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A Ghost of Who I've Been — Bramble Falls 
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Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
March 31st, Mid-Afternoon, 21F/-6C with a windchill of -6F/-21C
RE: High winds and constant snow have taken away any visibility

Aponi was practically a walking skeleton, her frame has grown into its yearling size but her weight continued to drop drastically. Bones poked out through her skin and each rib was clearly outlined, her fur hung limply and patches were thinning rapidly. Deep circles had grown beneath her ice blue eyes which no longer held the fire they once had but instead a staring glassy look. The princess wasn't sleeping though exhaustion hung over her at every minute, whenever she lay down deep shudders would run along her limbs. Constant coughing racked her lungs and her throat was raw, there was little that could be done to calm the burning sensation. It had been nearly six weeks since the girl and her guardian had seen their home and even longer since they had received a decent meal. She was on the verge of dying and they both knew it, if they weren't rescued soon Aponi wouldn't live to see the spring.

At first they had tried to keep travelling home from the forest where they had met Karpos' uncle but it had been two weeks since they last moved locations. She just couldn't do it, it was almost too hard for her to move from the small cave they had found at the base of the falls to the pool of water just to get a drink. Once a fighter who wouldn't take no for an answer Aponi had accepted the fact that she would probably die here with @Mercy by her side. He had been her enemy, someone who she had taunted and had no respect for, and now she relied on him, respected him, needed him. No longer did she bicker back at his suggestions, just followed the instructions as best as she could without a word. He had gone out in search of food for the both of them earlier that morning and hadn't returned yet when the most recent storm hit.

Blue eyes stared blankly out the opening of the cave, looking but not really seeing anything. The wind howled and occasionally snow would sting her eyes as the storm changed direction but Aponi barely blinked. A dark form seemed to be moving and the princess furrowed her brow but couldn't bring herself to move and investigate, instead she croaked, "Mercy?" Could he have found his way home in this weather? She had assumed he would have taken shelter until the storm quieted before returning to her as he had done in the past when events like this occurred. Dull silver fur swung limply across the ground as her tail wagged half-heartedly.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
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Ashton Reinier-Hervok

The herds were returning, but the lack of prey was still evident in his frame. Unfamiliar bones jutted out from his hips, accompanied by a horrible gurgling that came from his stomach. Winter was unforgiving, especially for a young prince. Sighing, he watched as the heat from his breath forced the surrounding air into mist, only to be carried off on a heavy gust of wind. Would they ever see spring? A shiver ran along his spine, as if to answer his question.

Each step seemed to bring an angrier blast of air, followed by a thicker haze of snow. Ashton needed to find a shelter where he could wait out the flurries. If the storm were to continue on in this fashion he might get all turned around, and then what? The male had no taste for double backing, only to find himself more unaware of his positioning than before. It was too late however, as it became impossible to see more than a tail length in front of his face. Somewhere through the current of snow and air came a voice. It was rough, tinged with a femininity he could not place. Was she calling out to him? Hope clasped it's fingers around his heart, and he changed his course. After all, it could have been one of the females residing in the thicket.

The storm raged overhead; Crashing against his ears, whistling as it threw twigs dangerously close to his pelt. The great hunter's sense of smell struggling against the snow. Still he pushed forward, searching for the source of the voice. Squinting through the wall snow, he could just barely make out the entrance to a cave. Allowing his eyes to close against the onslaught, he barreled through the opening.

(This post was last modified: Mar 31, 2014, 08:15 PM by Ashton.)
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

There was no answer to her call and this troubled Aponi, where was Mercy and why wasn't he answering her? Had he not heard her? Squinting she used her front paws to shuffle her body closer to the entrance calling out louder this time, "Mercy is that you?" A horrible burning scratch gripped her throat and the princess grimaced, flinching away the entrance and swallowing furiously to attempt to heal it. So it was she was not watching the entrance when the boy flew through it, the air flooded from her lungs as the silver girl hid the ground in a heavy thud. Spots danced in her eyes and it seemed as if she was being crushed, frantically the girl panicked, flailing out with her claws in an attempt to get away.

