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Kingdom of Hearts — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello
Random Event: Aesire, a pair of coyotes have you cornered.
@Ace - Making it official? -wiggles eyebrows- Ace only please <3

Life had her scattered every which way and her emotions, while kept in check, were the same way. She didn’t know how to feel for whom anymore and it was something that she had taken to thinking about often. Pain filled her mind and heart often as she fought with herself, especially with one particular wolf. Mr. Ace Caravello. The name caught her eye and the wolf even more so. She had been torn because he was her best friend by far and a good one at that but she couldn’t deny what her heart had been telling her for a few weeks now. That was the reason that she had been avoiding him altogether. She had to sort out what was real and what was not.

She had fought back her feelings because of what had happened the last time she had gotten close to a man. Rainar had made her life hell and had even gotten her kicked out of the pack after she rejected his advances. The stupid fight had made her lose everything. The way she saw things as a queen and some hopeless schoolgirl with a crush, Aesire and Ace could have children together. She was queen and she was responsible for bringing children into the world. That wasn't going to happen with the king though, it was going to be something she did from her heart and if he felt even remotely the same, they could have a family. She'd fight a million fights just for a family. She took a deep breath, her voice hitching softly as she raised her muzzle towards the sky and let out a howl for Ace. She had to tell them. That was the number one rule of love: You can never be just friends with someone that you’re in love with. The dusty gray queen was probably going to make a fool of herself and make him turn away from her forever but she had to tell him.

Her call was confident and calm, which was just about the opposite of what she had wanted. That was when it happened. She heard the crunching of snow behind her and she turned, expecting to find one of her packmates only to find two wicked beasts standing there, deviously suspicious grins on their faces. There were coyotes in her kingdom. She snarled as she took two steps back. The dangerous thing about the heights was the large rocks that led up to the mountains. Unfortunately she was right around there. She was stuck between a rock and a hard place and the coyotes had her cornered.

(This post was last modified: Mar 03, 2015, 12:26 PM by Phineas.)
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
@Aceire <3

The couple of weeks had passed by slowly for Ace. It wasn’t just the constant patrols or hunting trips that was eating away at him, but that he hadn’t seen Aesire around. Oh, he knew she was around, her scent was everywhere, but he hadn’t physically seen her. It made him wonder if she was avoiding him, but he could think of a reason why. So he chalked it up to her just being very busy with keeping the pack under control. The job of a pack leader was a very demanding one.

He had been prowling around the large rock area of Silent Moon Plateau, hoping to surprise some small prey as he rounded the corners, when he heard a confident and calm call coming from Aesire, a summons of sort. As the dutiful wolf he was (and the fact that he was desperate to see her) Ace disbanded his search for food and quickly padded in the direction of the call, trying his best not to break into a sprint to see her face once more. It was surely purely pack or work related, and he wanted to seem at least a little bit professional.

What the Silver Male saw when he arrived caused his hackles to raise and his lips to pull back as a snarl erupted from his maw. Two coyotes were standing right there, cornering Aesire between the rocks. Coyotes… were in his pack land… and far too close to his Queen for comfort. Lowering his head, Ace stalked forward, a low growl rumbling in his chest. He would rip them to shreds for just attempting to hurt her. That was more than enough reason. Without warning, he lunged forward, aiming to grab one of the coyote’s scruff. Hopefully Aesire would go for the other one before it attacked him.

305 Words
(This post was last modified: Feb 19, 2015, 11:35 PM by Ace.)
Played by Staff who has 4,812 posts.
There are several fresh rabbit tracks in the mud. Hunt Opportunity
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello
@Ace - small PP that Ace deals with the first one by the time she's done ;)

The guilt for avoiding Ace had slowly been chipping away at her mind as she had gone through every possible reason to tell him and accept her feelings or ignore them and remain friends. She saw a figure in the distance and desperately hoped that it was the man she had called for or another one of the wolves in the pack. She stared down the eyes of coyotes as the silver figure came into view and there was a small sigh of relief. He instantly fell into an aggressive stance and attacked. With the odds evened, she launched herself at the other canine that had been prepping to attack the pack’s most valued Guardian. Her jaws snapped at the creature as she closed the proximity.

