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A Stormy Beginning
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Played by Foxfire who has 1 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Rowena Night
Rowena Night
i've been ghosting, i've been ghosting along
A cold, black nose poked it's way out of a deep hole in the ground, twitching once or twice before it darted back into the makeshift den. A storm was coming, so it seemed, for the air was heavy with the metallic scent of rain; a very unmistakable scent that Rowena was very familiar with. A gentle sigh escaped her lips as she sat in the dusty chamber of her only home, considering if she should even step outside and expose herself or not. But, then again, what was more favorable; sitting in a darkened hole, listening to the sound of pouring rain (assuming any was going to fall) or stepping outside and exploring her brand new home? With a slightly nervous groan, she rose up on her hind legs, pushing off of the dirt floor and squeezing through the narrow entrance to her burrow, then planted two paws caked in dust onto the outside world. The she-wolf pulled herself up and out of the shabby hole and was finally able to settle her entire body on the lush green grass of Blackberry Fields.

Two light golden eyes peered up at the clouds and concluded in the young wolf's mind that it was most certain to rain, but with her luck, that was pretty much expected. "Of course..." She sighed. "It rains on my first day here." True, it might not rain, but those heavy, dark clouds didn't look like the kind to just blow in and clear out without any trouble. Rowena decided to ignore the clouds for now and looked down to the grass, rising to her feet and lowering her head to sniff around. No prey was here yet, but the femme's sharp nose picked up a strong scent of blackberries, indicating that many of the bushes must be growing in this clearing and that would surly attract some type of herbivore- bad weather or not. So, knowing her chances of catching something today, even for a klutz, were pretty high, Rowena Night lifted her nose and looked out across the clearing, knowing she would spot something before she even had a chance to smell it. Her rear end lowered down onto the grass and positioned herself in a sit as she closed her eyes and felt the world around her, twitching and swiveling her ears to listen.

Miss Night had only just come to Blackberry Fields, having come with much exhaustion and fatigue last night. She quickly dug a burrow into the ground, aching muscles crying with every stretch of her legs as she got to work. Being in such a rush to create a home and to settle into a well deserved rest, she had neglected the idea of scouting around and surveying the area, so anything that was here, had been here, or was coming here, she had no knowledge of. So that's what today was. The day to poke around her new home and decide if she wanted to settle here for good, for that's all this wolf was looking for in her lone travels; a place to call home. If she found it appealing and could see no reason to leave, she would stay; locate a water source, find a good spot to hunt, and make a better den as well. If she didn't want to stay here for whatever reason, she would simply rest her tired paws for a bit, refuel herself with a meal and drink of water, then set off for that perfect home. Hopefully, her travels had come to an end.
table by mimi
(This post was last modified: Sep 28, 2013, 05:36 PM by Rowena Night.)