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Roadkill — Cedarwood Forest 
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Played by Missy who has 11 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Titania Faye
Any CRR wolf welcome :D

After deciding to go around the marsh, it did not take Titania long to make it into the forest of cedar wood trees, despite her leg wound. Once amongst the trees, Titania knew she had made the right decision. Walking through the roomy forest was much better than trying to waddle her way through the disgusting marsh. It didn't take her much longer to come across the scent marker she had been looking for. So this must be it, Titania thought to herself.

The clever girl easily changed her whole demeanor to one that better suited the current situation. Instead of an eager new recruit, she was now a frightened, naive young girl kicked out of her pack and left to die. Oh yes, Titania came up with a whole back story for her new ruse and she couldn't wait to share it. The young Faye took her time scenting the air and looking around just to make sure no one was near. Satisfied she was alone, she dropped the red berries that she had been carrying. She had spotted them as she walked along the outskirts of the marsh and they had inspired this whole devilishly clever plot. These berries, her mother had called them Red Death Berries, could kill a wolf who ingested as little as six of them. Most wolves would stop after a quick sniff since the berries were extremely bitter, but Titania was willing to deal with the taste for the moment. She was an adult, but only two years of age and by no means was she trying to kill herself, so she had only snagged three of the berries. It would be just enough to make her sick and put her in desperate need of medical assistance. Of course, Titania was a Faye and knew her herbs like the back of her paw. She had taken just enough to become sick and slightly delusional at best. If no one helped her, she would be able to take care of herself just fine. However, that was not the tale she would tell to whoever found her. After chewing and swallowing each berry, Titania adjusted her features so that she looked terrified, sick, and fragile and began a pathetic limp across the border and into pack territory. As she moved she could feel the poison begin to do its work and before long she was panting and could feel her skin becoming hot. Yes, this was exactly how she wanted to be found: pathetic, weak, and half-dead.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Maksim was stronger with each day, and so the Baranski woman finally felt more at ease.. even straying from his side more often now to maintain her neglected duties as the matriarch of the pack. Lachesis had been more or less a one man show, and while she had maintained her status within the pack.. she had not been around as often as she should have.

But her family was thriving, and so, her pace held more meaning now. She would stop every so often along the borders, weaving her frame tightly against the trees to rub her scent upon them – at times, she would even rear up, raking her claws in to the bark to reiterate that these lands were claimed.

That was when she came across the scent. Light snow flurried across the sky, and as Kisla maintained her pace well, it was the tracks that truly gave away the stranger, rather than the scent, and with a curled lip, the regal was quick to close the distance between herself and the intruder.

She found her within moments, noting the limp. A snarl arose in her throat, and bristling, Kisla came to pull up along the female’s side, aiming a harsh bite just before the girl’s shoulder – intentionally missing. “These are claimed lands – leave.” If her words were ignored, the injured wolf would not have a second warning – Kisla would be certain that her next bite would not miss. Hackles bristling, the regal cast a scrutinizing look over the other, looking for the signs of affliction upon the other, and seeing no visible wounds.Why then, was she limping?

sparking up my heart

Played by Missy who has 11 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Titania Faye
At this point Titania's vision had declined and so had her equilibrium. She didnt even sense another wolf charging towards her until sharp jaws snap closed around the air not too far from her shoulder. It was meant as a warning but It was enough to causr Titania to jump backwards in fear and shock. With her equilibrium so disturbed, the young Faye merely fell on her rump and didnt accomplish even a modicum of any kind of escape.

Eyes wide with fear Titania cringed away from the wolf hovering over her. As Titania tried to focus her pale gold eyes on the stranger the image of her began to blur and soon there were three wolves standing over her, not just one. Quickly Titania tried to scramble away and as she turned away from her attacker the gash on her back leg came into view. It was not infected, but it was still bleeding. However the blood had been caked in dirt and mud from her journey to the marshes.

Trying to get to her paws Titania began to heave before her body just collapsed. Everything around her was a spinning blur, her skin felt hot and cold at the same time, and her stomach was determined to make her get rid of everything in it.

"I...im sorry." Titania stammered. Voice laced with fear Titania begged "I w,w,will leave. I...dont feel well. I, I, I ate some berries t,t,to help with m,m,my injury." At this point all Titania could do was hope that this wolf either let her crawl away or, hopefully, took her to a Healer.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Here comes Jynx to try and crash Titania's little party!

