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Whole Lot More — Magnolia Glen 
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Played by Becca who has 12 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Auva Caravello
All welcomed<3

Auva had been working to keep up with the pack. The male Phineas had been kind and accepted her into his home, truly it was an honor to be here. She had already started a herb cache of her own in the roots of a magnolia tree. Slowly she would take time to gather herbs nearby the pack's lands. As the pale woman did not want to stray too far for her own safety and the pack's well being, as it was her job to work with herbs for healing.

Wandering over towards the northern part of the borders Auva sniffed around. Markings fresh, borders safe, everything seemed in order. Then the large woman moved into the more pack oriented section where everyone's scent lingered. Auva was curious as if to who all was around. She was rather interested in speaking with @Phineas more since he seemed like a rather interesting male of sorts. Yet she also was interested in meeting all the other members. She had crossed them once or twice before but never truly remembered their faces with scents. The young female would remind herself to start training herself on those sorts of things. She had a few top priorities. Maintain her rank, become healer, serve the pack the best she could, and keep this her family. Auva wasn't keen on leaving the Glen anytime soon unless it was for a plant trip. Or if she was ordered too. The woman would be here for a long while.

I'll Stay Where the Magnolias Whisper My Name
[Image: mg-pride1.png]
Played by Rachel who has 38 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Takis Argyris

Takis, in all of his ridiculous glory, stalked the bee through the tall grass. Rear end up far higher than what should have entailed, and his bright orange eyes riveted upon the task at hand, the babe let loose a low growl, feeling the harshness of the vibrations pull at his throat as it echoed in to a higher pitched whine. That was not how dad sounded when he did it! With a furrowed brow, the youth gave a wiggle of his hind, this time taking what he assumed was a masterful leap, despite that any spectator would notice the tangle of limbs and the light trip he made as he went to tackle his foe.

But Takis had made a terrible mistake taking a bee head on, and as his unmastered paw went to swat the buzzing thing down to the ground in one fell swoop, he batted it harshly instead, seeming to rise a fury from such a small creature. It was quick to strike, its stinger neatly catching him on his jowl, and with a screech of surprise and pain, the ivory pup swung his muzzle heavily, one paw coming up to swipe at his attacker.

But it was gone.

Panicked as the sting throbbed at his mouth, a low cry escaped him as he fell to his rump, not even aware that his mouth was now swelling up like a tiny balloon. Tilting his muzzle back, he let loose a pleading cry of help, knowing naturally that the pack wolves would sweep to his aide and possibly kiss the pain away.. after all, his mother was not there to do it these days.