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I Like Mustard on My Biscuits, Mmm Hmm
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Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
((Aeylen said I could go ahead and post. :D)

The only thing that followed Pakuna's words after her own was silence. There was nothing else to be said as the female in front of her dug into the meal in front of them. She was tempted to eat but refused to, at least until she tended to Aeylen. Her pups were expected soon and Nina was making sure to keep a watchful eye on her. Soon after the little conversation they had Kanosak arrived before little Kashikoi arrived soon after. Nodding politely at Kanosak giving him a small smile she kept her tail tucked underneath her as she limped up to Kashikoi. Giving her student a small lick on the cheek she nuzzled him before settling down next to him. The small trip over to young Kashi had already exhausted her, which shouldn't have been the case. Words echoed in Nina's head immediately, your own health is as important as the health of your patients. Oh how she wished she could have listened to Naira's advice soon after she had been given them.

Now looking at her pack though she felt at home. She figured she should eat something but she knew she would have to eat. It was only respectful to let the more dominant members of her new family to eat before she did, otherwise she didn't know what would happen. Though she was right next to him, she almost hadn't heard Kashikoi apologize and ask his question. What was the animal in front of them he had asked. A boar it was, Nina answered in her head. She turned to her other packmates willing them to answer the question. She didn't wish to talk but knew she would have to. She was Kashikoi's teacher and she would have to answer for him. Kanosak had been busy, she knew, but she had taken up the role as Kashikoi's teacher. Opening her mouth an even smaller voice that usually came out of Nina's mouth spoke, "It's a boar, Kash." The golden brown beauty didn't even recognize her own voice. It was so small and tiny, softer than she could have even imagine. She would definitely have to find an herb for this, later.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
<blockquote>It was only a matter of time until, one by one, the members of her family (all that was left of them) trickled in from the surrounding forest. Nina would remark on her injury, while issuing the fact that the one <i>thing</i> she actually didn't want to hear anything of tonight was still lingering on out there somewhere. If she'd heard correctly, the word 'pack' had been mentioned, but the thought was quickly dismissed. She did not believe it could be so, even <i>if it were</i>.

<b>"I am terribly sorry to hear that, Nina. Hopefully it will heal well,"</b> she added genuinely to chat, avoiding any potential talk about their enemies. <b>"Pakuna, <i>please</i> dig in,"</b> she near-interjected toward the end upon noticing the shewolf's polite pace. There was plenty to go around, certainly, and she wanted each of her wolves well fed, even if tonight it were not steak and potatoes. Her smile widened as Kashikoi joined them, and she would shake her head (as her mouth was full) at his sincere apology, which was really unnecessary though she truly appreciated it. Swallowing down the bite, she replied <b>"Come now, Kashi, you needn't apologize. Please, join us. Unfortunately, there was no hunt, but there is plenty of good meat, boar,"</b> she added supportively to Nina's statement.

The tawny leader welcomed Pakuna's talk of the children, who were well on their ways. Soon enough, the little ones would take their place beside their mother and brethren, and for a moment the proud matriarch envisioned them crawling shamelessly between Nina's legs as they stumbled their way to play beneath Kanosak, or Ruiko's watchful eyes. The future was so bright, it was blinding. <b>"From the feel of things, I believe the children will be quite the handful, but I know they will thrive with our love and guidance."</b> she reflected fondly, proudly as she looked over her pack, those who had no doubt supported and sustained her throughout the days that would become some of her fondest memories.

Speaking of the devil. There was no mistaking the sand-colored man who emerged from the shadow. She would stand now, honorably to offer greetings to her friend who she hadn't seen since the morning Kinis was discovered to be gone. As he neared, the woman was careful not to let the worry that had now overcome her show as her eyes traced every inch of Kanosak's thinning frame. Many things struck her mind: the emotional burden of each of them living without Kinis; the pressure they must all feel with the cubs' birth now very near, and with she unable to contribute productively; the conditions of the borders, with the threat of bloodshed and vengrance looming at their door. It could have been any one, or all, or none of those things which had afflicted the man so intensely, but the hardest thing about seeing him in that shape was the blatant fact that <i>she didn't know what was wrong</i>. His life was his business, but could she have been a better friend? Were there times when, perhaps, he'd needed someone, or needed her and she was not there? It was obvious that she had been distant in the later months, and now the repercussions of her short absenses in all of their lives were coming to haunt her. She should have been there. For Kinis. For Kanosak. For <i>each</i> of them. Had she failed?</blockquote>
(This post was last modified: May 29, 2012, 02:17 AM by Aeylen.)
Played by Bridget who has 136 posts.
Inactive V. Advisor
Pakuna Atea

Pakuna offered a thankful lick to Aeylen's chin before returning the bore and allowing her teeth to tear at the flesh vigorously. The split of the meat was absolute music to her ears; she was starving. The brown female spent most of her days patrolling and bringing back food to the pack's cache. Aeylen would need a lot of food to provide nutritious milk for her soon to be arriving pups.

