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colourblind — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Dawn, on a crisp cloudy day.

It was not often the River Leader drifted far from home now, between the newest additions to their family, typical packly duties, and the threat that Poison Path could still offer them Indru found little time (nor desire) to leave. It was darker than it would typically be at this time in the morning and it only took a glance at the grey, turbulent clouds to figure out why—though he wouldn't deny that the crisp breeze that surrounded him, ruffling his summer coat, was refreshing and perfect for clearing his head.

Indru hung his paw idly in the pool of the Falls as he watched the water cascade from the Mountain, his body was relaxed from where he lay on the shore but his roving eyes and twitching ears still showed an alertness that any predator would rarely dropped. The milky-sweet scent of Cori and his new cubs clung to his fur most predominantly at the moment for the male was far out of their presence but it was the mixture of the scents of the other River wolves, his own the most musky and dominant, that would tell any other where he truly belonged and of the loyalty he commanded.

It had been a busy time within the safety of their borders for not only had the newest cubs joined them (and since left their den) his previous cubs were now yearlings—something which Indru could not get his head around at how quickly they had grown. Though it was a rare need for Indru he couldn't help detouring over the borders this morning and escaping Swift River for a short time to clear his mind, and with the tempestuous crashing of Bramble Falls filling his head he quickly felt his thoughts scramble away and the tension leave his body.

(This post was last modified: Jul 06, 2012, 01:58 AM by Corinna.)
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
The birth of her siblings had changed day to day life greatly; the course of the pack’s attention was no longer focused upon her and her brothers now, but solely upon Indru and Corinna’s newest arrivals. Kisla was not jealous of this change, however, and the natural way of life soon deterred her from her youthful ways and allowed her cause to work toward the better of the pack. Such was the way of the wolf and of life.

That did not mean however that when her nose caught the scent of her father that she did not seek him out; solitude with the pack Leader was rare, and she wasn’t one to miss an opportune moment like this. Cradled in her mouth was a rabbit.. a catch that had taken a great exertion of energy and calculating on the lithe female’s part, for she was still young and in need of guidance to hone her skills.

As she rounded a tree, the large figure of her father came to view. Giving her pelt a quick shake, the slender girl trailed forward, her pale tawny fur bristling lightly in the breeze. Halting a good distance from the water, she dropped the rabbit between her paws. Ever since her near death experience at the pack grounds, Kisla had avoided the larger bodies of water.. including the river that was the heart of their home. “Father,” she barked, her tail giving a light sway in her contentment at finding him here alone.

sparking up my heart

Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

Gently, before any sound reached him (unsurprisingly with his deadened hearing from the 'Falls), the winds brought him a familiar waft of scent—a female, young, and, coincidentally, his daughter. Indru's nostrils flared as he inhaled a second time and drew his daughter's scent in deeper with alarm, a hint of blood and death had been faintly mixed in with Kisla's familiar essence but the closer inspection gave him relief when it instead told him she had caught a rabbit.

When Kisla finally came into sight he turned just to catch her mid-shake and he noted with curiosity her distance from the water, and it took only a second for him to make the connection to the flooding of her den, and to wonder just how much it had effected her. Kiss, he rumbled in response, and there was nothing but adoration in his voice for his oldest daughter. Indru rose to his full height, his tail waving behind him like her own, and moved towards her so that they could talk where she was at ease—away from the water. Good job, he praised, pride for her clearly in his voice as he looked down at the rabbit between her paws, it seems that the River will have a top she-wolf hunter soon. A grin was on his muzzle as he spoke to her and when he had closed the gap between them he leant forward to wash his tongue between her ears affectionately, how're you?

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski
Kisla had missed many events with her father; the joys of growing up with the sturdy man to watch over her. She did not regret it, though, and Indru had made every attempt to bridge the distance that might have once been between them – mostly, it felt as if he had been there for her always, and as she gazed at him now, hearing the note of affection in his voice, she knew he always would be. Fate had just been cruel to them when they had been younger, keeping it’s twisted claws upon the man who had created them.

Had he noticed her nervousness about the water, he did not give way such thoughts, and it seemed only a natural greeting as the Leader roved forward to her. His praise and affection would have made her purl like a kitten if she could, instead, the girl lifted her muzzle up to bump submissively to his chin as was natural, her own tail curling to her side. “I hope so,” she murmured with a soft smile, briefly wondering what life had in store for her. “Someday, I’ll be the pack’s Second,” she mused with a grin, a light twinkle dancing in her eyes as she wondered what Indru would make of this; was he fond of Cali being his second?

sparking up my heart