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Feast of St. Severus — Spectral Woods 
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Played by Ghost who has 517 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aponi Donata
RE- Aponi, You discover an unguarded cache and feast to your heart’s content!
@Ace @Takis

October 15th, Evening (After Dark) Partly Cloudy, 30F/-1C

The air was colder now, the leaves had mostly fallen off but those that still clung to their limbs were a sickly brown or vibrant red. The Glen was no longer awash in pink Magnolia's and the perfumed scent was long faded from the silver girl's pelt. Since @Phineas had announced their move and taken his scouting mission Aponi spent next to no time within their borders. In her mind there was no point, she felt no emotional attachment to the place and if they were abandoning it soon she might as well get some good scouting done before she couldn't any longer. Usually she returned to the territory to sleep within her individual den just outside the communal one, though sometimes even after nightfall she stayed away.

Tonight would be one of those nights. Ever since the other male had mentioned a pack to the south the Aquila teen had been searching, who were these wolves? The wolves of Oak Tree Bend as he had called them. Aponi had grown up in a pack that celebrated their secrecy, honoured it, worshiped it even, so she knew how important it was to keep the pack safe. So if the wolves of her pack could so easily say the name of the others they must be close, and she would find out where they were. The more knowledge she gained about the packs within the lore the more useful she would be as queen, so she would find these Bend wolves.

Streaking through the dark as cloud moved in front of the moon Aponi easily found her footing, having visited these woods once before long ago. Shoving aside the memory of meeting that wretched @Karpos Slayer she moved on, he was worthless to her anyways. Finally pausing her muzzle rose to the air so she could take scent of where she was. To her satisfaction she could finally smell the pack borders, but there was something even more tantalizing in the air; a cache was close. Blue eyes flashed about to make sure no one else from the neighbouring pack would be joining her before she moved any closer to the smell. It was feasting time.

[Image: AplcUOC.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
Sorry I took so long! I'll try to post sooner next time c:

The Silver Male had failed to catch the rabbits that resided in a nest near the Glen for hours, and with a gruff huff he walked away from the nest. Maybe the next day he would have more luck. Padding southwards, he looked around at the almost-desiccated area that the Magnolia Glen wolves would call home until Phineas returned back from his scouting trip. The leaves had fallen off, dead, onto the also dying ground that used to be covered in lush grass, and those that stayed onto the branches were made up of browns, reds and oranges. He soon came upon the scent trail of one of the yearlings... Aponi, he guessed. Ace did not know her very well, and he had yet to exchange words with her even though they had been in the same pack for months. In a spur of the moment decision, he lowered his muzzle to the ground and began to follow the trail.

It soon became apparent that the trail was leading in the general direction of Oak Tree Bend, to which his eyebrows raised. He had mentioned it during the meeting, and it seemed the silver yearling had decided to go searching for it. Hastening his pace, Ace streaked through the foggy trees, hoping to come across Aponi before and members of the other pack did. One he knew from past experience to be vicious, but for the others he had no idea. The Silver Male soon came across the yearling just as the smell of the pack borders assaulted his nose, and also the delicious scent of a food cache. His silver eyes saw her moving with slow deliberate steps, most likely towards the cache, and he quickly let out a sharp bark. "Aponi!" He called out, a slight frown on his face. Stealing food from others was a bad thing to do, but then again, the pack members weren't exactly the nicest around. That still didn't mean they could take their food away. "What are you doing?"

337 Words

When I listen to my heart,
Ace Caravello
It whispers your name...
Played by Rachel who has 38 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Takis Argyris

Phineas had been gone for a bit now – it did not truly worry the boy. After all, Phineas had made clear of his intent, unlike their mother.. but that did not stop the small nagging feeling within his chest – the one he held close to his chest and had not confided in anyone. He knew if he voiced his concerns to Hypatia, she would be quick to soothe them. But he did not want to announce his doubt of the world, and in truth, preferred to keep busy instead.

This, of course, was what lead him here today. He had seen Aponi at the meeting, and while he did not know her very well, Takis was also at a point in his life where the opposite sex was certainly starting to draw his attention more – only if for the fact they were pretty. There was something about Aponi that mystified him – ever since their father had left, she had skirted in and out of the territory.. but had not bothered to tell anyone what she was doing.

Naturally, the Argyris boy decided to find out.

Ivory limbs moved swiftly after her throughout the day, and while the journey seemed long (it was his first outside of pack lands!) he could only find endless places to discover and to familiarize himself with. At one point, the pungent smell of a badger really caught his attention, and only when investigating did he hear the familiar voice of Ace, calling Aponi’s name. Jerking his muzzle upright from the abandoned hole, Takis loped in the direction quickly – completely oblivious to the smell of the nearby pack. “Hi guys!” It was practically a chirp, and while taking the pair in, his eyes then fell to the feast Aponi was currently partaking in, and his stomach gave a jolt instantly.