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Played by Emma who has 530 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Iopah Reinier
Iopah watched the exchange between the two boys in silence. Eyes flicking from one to the other with each gesture and word, more than mildly amused.

This exchange was almost painfully familiar. It had always been Iopah's luck to have been caught and firmly chastised by her mother. The last time, Iopah remembered, she had held her mothers eye. Staring back with barely suppressed rebellion. God, how much she had wanted to leave. Even then.

It was only the marked difference int the appearance of the two that kept her from falling too deeply into that memory. Their pitch black fur was a far cry from the tawny and creme coats of the Barberi pack. She was anchored by that difference and buoyed by her relief at finally being safe and home. She was still silent when Bane turned to her. His enthusiasm was clear; no words needed. She grinned playfully back, mentally filing away his willingness for a later time. Grudgingly she held still for Hollow's inspection. Residual embarrassment kept her complacent. She was already trying to forget the stupidity that had lead to this injury.

Hollow's open-ended offer brought her head up quickly. The day would never come that she would turn down such an offer. If she had managed to limp her sorry self through the cedars she could certainly track rabbit. Already she was peering through the thin underbrush after the faint tracks.

She turned back to her alpha, "Of course I can." The words were even, polite, but at the same time indignation flicked into her gold gaze. Her ears pulled back then, apologizing for what she couldn't help. She had always said more with her eyes than her mouth. She had already started to slink through the forest when Nina arrived.

Her head lowered in a mix of submission and embarrassment, feeling more self-conscious of her injury than she had with Hollow. "I will see Ashanti later." She said earnestly, then her gray tipped ear flicked. Distracted by the rabbits she longed to follow. Iopah's lips pursed in a smile, after the day she had had the warning was redundant, but nonetheless appreciated. A second passed and Iopah turned to Hollow, clearly anxious to start their little hunt. It seemed rude to leave Nina, but this was his hunt. He had found the rabbits. It was his call.