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Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
Surprise ♥! I figured the brothers should have a little time together, @Orren. @Karina is welcome to join too!

"So brother raise another pint,
Rev up the engine and drive off in the night,
I'll still look out for you, no matter what you heard,
They can knock all of my doors down but I won't say a word."
Brothers by Murder by Death

Past the borders of Cut Rock River. Aleksei had come here a fair amount, curious of the world beyond his home. Of course, Orren had bounded off into this unclaimed place many times before. He hadn't been the first though, and that left the eldest brother with a crooked grin whenever he thought about it. Their little sister, Karina, had stumbled out alone before, intentionally or not. Of course, it left him feeling a little guilty--what good was a brother if he couldn't protect his siblings? Rina couldn't see things very well, so what if something had snuck up on her? Aleksei would never forgive himself. He was simply thankful that she was okay when she returned.

Things had been quiet recently. Too quiet, even for him. He couldn't imagine how restless Orren was feeling. His younger brother had always been excitable and desperate to play, to try his luck ... sometimes it could be irritating, like when they were younger and receiving lessons, and other times it could be just what Aleksei needed and wanted. Nothing helped relieve stress and let out pent up energy than rough housing and chase. Despite the fact that they were older now, and playing wasn't as big a part of their lives, he still enjoyed the occasional scuffle with his brother.

Stretching lazily with a yawn, the first son lifted his head slowly as he scented the air. It was cold, his nose tingling as he inhaled. But he could smell Orren on the wind, and that left the prince grinning. Tilting his head back and calling out, he requested his siblings. Come on! His call was playful and inviting. Let's do something!

(This post was last modified: Mar 12, 2015, 02:04 PM by Aleksei.)
Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski
"Tremble, little lion man, You'll never settle any of your scores"

Something? Yes, anything! The younger River prince was desperate for entertainment, the early spring seeming so barren of adventure; at least to a boy who was still too young to be affected by the raging hormones of breeding season. Yes, Orren Baranski was blissfully unaware of the rivalry reigning amongst his fellow wolves, and it was the worst thing he knew; Everything is so... QUIET! He longed for action! He'd even contemplated running off again, it wasn't too far to Willow Ridge, and surely @Deacon could help the fellow prince stir up some trouble. But so far,  it had stayed in his imagination, nothing real coming of it. Despite his reputation as a hellion, the younger Baranski son was doing his best to stay good and follow the rules; But if this inaction stretches much longer..! He might just make good on his plans.

So when he heard his brother's call, Orren was quick to get to his feet, ears flicking around in the wind to locate the direction of the howl. He was filled with conflicting feelings, standing frozen in deliberation for a few moments; The boys had been drifting apart, their interests and mentalities so different that it often led to clashes. Still, they were brothers, and they had their good times as well as bad; But none lately..! In the end, his boredom won out, and the copper pelted lad trotted off in direction of his sibling; if nothing else, at least Aleksei could offer some variation in this monotone time. And, though he would never admit it to anyone, least of all himself, Orren missed his brother.

It didn't take long to reach him, his position in the forest only a few moments up wind from where Orren himself had been resting. Beyond the border?! The, slightly, smaller lad was surprised, and it showed on his face as he stepped free of the trees, tail waving lightly behind him. Of course he knew Alek had been outside the pack lands before, but it still wasn't a common occurrence. "Lek?" The darker pup greeted his brother, stopping a few steps before him, head slightly tilted. His expression was tentative, not quite sure what to expect, but there was a clear light in his warm eyes as waited for answer.

Word count: 382

Thoughts ”Speech”
(This post was last modified: Apr 17, 2015, 10:10 PM by Orren.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health
Played by Mimi who has 192 posts.
Inactive II. Subordinate
Aleksei Baranski
@Orren - If you want, we can take advantage of that food drop and have the twerps run around chasing lynxes for fun and practice!

