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I know what you are
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Played by Mason who has 6 posts.
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Jessup Argis
(song inspiration: the last of us - gustavo santaolalla)

The thin sliver of white hung in the sky, doing little to light the way for the wolf with glowing orange eyes. Trees and fauna grew everywhere like some uncontrolled beast allowed to run wild; the thick giant arms of tree trunks sprouted from the snow to reach towards the dark and starry void with a thousand fingers grasping for stars. Below, the earth was cold and unforgiving. Thick roots were hidden under the snow threatened to snap the paws of anyone who wasn't careful with their footing. However, the multitude of fallen snow-covered trunks that lay across Jessup's path gave him some relief. Standing atop a high trunk resting against a boulder, the hessian gave himself a while to catch his breath. The outside world may have been silent, but inside his head there was screaming.

Jessup had never been the same since he was driven from his family and all too often found himself lying awake at night, ridden with guilt and fear. His very being felt as if it was too close to reality, everything felt too cold and his paws were too numb, noises were too loud and tastes were too rich. He was like a taught string, ready to snap with quick jerk of the wrist.

Exploring settled his mind, getting the layout of the new land around him and absorbing as much information as he could kept that string from snapping. The male craned his neck to look at everything around him, he was high off the ground and couldn't have bargained for a better view. Trees made up for the background, middleground and foreground save for some rocks and mounds of dirt. With a pang of worry, he immediately understood how a wolf could get lost here easily.