Jynx had happily been keeping herself quite busy within her new home. She had only bumped into a few of her pack mates every now and then, but she knew with time, she would get to know everyone. With winter knocking at their doorstep, she couldn't blame the others for being so busy. There was always Karpos of course, who she could often find within the heart of the territory, or somewhere near the borders. It was to him, that she was the most grateful. Had it not been for that chance meeting of theirs, then she wouldn't be where she was today. Thriving, among a powerful group of wolves who shared her ideals.

She was on her way back from a small hunting excursion, headed towards the den to drop off the remainder of her catch...an unlucky rabbit. Fresh blood stained the ivory of her muzzle, indicating her recent activity. The tattered body hung tightly between her jaws, which she intended to cache. Her hunger had been satisfied by the small meal, and there were other important matters to get to. As she moved on through the trees, she debated on stopping by to pay her leader Maksim a visit. She had not yet met the male...only knew he was recovering from an injury. At least dropping by to check up on him, and to introduce herself would show she was no slacker. Sadly, a disturbing scent and the sounds of commotion not far away cut those plans short. Someone had intentionally stepped over their borders! Someone who did not belong. Stiffening, she dropped her rabbit immediately and barreled forth to the scene, hackles raised in a spiked line along her back. Kisla's firm voice then filled her ears. Good. Just as the russet female appeared, it was she who witnessed her Alphess snapping at the much smaller, lightly colored wolf. She was staggering, Jynx noticed with a critical eye. A wound on her hind leg was also plainly visible. Despite her words of apology, and the information about some berries she ingested, that was not enough to settle Jynx's displeasure. With a forceful growl, she stepped forward purposefully, brushing up along Kisla (who she had met a little over a week ago) in a display of unity. With her blazing yellow eyes pinned on the other wolf, and her bloodied muzzle, she appeared anything but friendly. "Are you an idiot?" She hissed rather harshly. "Our borders are clearly marked...you should have known better than to ignore them." Her words were biting and cold, but she would take no further action. Allowing her lips to settle back into a thin line, she silently glanced to her Leader, as if to ask if she should even bother summoning Lachesis.
(This post was last modified: Dec 04, 2014, 12:48 AM by Jynx.)
Played by Alace who has 323 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Naia Aegina
Naia hasn't made herself known yet, she's downwind and virtually undetectable. Just eavesdropping for the moment. It's unlikely she will intervene, but if Jynx is chased away from the border Naia might track her down to offer her help...


Through the trees Naia heard her leader’s snarl, and she paused her border patrol. It was nice to know that Kisla was finally getting some fresh air, but clearly she had stumbled upon something—specifically someone --displeasing. The scout’s ears flicked to high alert as she listened for more information, and after a pause she began slipping noiselessly through the trees, arranging her path to approach downwind of the commotion. If Kisla needed help, a sneak attack from the stealthy lady might be more beneficial than a tiny wolf such as herself facing an enemy head-on.

As she drew closer to the altercation she caught the tail end of the intruder’s plea for mercy. It broke Naia’s heart—if only she had discovered the woman first! It was her initial instinct to help a wolf in need where most others only saw weakness and worthlessness. Naia had always been a little scrap of a wolf, and she knew better than anyone that apparent weakness on the outside could conceal many strengths and talents on the inside.

A new voice joined to confront the injured loner; a female that Naia did not recognize but understood at once to be Jynx, the new recruit. The young female had a similar—perhaps even more hostile—attitude as Kisla, no doubt thirsty to prove herself before her new leader. Naia’s eyes closed wearily as she listened. This was going nowhere good for the ailing loner, and Naia prayed that she wouldn’t be killed on the spot for her transgression.

Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

Her message seemed to pull through with perfect clarity, and the girl stumbled, though the twist in her body offered a view of a rather hideous infection to the tawny she-wolf. Scrutinizing, the Baranski regal felt another growl ebb in her throat, though it was tamed by the presence of her pack mate. Naia remained undetected, and Kisla’s ears were instead tuned toward the stranger as she stammered a response.

There was certainly no faking illness such as this – and while Kisla was a suspicious creature by nature, given her youthful experiences, never once did it cross her mind that these berries had been ingested on purpose with a simple goal in mind – intel.

