blackberry Fields.chose They were promising hunting grounds, and the openess appealed to her.

Taking her time she stalked close to the ground using the withered berry patch for cover. Her yellow-green eyes swept along the floor for new tracks, sometimes upward wondering if she might find a lonely deer. With some luck she spotted the v shapes of a rabbit trail, and began to pursue. She did not know there was another hunter out today so attuned to finding something to fill her own belly. </blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]