His arrival came on the fall's mist, much quieter than the surrounding thrum of tumbling water that Paramount was enjoying right down to her bones. Her ears turned up and she peered sideways at a drinking wolf, only noticing him because he was near enough to see. Her nose and ears were waterlogged by this point.
She liked these peaceful moments, but couldn't say whether she preferred them better alone, and she watched him until he noticed her, blinking casually at his abrupt stiffness. The wolf in the loblolly was large, massive even if she were to compare him to herself. Para met his amber eyes briefly, and then turned down her muzzle.
It might have at first seemed like she was respecting his presence, but rather, she was ignoring him. Especially if he was going to be hostile. So what had at first appeared to be a slow bow, turned into the crisp she-wolf digging meticulously back into her meal with an ear turned curiously in the young male's direction.
She would at least acknowledge whether he stayed or went.