She was too delirious to look and see what exactly had landed on top of her and instead wasted momentous energy trying to claw out from under it. Her paws collided with anything she could reach, the stone below and around them and possibly even the stranger themselves. Convinced that the cave had collapsed Aponi gasped for air, closing her eyes and using all of her strength to pull herself from underneath of the other pup.

The princess managed to roll away from underneath of the boy who had flung himself so foolishly through the entrance until her side became pressed firmly against the cave wall. It was only then that the adrenaline subsided and Aponi was able to see that the cave had no in fact collapsed but it had been another body that had been on top of her own. Too exhausted now to do anything but glare at him from her spot upon the ground she did her best to regain the high power she once held, "Who are you?" she demanded. She wished she could leap at him, force him out of the cave and back into the storm where he belonged but she just couldn't, she could barely find it in herself to raise her head and look him in the eye.

Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok

He barely had enough time to register what was going on when he felt a struggle underneath of him. For only a moment they were a mess of fur and nails; The girl trying desperately to escape his weight, and himself wildly stepping backwards. Finally she was allowed some leeway, but not before her claws could tear at his coat. Thankfully they did little to damage the skin below, and she was free to roll up against the cave's wall. Her glare cut like daggers, and Ashton was sure that if looks could kill he wouldn't be breathing.

The events had unfurled too quickly, and in a manner that could only leave him speechless. Each heave of air left his lungs in clouds that billowed between them. His voice hesitated, searching for words, and waiting for the gears to start spinning once more. "A prince, and yourself?" He was still the last heir to Secret Woodlands wasn't he? If in fact he ever made it home. Either way, his pompous attitude would allow her no more than that.

Finally, the adrenaline began to seep away from his body, allowing the chilly air to lace his coat once more. Mossy orbs then took note of the female, finding her to be a little lackluster. No more than a blanket of fur covering bones that stuck out in every direction. Sure he had lost some mass, but this girl looked to be on the edge of death. He had to hand it to her though, because she had found the energy to glare at him in a way he had never experienced before.

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

Her breath billowed between them in great puffs of white as she stared him down, even in her current state Aponi was a hurricane. Blue eyes narrowed at his answer and her own retort was practically a snarl, "A princess." He would not be allowed to have the upper hand, it was clear which one of them was in better health and the silver girl wouldn't allow him any more knowledge than he gave out. The adrenaline still shot through her veins, keeping the constant exhaustion at bay for once even though she had wasted precious energy in her struggle to get out from under the boy.

Barring her teeth in an attempt to look as menacing as possible the silver fur along her spine rose to stand straight from her back. Inching closer Aponi snarled again, "Give me one good reason I shouldn't force you out into that storm or better yet, rip you limb from limb so I can finally have a decent meal?" Eating another wolf would be disgusting to anyone in their right mind, but Aponi was not, her mind was driven forward by wild starvation and exhaustion, she would do anything to survive at this moment. Inching closer again she felt a growl building in her throat, low and menacing her eyes switching from the boy's own orbs to the spot on his throat she knew if she sank her teeth into would kill him. A deranged smile crossed her face at the thought of warm meat in her belly once more.

Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok
Sorry for the lateness @Aponi

He could have raised an eyebrow at that. A princess? Of what, the cave? Allowing a grin to etch itself along his maw, he found this prospect quite amusing. "I do apologize m'lady. I had no idea I was in the presence of a peer." The tone was not altogether mocking, but there was definitely a hint of sarcasm there. Ashton wasn't one to be malicious, but a little fun never hurt.

