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Outsider — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by WildOne who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Jaden Reem/Dusk
Outsider...an usually unwanted, potentially dangerous, and suspicious wolf to packs. That's just what she was, an outsider. She didn't fit in yet, she hadn't found her new home. To be treat con amore was very much desirable to the young naive Jaden. Right now though that wasn't important. Instead what was is a place to stay for awhile. She needed a warm shelter, fresh food, and water in order to get through the harsh Winter. The problem was though that she was just a messenger in her old pack, nothing more nothing less. It was her skillful talent to run at a great speed and cover long distances, not bringing down a meaty buck with brute strength. Nope, she had little power for that task.

As she breathed white steam pored into the moist air from her wet black noise. She carelessly trotted along through the snow unaware of the attention she could possibly bring to herself. Though troubled she couldn't help but have fun kicking up the sparkly white flakes of ice. Giggling like a overjoyed pup she spun around in a circle after her tail for a moment. Then loosing balance she tripped over her own paw flopping down onto the ground. Laughing harder she rolled back over bouncing back up to shake herself off before dashing through the tall looming trees swiftly.

It seemed as if nothing could stop her playful behavior for the time being as the wind pushed back her lovely silver pelt. It quite a beautiful shade, not to dark nor to slight and it seemed to glisten in the dark of the night. Jade wouldn't notice that of course, all she saw herself as was one big flaw put on this violent land to suffer.
Played by Alanna who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Destin McBain
The McBain wandered aimlessly amongst the trees. At one time this place was more of a home than he had ever had, but now it was just a foreboding symbol of death and loss. The trees in the winter really were a beautiful sight, the piles of snow on branches glistened in the sunlight and the sound of dripping water was everywhere. The 4-year-old was bounding through drifts, ignoring the beautiful environment, his tail straight back, trying to prevent his large body from sinking into the snow. The subordinate did not think very hard often, but thinking seemed to be all he was doing recently. Images of Jaysyek, Sibyl, Kade, and Ava flashed before his eyes as he walked.

A sound came to his ears, a sound similar to one that he was making at the moment. It was the crunch of snow beneath feet, and it caused Destin's ears to perk and his nose to scent the air. It was not a member of the newly-formed Cut Rock River. Destin began walking towards the noise, intent on finding the source. It could be a good distraction for his mind.

A silver-pelted wolf rushed past a copse of trees, laughing as she went. A smile formed on Destin's features as he saw her pup-like glee, a smile that had not been on his face for a very long time. The large brown and white male walked closer, intending on addressing her and warning her that she was in Cut Rock River territory. All of a sudden he fell forwards, the packed snow of the drift collapsing underneath him. Soon he was buried. This would not be too much cause of alarm, except for the sound of ice cracking underneath his paws. Ice cold water began flooding around him and the cracking noise increased in volume. Destin barked loudly, calling for the wolf that had passed and hoping that she had not moved on yet. He attempted to leap upwards, towards the small hole of blue sky that seemed so far above him. Destin began digging furiously in front of him, looking for hard earth that he could stand of instead of the time bomb he was situated on now.


(This post was last modified: Nov 17, 2013, 05:08 PM by Destin.)
Played by WildOne who has 31 posts.
Inactive III. Yearling
Jaden Reem/Dusk
A loud crack caught the girl's attention fallowed by a sharp bark, Jaden could feel her body freeze and tense with fear. The last time some one had been in danger like this it'd been when one of the Roman's pup from the previous year's litter needed her. The situation had been different but never the less Jade had been to terrified to help her 'sibling'. Suddenly she sprung into action as if awaking from a long slumber.

She was treading lightly on the snow without a sound as she carefully she came fourth at a steady run. The dreadful scrape of nails struggling to get a gripe on snow and ice seeped from the freshly formed hole. As she poked her head in the wrath of river water filled her velvet ears. With panicked blue eyes she started coming in towards him to get a hold of his scruff. However she stopped short using her brain for once. There was no way a wolf like her could pull out the full grown male before her. Backing out she said, "I'll call for help." In a voice as calm and soothing as the gentle fea could muster.

