"Where.. Am I?"
The nearly cinnamon coated she-wolf hadn't known how long she'd been traveling anymore, and almost completely forgotten why she left home in the first place. "This place.. It's beautiful.. But.. It- It's not the place is it?" Mahle halted her travels temporarily to admire her surroundings. Old willow tree's letting their branches take a swim in the lagoon, sunshine just barely making its way through nature to kiss her fur. "The energy here.. It's nice. It's clean." soaking it all in, she tried her best not to let it remind her of the den she left behind. 'Why.. Why did I leave anyways? I had it so good. I was a princess, I had plenty of friends.. so why?' She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss her family. 'I want to go back but, how?' It was certainly past time to admit that wondering all the way out here might of been her biggest mistake yet. 'No. Everything happens for a reason.. So I have to continue on. I have to go... Where?'
Noticing her mind wasn't preforming the way it should, Mahle decided it'd be in her best interest to rest by the waters for a while. Just long enough to clear her head. " I need to be on the look out for other wolves, if not for help then at least for conversation.; The ex-Princess hadn't had any interaction in what might have been weeks. She really did miss it. 'In fact, lack of communication with others... That might be why my brains been so fuzzy. I might be going mad.' She let out a chuckle as she began to allow herself to take it easy.