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against the grain
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Played by Mimi who has 64 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Sceral Donata

Gone. Sceral couldn't get over it. One day his mother was alive and beautiful and then next she was laid in the snow, still and sprinkled with snow. It had happened just like that. Bitter cold had stolen her breath from her chest and whisked it off somewhere else. She had looked like she was sleeping, almost peaceful, but the reassuring rise and fall of her chest was missing. She would dream no more, tell no stories to her excitable sons. Sometimes, though, Sceral swore he could hear her whispering his name in the night, as if her voice was carried by the wind. It was comforting, a haunting lullaby of familiarity that sung him to sleep.

But, same as always, the pale Aesir cub awoke with sorrow in his heart. He had dreamt of running with his mother, like he did as a young boy, in warmer times. There were leaves on the trees and grass on the ground and the sound of her laughter filled his ears. For a sweet moment he could feel her—he had his mother back—before they settled and she told him she had to go now. He begged her not to leave but his eyes had fluttered open to inky darkness and loneliness, alone in @Serach and his birthing den. The faintest scent of Corinna lingered and he basked in it, rolled onto his back and wriggled his shoulders in it. He would keep her alive, her memory would not die with her.

Now, Sceral sat at the base of Oak Tree Bend's defining landmark, his crown bowed and muddy eyes focused on his creamy paws that absently pawed at the snow. His mind drifted to all the things he remembered of his life so far and a lump rose in his throat whilst stones sat in his gut. He missed her, more than he had missed anyone who had left in his whole life. More than @Merlin and @Ice.

Memories of warmer days replayed in his head, much like his dream, of sunshine and playing. He remembered her eyes, as green as the forest that sheltered them from rain and sun. When they blossomed and bloomed once more, Sceral would see her in the trees, their emerald leaves and sturdy trunks. They never moved, after all; they stayed rooted in one spot and Corinna, his dearest and most cherished, had always been there. She had never left. Now there was only @Fenru left and the young Prince of the Oak desperately hoped that the oldest brother—his guardian—would not leave, too.

(This post was last modified: Feb 23, 2014, 12:31 PM by Sceral.)
Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
All is lost again, but I'm not giving in

There was a new hollow carved into the cavity of his chest, lined up with all the other crooked scars of those passed. There was no where he could hide from this new reality. But, had there every been such a place? A broken smile formed on his lips, as he staggered through the blue mist trying to focus past his blurry thoughts.

He had to face this latest good bye, and it was a staggering blow. The sister, the leader, and role model that had stayed steady in his own life was no more. There was only the remains of her kingdom, the promise of her sons, and daughter. (Should she return) Then there was Triell, who felt nothing more than a lowly servant who had failed. If anyone should be dead, why not him? His death would not been so catastrophic. Each day since she had parted, he found himself feeling like a lost boy again. Who would assure him he was doing what was best for the family? Who would help him to keep his purpose? If he could have he would have asked Corinna one thing it would be what he could do for her family. Maybe, he had his answer. All he could think was to stay here for them, and to stay strong as she always had.

With Corinna's scent lingering in the woods, on the borders, his body didn't want to believe what his heart knew. He was sure even once they faded from others noses, Triell would still detect that Donata perfume and have to tell himself it could only be one of her children. Wasn't it upon him now? A part of the pack they carried? He liked to believe so, and found the thought gave him something to hold to. Heavy paws pounded against the snow, forcefully trying to keep direction, there were large paw prints in the white that called his attention. Inspecting them Sceral's scent registered, and prompted the Tainn followed in their wake.

The base of the grandest Oak he found the young man perched. Silently,his fiery eyes drift over him. It was clear he had his father's stature, and the coloring of his mother. The thought of the boy's parents made his jaw, made his gut clench. Things shouldn't be this way. What did Triell know, he had long been an orphan just for different reasons. With bushy tail giving a soft wag, he ambled over, taking a seat beside him. He waited for his presence to be rejected or even noticed. Then with a quiet draw of breath, he looked upward into the branches of the tree missing the leaves, the warmth of spring.

"You know she chose this place for you, and Serach. She wanted somewhere safe, yet special where you two could grow up."

(This post was last modified: Mar 04, 2014, 12:10 AM by Triell.)