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where our journey begins
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Played by Selk who has 32 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Her prey squealed in pain and terror as the she wolf's jaws came down on the rabbit's foot. An ill omen, she might have thought once. The poor creature continued making that horrible shrill squeak before she ended it, coolly. The screams hadn't bothered her for her belly was hungry, but otherwise the sound of another animal in pain might have sent her reeling. She tore heartlessly into her quarry, brushing thoughts of empathy aside.

Blood filled her mouth and the wolf grumbled in contentedness. After the first few bites, she listened to the forest around her. The squeals might have chased away other prey but bigger, stronger animals would only be attracted. The smell of blood lay heavy in the early morning air. It was a cold but wet morning, with gray clouds in the air, fog on the water, and dew drops on all surfaces. Lyr had just awoke an hour ago to set out into the darkness for something to break her night's fast. It had been a bad night with terrors lurking in her dreams and her tired eyes showed this. She stretched before picking up her meal and trotting back to the willow trees on the bank of the water. As she went her teeth alternated between a loose and tight grip on her carcass. Blood spilled down her chest, the silver fur turning dark red.

The more popular area for other wolves was far from where she decided to make her den. She couldn't stand the raucous howling of a group that had decided to take up space under the forest's larger willows. Lyr preferred to rest away from loud noises and watchful eyes. The willow she had claimed was much smaller but its leaves provided even, thick coverage. It blinded her to seeing the outside world, but her ever-alert ears were enough to know when she had company. So far she hadn't had too much trouble but a few nosy males thinking a lone female to be good company. It had only taken a few moments of Lyr's gruff charm to scare the mutts away, and she chuckled to herself darkly at the memory as she marked a rock right before her tree and proceeded to slip between the long leaves.

She settled contentedly at the roots of her tree and devoured her meal quickly. It had been too long since her last meal - the pitfalls of being a lone wolf, she supposed, but the meat seemed to taste all the more delicious knowing it was her own teeth that had claimed it. In her enjoyment, she found her tired eyes drooping.

Lyr awoke to the sound of rustling nearby. A brisk wind was cooling her meal and it seemed something had caught the scent.
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
Hmm, a new friend or enemy? :P

It had been too long.

The young wolf barely had time to roam anymore. Not that she was complaining, mind you. She just enjoyed her alone time every once in a while. The pups were growing every day, physically and mentally. And with their growing forms, came a greater sense of adventure. Even little Yuka, though 'little' was an understatement at the rate he was growing these days.

Yuka was coming out of his shell, bit by bit, everyday. She was proud of him. She held a kind of motherly affection to the boy, being with him ever since he was a tiny newborn pup. But now was not the time for those thoughts. This was her time to run around, and stretch her legs. Outside of her territory.

As her rust-hued form weaved through the trees, her muzzle took in the now familiar scents of Willow Ridge. She made sure to not get too close to the borders of the ally pack. She didn't want to alarm anyone. Last time she had stepped into this willowed haven, it had been because of an emergency.

The scouts lithe form slowed down as her muzzle took in another scent that was definately not of Willow Ridge. Why would a loner mark somewhere so close to another packs territory? Was it someone that wanted to cause trouble? Whatever, or whoever it was, she'd make sure it knew it's place. Smelling the faint smell of rabbit, the fae pushed on in the direction of the unfamiliar scent. Her posture was neutral, but if this wolf caused trouble, it would be no problem to call in for reinforcements. Or deal with them herself.

(This post was last modified: Sep 27, 2013, 12:59 PM by Inali.)
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Selk who has 32 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
Lyr stood from her resting spot among the roots, unseen through the tree's canopy, an angry look on her face. Would she never get silence? Probably a stupid male returning to try the lone female's patience. Her tail arched until the tip rested on the brown that cloaked her silver body. Her strong back straightened and the muscles in her legs twitched. Everything about her was aggressive. She didn't believe in defensiveness. Stepping forward a low growl almost escaped her lips...