Disappearing from the opening she began howling out her panicked cry for help. Her song was short and serious sang by a pretty voice hard to describe. It wasn't soft though, it came full with sound and made to be heard by any nearby wolves in the territory. Hopefully some one with much more strength then her could help get the McBain man free.
(This post was last modified: Nov 17, 2013, 09:50 PM by Jaden.)
Played by Trix who has 32 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astra Sellix
OOC: (Assuming Jaden has left the area since she has been listed as inactive.)

Ever since settling down into her new home, Astra had been keeping herself busy. Busy marking the border, checking the whole of the territory for any potential threats, keeping a close eye on the prey animals that came and went. She also allowed herself plenty of time to rest and re-cooperate, ensuring that she would have plenty of energy for the days ahead. Trekking hundreds of miles from Secret Falls and over the mountain had been tiring enough, and her body needed the time to recover from such a long journey. As far as she was concerned, the future looked promising for the Cut Rock River wolves. Who knew what was waiting around the corner for them. She could only hope, that this time, their home was a permanent one. While looking forward to the days ahead in this new life, Astra knew that not every member of the pack was so enthusiastic. The youngest members were still shaken up and the mysterious male she had saved had been quiet, keeping to himself. With time, she knew, that their emotions would heal. Be in months or years.

By midday she had wandered away from the center of the territory, and out into Ceadarwood Forest, with intentions of trying to track down any other packs in the region, not to formally introduce herself, but to let everyone know that there were new wolves in the area. For early winter, the day was a beautiful one. The sky was a brilliant canvas of blue, rays of sunshine reflecting off the blanket of snow that coated the ground. The landscape seemed to have a glistening effect, cold yet calm. It was peacefully silent...there was no breeze, no animals out and about playing. The world seemed to have frozen in time. Thinking back, it was hard to imagine that only weeks ago, the land had been cursed by never ending rainfall. Dark storm clouds were a constant companion, the squelch of saturated soil beneath your paws a familiar sensation. Now, a light dusting of snow clung to her pelt, which for once, was thick and dry. Drawing in a slow breath, Astra allowed her eyes to close as she inhaled the crisp, refreshing air all around her. Her moment of peace was interrupted by a noise, her stormy eyes flashing open. It sounded like distant laughter. Ears pricking, she moved forward to investigate. If this wolf was not a member of Cut Rock River, then they would need a reminder that they were teetering on the borders of claimed land.

Following the jovial, high spirited laughter, Astra honed in on the location of the wolf. The further she traveled into the forest, she began to notice that the flawless surface of the snow had been disturbed. Messily carved pathways lined with paw prints told her that whoever it was she was searching for, had passed through this area recently. A scent she didn't recognize was freshly scattered throughout the snow, along with a more familiar one. Lifting her chilled nose from the snow, she scanned ahead to see if she could spot them. Just as she lifted her head, a much more concerning sound reached her ears. A bark of alarm and the crack of ice. Chills went through her, memories flashed behind her eyes. She knew that voice well. Taking off at a gallop, snow was sent flying in every which way as she headed off towards the noise. Arriving within minutes, Astra was horrified to see Destin, the wolf whose aid she had come to before, in now a similar, but much deadlier situation. While a wolfs fur was thick, designed to insulate and keep the cold at bay, frigid ice water would freeze them to the bone in a matter of seconds. She had to get him out of there. Noticing that the ground was nothing but a wet, thin air of mushy ice and snow, diving in to save him was out of the question. Skirting around the watery prison, she searched for any sign of the wolf who had been in the vicinity. Yet there was no sign of them. Darting off to a nearby tree, Astra hastily nosed through the snow until her jaws clamped around a branch. It was large and sturdy, but not overly heavy either. Hopefully it would be strong enough to haul Destin out of the freezing water. Returning to the scene with the branch in her grasp, she edged as close as she dared to the water. She dropped down on her belly, knowing that the ice wasn't likely to support her full weight. Extending the branch out to him, she looked him square in the eyes, silently willing him to do what she asked.

