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Played by Cadence who has 1 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Roman Lieris

here you go! Let me know if I'm playing him alright <3

The wind whirled through the shadowy forest, softly rustling through the dark flora and rendering the air almost opaque as it stirred a mist of snow from the laden branches. It combed through the beast's dark fur like the icy caress of a phantom lover. He adored the feel of the wind, despite the already frozen air around him. It seemed to cleanse his thoughts, carrying away his ample burden of grief and loneliness so that the spark of hope in his heart burned brighter.

He would search for her until his body gave out. Though, that would have taken years, for Roman was still far from being a weak and broken creature. Despite months of solitude and the hellish winter, he retained much of his strength, no longer a hulking beast yet armored with a layer of lean muscle. His swarthy coat thick and soft, Roman's citrine eyes still pierced sharply as they searched in desperation.

The scents of many wolves were carried by the breeze and Roman became aware that he was near to a pack. Just shy of the borders he paused his easy, slinking gait. He lifted his dark maw and sang a beckoning song, his voice tainted with sorrow. If necessary, he would wait hours, days for a response, and then he would ask this pack for her just as he had asked dozens of others. Whatever it took, and however long, he would find her.

let bleed the nectars of devotion
(This post was last modified: Mar 17, 2014, 01:06 PM by RomanLieris.)