Allowing his mossy orbs to rove her wasting figure once more, he couldn't help but wonder if she even had the strength to stand. Doubting it highly, he found his question answered in her small attempt at crawling forward. Standing to his full height, the male did not miss the way her gaze fell upon his throat. This was a game she could not win, and so he refused to play. Although a small part of him still wanted to egg the girl on; See what she was really made of, he opted for a truce. "Look, have you seen it out there?" He motioned to the entrance, still racked with snow. "If you let me stay in peace, I will owe you a single favor." There, he would let her be the winner if she chose to accept. "Absolutely anything you want within my power, and you can call upon it at any time." He gave his best shot at feigning desperation, hoping she wouldn't be able to discern the fact that he had no intention of reentering the storm regardless of her answer.

(This post was last modified: Apr 30, 2014, 04:16 AM by Ashton.)
Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata

The sarcasm in his voice wasn't missed and it caused a white hot anger to burn through her veins and boil in her stomach. How far had she fallen that this mongrel would consider himself her peer? The icy blue orbs were practically slits now as she stared the prince down, "Who are you to consider yourself any equal of mine?" There was only one wolf who Aponi seriously considered her equal and that was Mercy, the other wolves her age were beneath her, the subordinates of the pack were servants of her parents, and her parents of course outranked her, for now. One day the princess would be queen, for now she had to focus on staying alive long enough for that to become the reality.

At his next words the anger was dimmed, how interesting that he would be so willing for her to hold a claim over him. Mulling the offer over in her head the cold calculation was clear upon her maw, this stranger meant nothing to her, he was disposable, but to have someone so blindly do her bidding was tempting. Finally she spoke without menace in her voice, though the words came out raspy from her throat, "And how would I know you would so willingly fill this favour when you are not even willing to disclose your name?" In order for Aponi to be appeased into letting the male stay here she would need this contract to be airtight, she was no fool and would not be tricked into a fools bargain

Played by Pinn who has 74 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ashton Reinier-Hervok

Hadn't he just told her? He was a prince; The last heir to Secret Woodlands, and he'd be damned if this lackluster 'princess' was going to question him. Seething, he felt his fur prickle against the wind pouring in from the entrance. She was a lousy, no good.. Inhaling deeply, the male had to quell his anger. Tacoma never would have flared up at a female like that, especially one who seemed so near to death. "I am a prince, as you are a princess M'lady." Speaking softly, he hoped to stop antagonizing her for the moment if nothing else.

Watching as the fae contemplated this offer, he knew she couldn't refuse. A princess was born to lead, and to already have a 'subject' so young might not be too bad of a start. Ashton." He offered his name in hopes that it would sweeten the deal. "I would never go back on my word, but do note that your favor cannot be more favors." He had a feeling that she might be the type to ask for more, and so he had to make sure that rule was laid out before her. He was already giving more for a few minutes of peace than he had originally wanted to, and he would do no more than that. If she was smart she might have even asked him to hunt something for her, with the way her ribs stuck out below the thin layer of skin coating her body.

Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
Feel free to fade out and archive with your next post :)

Aponi watched as her words riled the male up, his hackles rose briefly and his lips twitched as if they were going to show his fangs. She knew she would probably die here and this stranger would continue along his way without a second thought, but she still revelled in the power she held over the emotions of another. Still, she was no fool and knew better than to provoke him further so her words were quiet enough even she could hardly hear them, let alone this other male, "A prince of fools perhaps." Her maw was painted in a smirk as she looked him over, it was obvious he was an arrogant piece of trash not worthy of the title he presented himself with. Her fur might be matted and her body painfully thin, but at least she knew better than to blindly offer favours.

The deal was made sweeter when at last the mongrel offered over his name; Ashton, what a pansy name for a boy. Blue eyes again became slits as her further clarified his offer, she hadn't been about to ask for more favours but one shouldn't be so foolish as to change a deal before it has even been accepted or rejected. Finally though she nodded, her eyes looking warily upon the dark coated male, "You may stay, until the storm recedes but do not try and attempt to get out of your offer, I may not look like it right now, but I have to power to make your life hell on earth." Aponi shifted backwards so her side was once more pressed against the wall, exhaustion finally flooding through her as she realized how much energy had been wasted. She drifted off with a smug grin upon her maw, she might have to share her den, but Ashton had lost something much more precious, even if he didn't know it yet.