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Between a Badger and a Hard Place — Oak Tree Bend 
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Played by Alisha who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Oliver Carmond
Ooc: @Muerda

Oliver had never before felt in such high spirits- he was in a pack! Granted, he hadn't quite formally met anyone yet, simply nodding hello at those who smelled as the pack should. He wanted to meet them, but he had work to do. In order to impress his new leader, Triell, Oliver was hard at work making a stockpile of herbs and medicinal plants.

He had only stayed within the woods the pack occupied- not daring to ever go in to the Umbra Copse, or travel northward, in fear of meeting her again. So while he had quite a few plants to store for the use of wounds and such, he didn't have all that he could. Therefore, Oliver had decided- for the sake of doing above and beyond what was expected of him- that he was going to explore the red hills east of the pack den. And to do that, he was going to have to store the plants he did find in a safe, dry spot.

He picked an area not to far away from the den, but certainly far enough that Triell's youngsters wouldn't get into the herbs and die from over-consumption. The last thing he wanted to do was be responsible for a tragedy like that. The only problem was, the hole he wanted to expand and turn into a herb-storage was occupied- by a badger.

Which left Oliver two choices- dig a completely new hole somewhere else, which would be time consuming and probably wear out his paws, or face off with the badger. Neither were very tempting. Snorting in frustration, Oliver sat on his haunches, thinking- How in the world am I supposed to get rid of a badger?
(This post was last modified: Oct 22, 2014, 02:50 AM by Oliver.)
Played by Becca who has 45 posts.
Inactive V. Subordinate
Muerda Lospire
@Oliver sorry this took a bit longer than expected. Internet died for a bit but Im back now :D

She had smelled two things on the wind. An Oak Tree Bend male and a badger. One of these things she was interested in meeting, the other she wanted to sink her teeth into. Though she didn't say which one fit what role.

Prowling almost feline like to the male she barked out to signal her presence to him. Standing tall next to him she looked over him quickly before looking straight forward at nothing in particular. "If you wont kill the damn badger than I will gladly do the job myself." Her voice was a quiet but harsh coo out to him. She didn't mean any harm but if this male wasn't gonna take the chance with a badger to protect the rest of Oak Tree Bend the Muerda would gladly take the chance. For successfully killing the badger meant perhaps praise and the reward of badger meat. Then again failure in killing the badger would mean possible pain and a trip to some medic. Not that she could really care. Maybe a good scratch or two were overdue for the Lospire.

Shifting her weight she took in a deep breath before opening her mouth again. "By the way, I don't think we have met before. My name is Muerda Lospire." Her name was spoke regal and strong to show she took full pride in it. The Lospire woman was a strong proud one and no shame would be held to her name. In fact she liked to believe that only pride and success could be held to her name.


Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Alisha who has 65 posts.
Inactive IV. Subordinate
Oliver Carmond
no worries!

Oliver had been in staring contest with his creative subconscious when a bark practically made him jump out of his skin. As a taller female slunk up next to him, he tried to calm his nerves, the slight scare making the fur on his tail stand up. If she hadn't smelled like the other wolves of the pack, the small man would have bolted. Her harsh hushed assertion relieved him a little, but also struck a chord of annoyance. Who said he wasn't going to get rid of the badger? As it was, he didn't want to upset a fellow packmate, so he kept his face neutral.

"Oliver Carmond, ma'am." He turned and dipped his head in case she was a in a higher position than he, taking note of her bigger stature and rusty coloration. She was older than him, so Oliver doubted he could get away with saying much of anything around her, but he did chance the truth- "I am going to kill it- I just have to figure out how." He gestured to himself with a paw in light humor- "If you hadn't noticed, I'm not exactly a wolf to take it down in just one swoop." Oliver kept his tone friendly and unassuming, wishing to get along with this woman- although, it still bothered him that she apparently thought the badger could be gotten rid of, just like that.

Of course, Oliver thought a bit jealously, with a stature like that, it probably is easier to get rid of small pests.