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Played by Nova who has 443 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Anastasia Starklen
@Jessie, if you meant for a thread with narcissa let me know and i can make this all welcome <3 <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#2AA6E0;">
With her journey north from the trail she had begun to find solace in the quiet. Each step she took gave her another breath of air, trying to level all the things that had been scattered in her mind. With the death of Shade she felt as though something had left her along with the inability to understand why he had had to die. What did Elettra have against him? Whatever it was, Anastasia did not want to get in the middle of it. She had done nothing to upset the female that had killed Shade and nor did she want to associate herself with it. Would she come looking for those that followed him or was she waiting for an opportune moment like them coming her direction? All Anastasia knew now was that she needed to avoid the mountain range unless accompanied by another—for all she knew, the mad woman was waiting.
Without care the woman perched herself on the eastern skirts of the Copse, minding her own business as she sat there looking up at the sky. Her small body occasionally shivered at the damp, cold air as she was reminded of how Shade’s injuries had looked as well as the smell of blood that had penetrated her senses. Death was not something that the pristine woman had ever witnessed nor had she ever had to be around it. She had never known it and therefore it felt like a scary subject, a pressing matter that only made things more difficult. Lachesis blamed himself for not reaching him in time and Anastasia blamed herself for being selfish because he had taken Spectre as a mate and thus left her feeling as though she had to step down.
With each cloud that passed she watched as they formed strange shapes that occasionally looked like objects but none that she could put a name to. Within seconds they all became deformed and went back to look like the white fluff that they were supposed to be. It must be nice to just float across the sky and not have to worry about death though that was surely a far off fantasy that no wolf could ever portray.

i'd love more threads, so message me if you'd like one!
looking for friends, potential love interests and role-inspired threads!
Played by Lightning who has 727 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jessie Tainn

The news of Marsh was hard on her, but finding out that her sister had disappeared and that Ice had been one of the ones sent out to find her was even worse. She had grown a fond attraction to Ice and never wanted to have to see him leave and now he was looking for Cali…someone who might’ve left because she ended up hooking up with some male. The thought drove her into insanity and before she blew up on anyone within her pack, she decided to take a breather and throw herself into her work once again. That was why she was out right now. After much searching she had finally found a good lead for a trail of deer and was following the scents quickly, trying to find out where they led for the future. She did not wish to end up bumping into anyone, but she did see someone else and for a moment, she almost froze, unsure of what she should do. Then, brushing it off, she strode forward confidently, her head held over her shoulders.

The female did not seem to know where she was so Jessie took it upon herself to call out to her, "Hey there! Who’re you?" The woman did not smell familiar, but at the same time Jessie did not know the other side of the mountains well enough yet, but the small gray female had enough sense to know that the woman was not from any pack from around this general vicinity because Jessie had not smelt any pack borders on her way here. Perhaps she had not been so upset, she would have been much less confident, but alas she was not in a good mood and was generally not herself. In truth, the lady wanted to mourn the loss of her friend because his death pained her highly, but today was not the day for such piteous actions.

[Image: jessiehotei-greysig01.jpg]