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ill find you, ill always find you — Hush Meadow 
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Played by Vami who has 46 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Vaeta Tainn
Surprise thread for @Nios !

A certain amount of unsettling had welled within the Scout of Secret Woodlands. It had been made clear for a time now, weeks ago when the first creeping fears had crawled under her skin, causing her to pace at her pack land's borders with high pitched whines. She had spent many nights howling for both her brother @Mirren Tainn and his claimed mate, Kite. Of course, it had gotten her no where thus far which caused her to finally break down as she was now. She had left the pack lands of Secret Woodlands behind. Surely this would come of know shock to any of her pack mates that had known or even heard of her distress. She could not possibly stand idle whilst her family was out there - without her. Maybe she had been okay with waiting for the right time to cross the mountains and see her father again as long as Mirren was keeping her happy here, but now with no family with her, the girl felt horridly compelled to leave. She moved directly south, muzzle to the ground during the day to scent out her brother and muzzle to the skies at night to howl for him. She would not stop. She would never stop.

She ran. She ran as far and as fast as her legs could carry her. For two days from the far high reaches of the North, beyond the Heart and into the South of the lands, she ran, barely taking moment for rest and drink. She ate by scavenging and after a few hours of rest, she was at it again, desperate for unanswered questions. "Please, oh please..." Her words are a whisper, yet her heart cries out. Before her lay the expensive of the Hush Meadows, a sight which she had never yet before seen. The open landscape stretched further then she had ever witnessed in this land and though sadness plagued her, a small smile formed over her lips. She nearly collapsed before it's beauty, exhaustion causing a well needed break. This was far to remarkable to pass up, as the sun broke into setting of orange and red, and the coolness of the coming night reminded her of winter's creeping presence upon them.