Played by Alanna who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Destin McBain
The coldest water he had ever felt began pooling around his paws, soaking him to the skin within seconds. Although the Darkwater Rapids water had been a little on the cooler side, it was nothing compared to the frigid liquid he was standing in now. The cracks became louder, filling the air with a macabre ensemble of sounds. Far above he could hear an unfamiliar voice calling for aid, and hope furled in his chest. Someone would have to hear the call, and then he would be saved. All the while he worked himself, digging at the snow in front of him. It did not seem to help, new blankets of white simply replaced the old as it accumulated behind him, merging with pools of water had been steadily closing the distance with Destin for the past couple of minutes. By this point snow seemed to cover every inch of his body, and the large male found it harder to see as it collected on his snout and around his eyes. Whipping his head back and forth in order to rid it from his face, another cry of alarm came from his jaws as he felt the water steadily increasing up his legs as his back half sank into the pond with another sharp crack.

Destin felt a pressure on his head, and when he looked up he saw a rather large limb being pushed through the whole. The brown male grabbed onto it as tightly as he could with his teeth and paws, hoping that whoever on the other end was strong enough to pull him upwards. His back feet scrambled to get friction against the wood, and pushed him forwards up the branch once his claws made contact. His teeth clasped onto a knob of wood where a branch must have once connected. The 4-year-old pushed his nails deeper into the surface, not able to call out because he was otherwise preoccupied. Destin felt his weight shift back and forth as he attempted to keep his balance.


(This post was last modified: Nov 27, 2013, 03:44 PM by Destin.)
Played by Trix who has 32 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astra Sellix
To her great relief, Destin was able to reach the branch and latch onto it with his teeth. Now came the difficult part. Hauling him up and out of the frigid water. The agouti male was quite a bit bigger than she was, packed with more muscle. Brute strength wasn't exactly Astra's forte. Nonetheless, she shoved this thought aside, focusing completely on the task at hand. She had to get him out of there! Clamping down firmly onto her end of the branch, she braced herself. Her legs went rigid, nails digging into the hardened ground, her spine arching slightly. She shuffled backwards, attempting to drag both the branch and Destin out of the death trap.

The progress was slow, painfully so. With little more than thin ice beneath her paws, she didn't have much in the way of traction. More than once, she slipped, a resounding crack below her warning her of the precarious situation. Plus, the muscles in her jaw were starting to ache. With hard, abrupt yanks, she jerked her neck back, attempting to further her efforts. This would be so much easier if that wolf she had scented moments ago hadn't run off. But Astra wasn't afraid of a little challenge, and this was the life of a valuable pack member on the line here. Growing more cautious by the minute, she opted for a change of tactics. Carefully, tentatively, she scooted back until her feet came into contact with hard, solid earth again. Once sure that she was no longer at risk of falling through the ice, she stood up.

Adjusting her hold on the branch, her eyes flicked towards Destin, who by now, must be exhausted and shivering violently from the cold. With a soft grunt, she tried to get his attention, so he would focus on her. Not sparing him another moment, she let go of the branch and lunged forward, catching him by the scruff of the neck. It was odd, how history had a way of repeating itself. Not long ago, she had saved him from the floods. And now, she was saving him again, from an icy death. How she acted without hesitation, without any regard for her own life, showed that she was a wolf of a strong character, who thought of others first...not herself. Little by little, inch by inch, she coaxed him forward towards safety.<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#385d79;">

Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.

Look Out!

There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the snow. Hunt Opportunity

Played by Alanna who has 82 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Destin McBain

With each passing second Destin's anxiety increased. Although Astra had gotten the branch to him in time, it was clear that she was having trouble with pulling him up. This was entirely understandable due to the weight difference, but concerning nonetheless. If only his fur was not so wet, maybe that would help with the problem. His mind pulled away from these thoughts as he focused on the white female that was currently attempting to save his life. The sounds of cracking still filled the air as the branch jostled the ice water, falling backwards and causing a small yelp to escape between the clenched teeth of the large male. With all his might he pushed his claws into the wood, and his eyes on Astra. He did not move them for a second. If his gaze faltered for even a moment all could be lost. Willing his eyes to remain locked with hers, the lady's next move came as a surprise.