As she knawed on the nutty flavored meat, Kanosak had appeared, and an indescribable look came across her leader's face. Blinking, the older woman watched curiously, but remained silent as she chewed on a mouthful of meat. Aeylen had come forth, licking Kano's face with sympathy. Interesting. Looking to her paws, Pakuna swallowed the meat, wanting to sigh silently to herself. Since her joining, there has been the dissapearance of many wolves. One that she had met, Willie, had vanished. A frown pulled at her inky lips, but she refused to let it take her neutral expression. She did not want to let this family dinner go to shit- it was not going to on her watch.
(This post was last modified: May 23, 2012, 06:25 PM by Pakuna.)
Played by Kashikoi who has 182 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Kashikoi heard Nina utter the name of the large beast, boar. He then nodded to Aeylen as she told him there was no need to apologize. "Thank you Aeylen for permission to eat." He said this as he looked up at her and wagged a his tail a tiny bit. He turned his attention to the large beast carcass and nudged it with his nose before giving it a quick smell. The meat was still warm and it smelled so different from rabbit and elk. He did detect a small scent of herbs radiating from the insides. It seemed as if it was feeding on them so it was probably a plant eater.

A bit hesitant the young brown bent his head forward and took a small bite from the leg. The meat tasted surprisingly good as he dug into the thick fatty muscle of the boar. As much as he wanted the juicy organs he knew it was Aeylen's right to have them and she needed the nutrients the most for the soon to come pubs that she was mentioning as she ate. He looked up a moment as he felt a wolf come up to his side and saw it to be Pakuna and promptly nodded in her direction before continuing to eat.
With death comes life and with life comes hope.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok
Eyes watched the small group quietly, her mouth clamped shut. She knew she would have to eat some of the boar soon enough. . . She wouldn't want to be rude and come to a pack activity without doing anything. Nodding her head in thanks to her leader she dipped down and took a small carass of meat off of the leg. Retreating away from the group she settled down near Kashikoi before starting to nibble on her meat. Everyone else had taken meat so she knew it had finally been her turn to take something. As lowest subordinate of the pack it was her place to take her share of the meal afterwards.

Twitching her ears slightly she listened for any kind of communication. When none came Nina sat there racking her brain for something to talk about, soon enough coming up with nothing. Her eyes started to scan the area, as if looking for something. There was nothing to look for though. Soon enough her meat had been chewed and she swallowed. Watching her family carefully she sat in silence. It was not her place to talk. . .only if she was addressed formally would she speak. There was nothing to be said though. . .the silence was definitely golden.

It seems when you're around, my life is complete.
Played by Allie who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aeylen Onida
If you guys are ready, we can wrap this up any time. I have edited my last post to accomodate for Becuffin's absence in the thread.

<blockquote>Biting back fresh regrets, she hoped that he would come close enough to join them, and for a moment she would relax and watch as the others nibbled or tore at the meal. Nina had grown silent, and upon ripping her fair share from the carcass she proceeded to settle a few lengths from the small group. The silence that ensued was less awkward than it was warranted, and now that everyone had a full - or so she hoped - belly, it would no doubt soon be time to retreat to the dens for a proper night's rest. Glancing downward at the herbs Nina had thoughtfully brought for her, the shewolf didn't hesitate to consume them; she trusted Nina's abilities and knowledge, and was thankful that she'd taken the time to gather them

A mighty yawn escaped her, and the woman blinked the resulting fluid from her eyes. She was <i>tired</i>, and the young ones had finally settled for the night. <i>Sweet dreams</i>, she would coo to them silently. Though she had her share, she would stay with her company until each was content.

<b>"Thank you, Nina, for the herbs. It was very kind of you,"</b> she spoke softly before shifting to accomodate her belly.</blockquote>