The dusty woman’s jaws found the side of the creature’s neck. Aesire bit down as blood rushed across her teeth and through her mouth. She forced the creature that was taken in shock to the ground before she killed it where it laid. She rose, turning to see Ace who had disposed the other one. “Ace, it is good to see you.” The words were happily placed as she took a few deep breaths, panting from the small thrill of protecting the pack. Her heart beat a bit faster in her chest as she looked at him. “I… erm… we need… ah.” The wording held the definition of awkwardness within it. “I have something to tell you.” The words were hushed as she looked at him with a bit of awe.

[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

His jaws clamped around the coyotes scruff and he savagely shook his head, effectively disorientating the disgusting, scavenging creature. Snarling, Ace adjusted his grip, his teeth sinking into its neck as he bit down hard enough to break bone. Blood spurted everywhere, staining his teeth and muzzle, but he held on and pushed it down to the ground until he was sure it was dead. Only then did he let go. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself before turning to the earthy hued female and watching as she killed the second coyote. "I'm glad to see you too," he responded with a breathy chuckle, panting from the excitement of ridding the world of two more coyotes. His eyes then scanned over her body to make sure she was okay, a grin forming on his face. It was good to see her again, alive and healthy.

The Silver Male's brows furrowed when Aesire began to speak, the very definition of awkward in her tone and words. He took a step forward, ears twitching, a worried expression on his face. Was something wrong? Did something happen? Her hushed tones spoke of something that was likely private, or maybe something she was ashamed of. Whatever it was, she seemed to want to tell him, but couldn't seem to find the right words. "Aesire, what is it? Did something bad happen to you?" His tone was now more worried than curious, and he took another step forward so he was standing closer to her, head dipping down to nuzzle gently at her cheek. "Whatever it is, you can tell me. You know that, right?" Ace's words were spoken in a gentle, rumbling tone.

282 words
Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello

He was glad to see her too. The words comforted her as she let a small smile onto her face. How was she going to word all of this? "I'm sorry I haven''t been around as often. I had something I've been thinking about and needed to distance myself from my surroundings in order to think about it." The explanation was vague as she glanced at her paws that were circling the ground. She looked him in the eyes as he asked her if anything had happened to her. "No, nothing like that I promise." She promised him as he told her that he could tell her anything that she had on her mind. "Yes, I know Ace." She promised with a light tease off her maw.

"I've done a lot of thinking..." The words trailed off as she tried to find the right words to say. "I like you." The words were awkward like that of a pre-teen telling her crush that he was her crush. She looked up at him and down to her paws. He was her best friend and she hoped that would never change. It was more of the losing him as a friend if things went badly at this moment in time. She took a deep breath to calm her heart which was racing.

[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello
I've had this post half-written on my desktop for half a month now Dx Only found it now... @Aesire

kamikaze airplanes in the sky, are we going down or will we fly?
this could be a shipwreck on the shore, or we could sail away forevermore

Ace nodded in understanding at his best friend's words. He too, had been distancing himself in order to get everything straight and orderly in his mind. But there was one thought that didn't want to stay still and ended up messing around with everything else. He didn't know what to do about it either, other than tell the wolf in question about what was going on, but he was afraid of getting locked out if he did exactly that. Too many years of heartbreak had caused him to become wary of sharing his feelings with others. The Silver Male smiled when she affirmed that nothing bad had happened, because if she didn't, then someone would have gotten their ass kicked. He was very protective when it came to those he held very close to his heart, though he wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing.