As his brother approached, Aleksei's tail swayed behind him as he trotted forward with a bark. Stopping before his sibling, the elder brother raised his paw to gently nudge his littermate's shoulder. In all honesty, the main reason Aleksei had called for his brother and not for Karina was that the maturing lad had grown to miss Orren, despite their many differences in opinions and ideals.They were yin and yang when it came to discipline. One could argue that perhaps the middle child simply had more Tainn in his blood. Or, perhaps he was content with being the less dominant male of the litter. Aleksei had often mentally chastised Orren. Caustic thoughts of how do you expect anyone will take you seriously when you act like you're still a cub and you'll never amount to anything with an attitude like that and how are you even related to me. But they were brothers and behind all his disapproval, Aleksei truly did love Orren in the way only a brother could.

"Hope you weren't doing anything important for once," he joked with an easy-going wolfish smile. "Today's been far too boring for my liking--shall we do something? Maybe we could try and hunt, bring something back for mum and dad? Just the two of us." Having grown up with such an energetic brother, Aleksei had learnt just how to push his younger sibling's buttons to get what he wanted; he knew for a fact that hunting would be a tempting offer--too good to pass up! With a bump of his shoulder to Orren's, the first born Baranski-Tainn began to meander casually through the forest, away from home, with a toothy grin.

Let the roots & soil drink of me
Whispering leaves & pointing branches will tell them where I'm lying
Played by PuppyThief who has 157 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Orren Baranski
Absolutely! :D

"Soul ever seeking the hunters mark"

For a few moments, Orren was tense, the air between him and his brother full of their many discrepancies. Then Aleksei closed the distance, slapping his brothers shoulder in the manner that was the boys' typical way of showing affection. The younger lad sidestepped lightly as the paw made contact, smiling tentatively up at the other as he reciprocated the gesture. Tail slowly starting to wag behind him, he waited for his brother to explain his call, a grin forming on his face to mirror Aleksei's.

He rolled his eyes at the first comment; As if there was anything TO do! The oldest prince liked to  think of himself and his actions as oh-so-important, but Orren knew the truth: that nothing they did was important, they were still children to the pack, and as long as the adults thought that way, why act any differently? He did very much like the prospect of doing something rather than loafing around aimlessly though, and Alek's suggestion elicited an enthusiastic bark from the younger male. Hunting would always draw Orren's interest, and after his 'lesson' with @Naia at midwinter, he'd even managed to make a few catches on his own; with Aleksei's help, they might even make a larger kill! There was some lure in being alone with his brother too, though he would vigorously deny it if someone asked.

So when the paler boy nudged his shoulder, Orren swayed his weight back into it and followed suit out into the forest, further away from the pack territory. Stalking silently through the woods, the black-saddled lad used what abilities he had accumulated, smelling and listening to the wind in search of possible prey; he knew of a few rabbit burrows nearby, but he wanted larger game; Which means we may have to go to more open terrain... Then he caught the first whiff of fresh blood. With wide, glistening eyes, he turned to look at Aleksei, silently questioning him. There was no need for answer though, the scent was sharp and familiar, and grew stronger with each step. Nervous energy changed the smaller wolf's slow trot into a skip, tail oscillating restlessly behind him.

Finally, they cleared the last trees, coming to a little clearing where the carcass of a small dear lay outstretched, light steam rising from it's still warm body. Orren felt a light pang of disappointment, as lucky as it was to stumble across fresh meat like this, he'd been looking forwards to a good chase. That's when he saw it, a flash of silvery fur, and the smell that had been masked so well by the blood hit his nose. The copper pelted lad snarled, lips curling back from his teeth. He knew the stench well, often encountering it hanging in the underbrush around the aforementioned rabbit burrows; "Lynx." He breathed, while Aleksei probably didn't need help to spot and identify the predator it never hurt to be sure. His eyes were locked on the animal, for now still gorging on the kill, it's upwind position leaving it blissfully unaware of the approaching rivals.

Word count: 515

Thoughts ”Speech”