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With a shade of blue — Drooping Willows 
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Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
His travels brought the gray man farther into the land cut off by mountains. Tokino's silver fur was plastered to the mans skin as wind buffeted his body from the East. His eyes were held half shut protecting themselves against anything that was picked up on the wind and hurtling through the air at him. The males long fur shielded him from the brunt of of the wind and kept the male warm. Wind and snow were no problem for this five year old male. He'd survived plenty of it and would continue for as long as he could.
The man's curiosity for the packs that inhabited this land drew him close to the local packs territory. Yesterday he'd scented their borders and quickly dashed around them while looking around the willows. However today he wanted to get more information out of the scents that laced the border. So the silver man sought out the place he'd stumbled across yesterday. His blue gaze narrowed taking in the landscape guiding him to the border by memory now. Passing through an abundance of willow tree's the gray wolf began to doubt his memory as he plodded along. The birds over head mocked him for losing his way in the maze of budding willows.
All of the sudden the scent caught his nose and pulled the male up. He glanced right and left spotting a large flat stone he had tried to use as a marker to show him the correct direction. Stepping forward gingerly Tokino stretched out his nose to the border without stepping over it, and picked out the wolves that lived within the pack. A number of them, all healthy, with a pregnant females scent the most dominant of the scents there. He found a number of male scents, but had no idea which was that of the alpha male. In all a healthy stable pack was all Tokino knew from the outside. He had no idea of the real drama that was driving Willow Ridge at that point of time.
Happy enough with the information he had Tokino backed away from the border then took a seat ten yards away, a safe distance, and thought about his options. "Surely this is not the only pack in this land. I already know this to be true. There are many wolves here, so there must be many packs." He silently looked at the pros and cons of this pack. " They seem to have plenty of members, maybe a little low on the male side as I could only scent three males there... so this might be a good place." Tokino reasoned though he knew his heart wasn't in it. There were still plenty of other laces to see and discover, and many other packs to find as well he was sure of it. "I'll just keep searching until I find the right one that's all...who knows this one could be it in the future.." He smiled to himself then oepned his eyes and glanced around for danger.
The smell of wolf came upon him quickly on the breeze from the packs territory. Quickly he stood up and turned to leave before the other wolf saw him. Tokino didn't want trouble, but he was not fast enough and another wolf was already there.

Played by Jen who has 71 posts.
Inactive VII. Subordinate
Tempest Thorben

Tempest had smelled more of the pesky foxes near the borders again and was doggedly following their trail. Her constant presence rebuffing their attempts to reach the cache was apparently not enough and they were back again. If they succeeded, that would bring them far too close to the den and Lady Elettra and that simply would not do. She had wounded one the other day, but had failed to press her advantage, opting to stay close to home and the borders that needed protecting. What was to say that had she followed that one that three others wouldn't sneak in behind her? Dreadful creatures, foxes.

This time, she followed their trail all the way back to their den, alarmingly close to the borders. This angered her, for she knew the reason. The little scavengers would use the pack for protection of sorts from other predator with their very nearness. It also explained why there had been so many attempts at their chaches. The little red devils assumed that it would be easy picking. Not on her watch. Closing her mind to all but the task at hand, Tempest made short work of digging up the den and dispatching the young within. The task was sad and distasteful, but they would only grow up to give the Ridge wolves trouble. And once she found the parents, should they dare to return, these kits would have died a slow death from starvation. This way was far more merciful in the end. Odds were, once the parents discovered the carnage, they would move on.

Licking her creamy muzzle clean of the blood, Tempest returned to the borders. Her job was hunting, but with the recent increase in the fox presence she found herself traveling the borders far more often. Once she was clean and let out a sneeze, she felt better for she could smell the fresh scent of the forest around her rather than fox and death. She made her way at a slow trot, briefly wondering if she might run into Guiness. She always hoped to catch a few minutes with her brother. He might not be talkative, but he was still her Rock. That would never change, even with the strength and support of her pack. They shared a bond as few others ever did.

A new scent interrupted her train of thought. A strange wolf, male. For a moment, ghosts from the past urged her to melt farther into the Willows and forget that she'd ever detected the scent. Had it been more than just the two of them, she wouldn't have thought twice, but her past continued to haunt her apparently. Setting her jaw with determination, she followed the trail to it's maker. A good sized silver and gray male appeared to be hustling away from the borders and again, she thought to just let him go, but duty and honor insisted that she confront him and ensure the safety of her family. She had to know what he was up to.

She lifted her head and tail with confidence, her golden amber eyes shining brightly within her fiery pelt. She spoke then, not a hint of her inner turmoil apparent. "Hello, there. I'm Tempest Thorben of Willow Ridge. Who are you and what is your purpose at our borders, sir?"

The Calm in the Storm
Played by TABs who has 170 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Tokino Lagina
what you don't know, won't hurt you
Tokino Lagina
what you can't see, won't blind you
He flinched as a somewhat loud voice sounded from behind him across the border. Stopping in his tracks the gray wolf sighed unhappy that he got caught scurrying away like a wimp. Tokino lowered his head and placed his tail in that of a neutral stance then turning to face the she wolf who'd questioned him, Kino looked her over without catching her amber gaze with his own. It was a rather well sized russet female and by her confident stance he guessed it was a higher ranking she wolf from the pack beyond the border.

Dipping his head in greeting Kino dropped his gaze off the womans body then answered her. My name is Tokino Lagina and I'm simply looking around at your pack to see if it is a good one to join. He looked back over the border then shrugged and sat down flicking his tail comfortably to the side of his left back leg. To be more precise miss... I've been looking around at all of the packs in this land to see which is the best fit for me. He gave her a charming smile then gestured to her packs border.

So what is this pack called if I may ask? He knew it was best to be polite. Besides It was always good to be respectful of woman.