When Aesire spoke again, Ace could only blink and stare for a moment, his mind racing with the new information. She liked him! It was like a heavy blanket had just been lifted off from his body, and he felt like he could sing. But he wouldn't, obviously, that'd be weird. He licked his lips nervously, thinking about how he would sentence his words together in a way that would be understandable. His mind was still racing a hundred miles a second. "I've also been thinking... about you, in particular. And, I've uh, for a while now I've realized that... that I like you too. I just didn't know how to tell you." He looked at her face, seeing that she was nervously glancing down at her paws, and slowly moved his muzzle to her cheek, caressing her face gently as if she was the most precious being to him in the whole universe. And she was. He'd do anything for her.

310 Words

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello
Cross my heart and hope to die
burn my lungs and curse my eyes

Heat continued to radiate from her cheeks as Aesire looked him in the eyes. They spoke it all as he gently nuzzled her cheek. Never did she think that she would be in this position – especially since what had happened with Rainar and her almost marriage to him and her banishment from Heartbreaker Col. She gulped as she heard his words, her heart racing as she nuzzled his cheek softly. For the first time in a long time, she started to feel a sense of hope. Her future was coming to be a bit more present as she thought about all she could achieve. Her worries had started to slip away from her and she forgot about all of the struggles she had found within the pack.

She needed him and he needed her it would seem. She still processed his words, over and under analyzing them as she looked at him. “Ace… I love you.” The words put butterflies in her stomach as she nipped at his ear slightly. Everything was happening so fast. While she was not thinking about it at the time, she noted that breeding season was fast approaching and as a female alpha, it was her duty to bear pups. But, if she was to take up this ‘honor’, she was going to bear the children of someone she lived. She’d have Ace’s children or she would have none. Her heart continued to flutter as she kept her gaze on him. She was holding her breathe even.

[Image: MruC0QZ.png]
Played by Melorama who has 205 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ace Caravello

kamikaze airplanes in the sky, are we going down or will we fly?
this could be a shipwreck on the shore, or we could sail away forevermore

It was uncharacteristic for Ace to show his insecurities and feelings in any capacity, but his heart was bared to the wolf before him in a way it had never been for another soul. He would give her all he was in the hope she would return the favour, because was that not what loving another meant? It did to him, at least. The only problem was the fear of being rejected as he had already been over and over again. It made loving another hard. He never wanted to feel that pain again. Falling apart was a long and painful process, but putting himself back together was even worse. Only the knowledge that Aesire returned the deep affection and feelings he had for her made it possible for him to love her properly.

His gaze, which had slowly drifted to the lifeless corpses of the two coyotes that had cornered and attacked Aesire, returned back to the emerald green eyes staring hopefully at him. Ace felt a warmth flood throughout his body when she said that she loved him. Any thoughts of previous lovers or the painful separations that followed left his mind as his gaze fixed firmly on hers. A low rumble emitted from his throat as she gently nipped his ear, a clear sign of affection. "I love you too, Aesire," he said softly, his words gentle like a flowing breeze. He loved her, more than anything else, and every time he saw her, he would make sure she knew that.

254 Words

Played by Namara who has 114 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Aesire Destine-Caravello
A little short @Ace
aesire destine caravello
a pair of aces is when two becomes four

The words were said and the damage was done… not all damage was bad. I love you too, Aesire. The words made her heart skip a beat in her chest as a huge smile cracked her face and all her shyness was wiped away. Had he just said he felt the same? Had he really said that he loved her? She felt as if she could cry, but she wasn’t going to. She stayed strong in her mind as she nuzzled his neck softly. She did not realize that this exact moment would lead to so much pain, frustration, and hardship down the line. She did not realize what would happen because of these feelings being brought to light, but she did know one thing.

She loved Ace, and nothing could mask those emotions. She would murmur something, letting soft insecurities out in her voice as she asked him to make a promise. “Ace, promise me you won’t leave me. That you’ll always have my back.” She had not shared much if any of her past, but if he only knew, he would know it wasn’t a stupid question in her mind. Her breathing softened as she waited for a response, drawing back from him and looking at him with almost pleading eyes.

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[Image: MruC0QZ.png]