There was a fiery determination there, and at that moment the large wolf would have certainly put his trust and life in her capable paws. With a passion like that she could take over the world, and hopefully save him in the process. In a matter of seconds she had let go of the branch and lunged forward to close her jaws on his scruff, like a mother might. Another cry of alarm came from him, his eyes opened wide, as the branch began falling backward. His teeth let go of their hold, as well as his claws, as he attempted to scramble up onto the snow bank with Astra's help. Water dripped down his back and off of his tail, reminding him of its temperatures. Winter was nothing to laugh at, and mother nature seemed to wish to amuse herself by making fun of him every step along the way.

As minutes went by, Destin struggled to put one paw in front of the other. Finally his hind legs made contact with compact snow and he managed to lunge forward, shifting his whole body. His face went headfirst into the drift and stayed there as he panted, mostly from anxiety because he certainly was not over-heating. This situation was extremely similar to the last time Astra had saved his life. Apparently fate just wanted them to come together so she could save him from almost certain water-y death. The 4-year-old was preoccupied on other things at the moment, rather than contemplating his life's history, and thus he adjusted himself into a more suitable sitting position. Many questions floated through his mind as he watched this guardian angel of his. One thing was first, though... "Is there anywhere you know to get warm? Then we can talk?" He really did not want to be rude, but there was no other way of asking... After they found some place he really was interested in speaking to her about the past couple of events.

(This post was last modified: Dec 15, 2013, 04:20 AM by Destin.)
Played by Trix who has 32 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Astra Sellix
Astra wondered, worried if she would actually manage to save Destin this time. His situation was much more perilous than before, when he was nearly swept away by the rapids. Here, there was not just the risk of drowning, but of hypothermia as well. Relief bloomed into her eyes though, once he made a lunge, crashing against the wet snow, legs splayed out. He was finally on solid ground, away from the frigid water which had threatened to consume him. Of course, that didn't mean he was out of danger yet. As if afraid to let go, fearing that he'd slip away once more, Astra kept her mouth clenched upon his scruff for one extra second, the muscles around her jaw quivering visibly. The taste of wet, cold fur filled her mouth, reminding her of the subordinates deplorable condition. With a mental shake, she released her hold, glancing down towards his neck just to make sure her teeth didn't leave a mark. "Well, that was a close call..." Her voice was soft, as she fought to calm her breathing. The whole ordeal had knocked the wind out of her.

Giving her coat a healthy shake, she cleared away any snow and chunks of ice that clung to her body. While not completely soaked, a fair amount of moisture had managed to seep through the fur lining her belly and sides, leaving her a little chilled. However, as she swept her eyes over Destin, her thoughts were on his well being alone. The poor male was utterly soaked to the bone. He must be terribly uncomfortable. She wouldn't be surprised, after his two horrible accidents, that he would develop a fear of water. Had it been her, her own nerves certainly would've been rattled. Fate seemed to have chosen her on both occasions, to rescue him. Was it a sign perhaps? That Astra was to be his guiding light in times of darkness? Who knew. They could think all about that later. He now had presented a most important question...where they could retreat to dry off. "I do, actually. It's not too far from here, so we'd better hurry if we want to get warm." The last thing she wanted was for the poor fellow and herself, catching a cold.

Moving forward, she made a single, tight circle around him, brushing up close to offer what little body heat she could. In it's own way, the gesture was also meant as a form of comfort. It was bad enough that Destin had been forced to leave one home behind and replant his roots somewhere else. But this...this was pushing it. So if he ever needed someone to confide in, to share his worries, Astra would be there to patiently listen. Heading off towards the East, where the trees grew thicker, she scanned the area with a knowing eye, searching. Everything just looked the same, now that the snow had fallen. Luckily, in a short time span, she had managed to memorize a moderately sized area. After a few minutes of walking in silence, she found what she was looking for. A mature cedar tree, where towards the bottom, an opening had split in the trunk. Approaching, she dug away the snow to make room. A crook just wide and deep enough to fit a pair of wolves laid at the base. "I found this a while back. I come here when then company in the den is too much for me." Inside, she had lined the floor in pine needles and fallen cedar wood. It was enough to keep the chill at bay, even in winter. With a small little gesture of her head, she motioned for Destin to go on in ahead of her.

(If you want, we can fade to black here.)<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#385d79;">