Her ears flattened to her skull and as she moved forward for a swift moment, her eyes looking over the she-wolf with an unreadable expression. Kisla could be harsh in the ways of the world – overprotective, domineering, and certainly stubborn.. but she was not cruel. Giving a light nod to Jynx to reassure her pack mate, she felt her own lips purse. “You should be looked at.” They were not kind words – simply spoken in a matter of fact tone, and without further hesitation, the honeyed female tilted her creamy muzzle back, releasing a summoning howl in to the frosted winter sky for @Lachesis. The pale wolf held talent that surpassed any pain formulated by berries – he would be able to look at her injury and help her. Whether or not it would benefit the pack to give their resources and time to a rogue was arguable – but they were more fortunate this year than they had been last, and she would not see suffrage when she could so easily assist.

sparking up my heart

Played by Missy who has 11 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Titania Faye
Another wolf showed up and for a moment Titania wondered if she was still just seeing multiple images of the first. It was hard to tell but, this new wolf was different. She was reddish in color and distinctly less friendly which was surprising since the first wolf had snapped at her. Titania thanked her lucky stars when the first wolf said something about her needing to be looked at and sent out a call. Relief swept through her as she realized that they were going to let their Healer attend to her. Of course she could have treated herself, but the healing process would have been much more miserable if she had to do it alone. Now that she had the security of knowing that a Healer was coming to help her, Titania let her small dappled frame to relax, her dainty head falling into the snow. Her lids fluttered shut, hiding her golden gaze, as she tried to steady her breathing. Moving around had made the poison work faster and she couldn't tell for sure, but it felt like her whole frame was quaking with exhaustion. She needed to throw up the berries and she hoped that their Healer was competent enough to realize that. The sooner she could throw them up, the sooner she would get better.

Oops, she had almost forgot. "T,t,thank you." She pushed the words out of her lightly colored maw and they came out weak. Nothing more than a stammered, mumble. Perfect. As she tried to make her body relax Titania entertained the thought of switching sides. These wolves were certainly less trusting than Narime and that gave them the advantage in Titania's mind, but it would also make it more difficult for her to weasel herself into a comfortable position. Still, she didn't want to get caught on the losing team. The only way to make the decision would be with time and patience. She would have to observe their Healer and some of their other pack mates before she could make a definitive decision. If they chased her out before she could make her observations then her decision would be made for her.
Played by Trix who has 331 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Jynx Myrddin
Sorry for the wait guys!

Jynx remained stiff legged and tense, tail held straight out behind her. Piercing yellow eyes slightly narrowed, with a harsh glint in their depths. All of these bodily signals said to others that she was on edge, and quite aggravated with the situation. This apparent lone wolf before them should have known better than to cross into claimed lands. Even she, who had been a loner her whole life, had known that was one of the ground rules you simply did not break. Unless you were looking for trouble of course. Kisla though, took charge, and it was only with her reassuring nod, that Jynx would relax ever so slightly. There was no denying that Titania did indeed need medical attention, and as Kisla howled for Lachesis, questions swarmed through her mind.

While they waited for the long legged healer to arrive, Jynx took a closer look at the wolf, laying on the ground before them. Or rather, examined the horrid wound on her back leg. Stepping forward, she made a half circle around her, not out of hostility, but of curiosity. "That is quite an injury." She stated evenly. Her eyes flicked towards the loners face. "How did it happen?" She pressed. As far as she was concerned, she wanted to know about the specifics behind the injury. And she suspected that Lachesis, as a healer, would also want to know how she had sustained it.
Played by Rachel who has 462 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Kisla Baranski

PPed an exit for Titania so we can just throw up an end to these threads. Titania ended up going back to WC in the end anyway, so as long as we keep it vague, it shouldn't be a problem.

The moments would tick on – the honeyed she-wolf regarded the stranger with a mixture of well hidden emotions that did not stray to her features. Worry ebbed at her very being as she watched the girl seemingly get worse with each passing moment, and it would become apparent that the ivory healer would not come.. and Kisla could only assume he was not in range.


The Baranski woman shifted her weight then, her eyes following Jynx as the yearling paced about the unknown female, studying her injury. With a small pause as she awaited for Lachesis to magically sweep in and save her from having to make a decision of any form just yet – to waste resources and time on a stranger.. or to take the risk and try to aide her in matters she knew nothing of. Blinking quietly, she cast a glance to Jynx, wondering if the yearling had any experience in the arts of healing.


When still the healer did not show, she exhaled softly, moving forward. Lachesis must not be around, she murmured, her tone somewhat apologetic. Were you feeling sick before you ate the berries? Her tongue flickered over her lips, an anxiety pressing to her chest. Kisla knew nothing of herbs and remedies – but there was a certain trail of logic that could e followed here, and sternly, her eyes cast themselves upon the stranger. Throw them up, she ordered gently, still wishing for the white male to sweep in and take over in this scenario.

But the wish was futile, and after her demand, the stranger seemed to shift in nature. The simple demand invoked something in the she-wolf, and without another word, the female twisted, pulling herself up, and fled from the scene, leaving beind a rather disorientated Baranski in her wake. What..?

(This post was last modified: Mar 05, 2015, 01:16 PM by Kisla.)

sparking up my heart