Before she shuddered and collapsed. With every intense beat of her heart her head pounded. For a moment she was no wolf, merely a heartbeat that beat too fast.

Then, just as quickly as it came the plague released her. Her head swam and sadness threatened to take her - but she knew that would just make it worse. For a moment she lay chiding her stupidity. Such aggression wouldn't do, her body couldn't take it and this despaired her. There would be no fights today. Approaching the idea logically, she supposed this was a good thing. Pack lands were nearby, and all pack wolves seemed to be apprehensive of loners. Threatening a member so close to their pack would have been a stupid move anyways.

From this she drew the confidence to stand on her limbs. It was hard to trust her body, but this wasn't the time for lamenting who she was. She needed to be strong and sharp, for wit was her survival. "Who goes there?" She asked lightly, her voice sounding like a smile. Welcoming, almost. But being hidden... it wouldn't do for a non-aggressive wolf. Stepping forward the sun cast itself upon her silver face. Her mismatched eyes took in the approaching stranger and her tail wagged, almost genuine; at least it wasn't a stupid male. She was calm, she was friendly, but she was not defensive. She didn't believe in defensiveness.
Played by Mily who has 369 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Inali Wayha
The snarl that had been threatening to boil over was swallowed by the rust hued fae as the stranger finally showed her face. The wolf that held the mismatched eyes seemed.....nice? This was an odd turn of events for sure. Inali couldnt tell if this wolf was genuine or not.

So she went for the easiest route: interigation. Using a neutral tone, the fae spoke. "Who are you?" Waiting for an answer, her blue eyes nonchalantly raked over the female, assessing her.

She was of medium build, not much larger than Inali herself, but still larger. She was of sleek build, but so was Inali. The root of the fight, if there was one, would be if the woman had experience fighting. Inali had only been in two official fights, but had had much training.

She trained ever since she was a pup. Before the 'bad times' her teachers worked her to the bone. You couldnt show any sign of weakness, like being tired, or they worked you even harder. Oh how she had hated them for working her so hard! But, she guessed she had them to thank also. If it wasnt for them, during her year as a loner, she probably never would have made it. Not only did they teach her in fighting, they tought her how to survive.

Her small build was a disadvantage, but for every disadvantage, there was an advantage. And her advantage was her speed. Her eyes meeting with the loners, Inali tried to figure the woman out.

Most people were easy to read....but this one, not so much.
[Image: hashtags-inalinaia.png]

Played by Selk who has 32 posts.
Inactive III. Subordinate
There had been no answer to her call. Instead Lyr watched as the rust coloured female sized her up, her blue eyes not shy about looking her over. Lyr did not attempt to look any bigger or smaller. She was a curvy wolf with small but strong muscles with light feet. The other wolf was smaller, slimmer, with longer legs. She wasn't anything Lyr would normally fear, but she knew a fight today would not end well for herself, even if under normal circumstances she'd be able to hold her own. She stood with a bored expression and let her look as much as she wanted on her.

Hunger raced through her as the smell of her catch wafted from between the long leaves of her tree. Perhaps if she had more energy? She was tempted to eat more, for this was her first meal in days, but the more pressing matter of the intruder was at hand. Lyr wondered why she was being so hostile. Was it that she was under the same impression? Was Lyr the true intruder?

The female asked a simple question, so Lyr replied just as simply. "No threat," she said plainly, happy the other wolf had asked. Better to receive words than wounds - perhaps Lyr's welcome had thrown her off? "My catch was hunted on unmarked lands," she said apprehensively, her mind ever on her food. She wondering if this was why she was here.

Yet a few sniffs off the wind coming from the she wolf and she detected differences between her smell and the smell of the loud nearby. "But... you are not from the pack nearby," she observed as she took in the scent. "Why did you come here?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. She hoped to get more words from the stranger, maybe even a smile.