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Need.....Caffeine...... — Wild Cherry Orchard 
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Played by Alisha who has 28 posts.
Riddick Faye
Late afternoon @Nina

For a good minute, Riddick was aware of nothing but his own snores. The smell of cherries intrigued the Faye, but did not help to rouse him. No, all that he cared about was sleep. Having been traveling outside his normal sleep pattern for days, Riddick enjoyed this little moment, drifting between dreams and waking life.

....Why did he not sleep for days on end again?

"By the Moon!" An expletive shooting out of his maw, Riddick sprung up to find the sun well on it's way to the west horizon. Surrounded by trees, the panicked wolf found himself at the edge of a cherry orchard. The very same cherry orchard in which he claimed that he would only take a very short nap. Iddi was disappointed to see that he- in all terms of the word- overslept. How could he?! How could he sleep when Flyn was still at large and Titania- possibly- in pursuit?

This is not what you trained yourself for! Berating his own negligence, Riddick shook leaves and dried cherry pits off his fur. The vigorous motion helped to wake him up a little bit more, though he was still plenty groggy. Choosing to ignore his tired state, Riddick began to run- trying to make up for lost time.

Please let Titania be okay. Moon, please let Titania be okay! He was so distracted by his thoughts- by his fears- that he didn't notice what, or who, was in his way. No, he was much to worried for his sister to be worried for himself.
(This post was last modified: Nov 26, 2014, 03:14 AM by Riddick.)
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

The woman had taken leave from her pack for a few days, letting Koda know of her intentions and where she was going. All she wanted to do was receive a breather. She needed one every once and awhile, especially now with all the changes occurring within her pack. The orchard was a place of peace for her and she would sometimes find her paws bringing her to the deathly land. Last time she had been there, she had, indeed, encountered death, and that had been traumatizing and depressing for her, since she had failed to save the life. It was her duty as a healer to do everything she could have...and she had, but it had been to no avail. Nina had remained with the dying wolf, only wishing to give the woman some peace of mind so that she could pass away without pain...and that was something that Nina could assist in easily.

However, death was at the far back of mind as she approached the cherry orchard. She just wanted some peace, something that she was always reminded of thanks to her brother. Now as she walked through the grounds, she was reminded of times long ago when she hadn't had the heavy weight of a pack on her shoulders. That privilege had belonged to Aeylen and Ruiko at that time and there had not been a need for Nina to push herself to her limit. Only when there was someone who needed her healing abilities did she completely exert herself and she had been greatly rewarded for it, especially when it came time for her to care for the children. She had not been expecting to come into contact with anyone in the area, but of course, when she least expected it, she was often proven wrong.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Alisha who has 28 posts.
Riddick Faye
Had he gone mad? All of a sudden wolf appeared in his path- and he couldn't stop. He was running too fast. His legs scrambled to gain traction, tumbling over themselves in panic as the woman got closer. Throwing himself aside at the last second, Riddick tumbled head over heels. Slightly intoxicated by the rush of adrenaline, the Faye couldn't help but stare at the sky, wondering in a stupor if clouds were really just puffs of air blown by giants, much like his own breath that foggily made itself known against the blue. He wasn't hurt by much- there were harder hits than this- but it was still quite disorienting.

Getting up with a grunt, Iddi scrunched up his nose and took a look at the woman who forced him to veer off course. She was airy golden brown, with one bright green eye. Certainly a wolf who's been around the bend. Still, there was no care for this lady and her troubles- Riddick had problems of his own, and she nearly got hurt. "Hey!" he accused with a slight growl, stance unwavering- "You think you could watch where you're going? Some wolves have more important matters than running into other wolves."

He didn't mean to be cold- or did he? It didn't matter- he was late. He had to follow Titania's trail- and this woman- this bump on the road- was standing right on top of it. The guardian inside of him berated his actions. This is what happens when you sleep for too long.
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She was generally surprised to see the man charging at her and she did her best to sidestep out of his way. But instead, the other man flung himself to the side, away from her and avoiding a collision. Nina was quick to turn towards him and offer her assistance, but before she could, the other man verbally attacked her, igniting the fighter within her. Even though these weren't her lands, she rose to her full height, her dominance displayed quite easily. She was a pack wolf and an alpha, making her much stronger than the loner in front of her. Anger sparkled brightly in her single emerald eye as she glared at the pathetic man in front of her, insulting her coordination skills.

Baring her canines threatening at him she snapped harshly at him, "If you spent less time charging around like an idiot there would not have even been a chance of collision. If you weren't being such a senseless idiot and actually paid attention to your surroundings, there wouldn't be a problem." The golden brown woman continued to stare at the wolf in front of her, daring him to challenge her with her single eye. He had a choice here, he could either fight her and most possibly be beaten, or...he could move on with what happened and they could either go their separate ways or could start anew. Nina was never one to hold and grudge and was less than likely going to happen today. She was a forgiving lady when she wasn't pushed over the edge, but the choice was the mans.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a rabbit's nest nearby. +1 Health
Played by Alisha who has 28 posts.
Riddick Faye
Riddick was about to shoot back a growled reply, when his sleep-addled brain realized that she was right. He had been running about like an idiot, and nearly caused this woman harm. The straightened pose revealed that he had almost decked an alpha, and his ears went back in recognition. Odd eyes were forced to the ground in order to avoid contact with her lone star. "You're right. I slept for too long and was in a hurry. I apologize for the disturbance." His tone was brusque and short, displeased in the fact that he was wrong and got called out for it. But the apology was sincere. His mother had raised a up a better boy than that.

Chancing a sideways glance at the woman, Riddick wondered; were these her mate's lands? Had he accidently trespassed onto territory? He had only been following Titania's trail, and the Faye doubted his sister would go tramping about in an area that could get her killed.

.....The trail! The alpha was squat upon it, and with the weather, Iddi was afraid to deviate around her and continue in another spot. He might lose it. He couldn't lose it! That wouldn't do at all! Biting his lip, but keeping his face turned towards the ground, he opened his maw to chance a question. "I'm actually trying to track down my sister, who may be in danger, and you happen to be standing over her trail....if Your Majesty doesn't mind, can you move please?"
Played by Lightning who has 1,043 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Nina Hervok

She had been expecting a snappy retort and a fight to ensue, so when she was proven wrong, she was quite relieved to have avoided such a thing. Her gaze softened as the man looked away from her, probably realizing that she was more of a threat than it was worth. His apology graced her ears and the woman relaxed more, her muscles relaxing as the tension finally left her body. However, when he spoke again, her single eye widened in slight surprise at the title, but none the less stepped aside at his polite request. She watched him curiously, a strange sense of dread hitting her as she thought about the situation. Surely, he wasn't here to harm his sister...not every relationship was as complicated as the one she had with Ash. Swallowing her pride, she decided it wouldn't hurt to help him and if something happened to his sister, she would surely make him pay for it later...somehow.

Clearing her throat, she spoke softly, offering what she could, "Maybe I could help? I am a more than adept tracker when it comes to....well...anything for the most part. Think of it as a peace offering." She stood idly by, wanting to be able to help the young lad, but if he denied her request, she would be sure to return to her home and not bother him. After all, she did have a pack to lead and they would certainly wonder where she was. The Hervok was a wandering soul, even if she did enjoy remaining in the dark shadows of the thickets. She flushed considering as she realized she had failed to introduce herself. "My name is Nina Hervok...by the way." She said this softly, not wanting to bother him anymore than she probably already had.

Dawnthieves.de - Table by PuppyThief
It seems when you're around, my life is complete.