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we hunt for trouble tonight — Ghastly Woods 
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Played by Charlie who has 6 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Liadan Afton

She had spotted them in the middle of a field, clear as daylight. Bold as brass. They seemed as shocked to have seen her as she them, and for a moment, the stared at each other in surprised silence.
A doe and a fawn. Seemingly thrown right into her path, there for her taking. Well, she wasn't sure she could take down the doe on her own - but the fawn was another story.

Their gazes broke, and the deer abruptly turned and fled in unison. Liadan's body, already coiled like a spring, burst into action. She may have been a small wolf, but she was lithe and built for chases like these. All she needed to do was separate the fawn from its mother, then take it down. It was a pity that it wasn;t younger - it was growing into a strong young buck, and she knew it would put up a fight. But first she had to catch them. Her claws dug up the earth as she ran, body darting through the long grasses at a frightening pace, the deer firmly in her sights. She was gaining on them, closing the space between them. The pair suddenly veered left, and her body twisted to follow, sliding as her paws struggled to make contact with the earth. She quickly regained her balance and quickened her pace, still very much on their tails.

The doe, fawn at her heels, cleared a fallen log with ease, and Liadan followed, propelling herself to the top of the log and launching herself from it. She landed effortlessly on the soft ground, not pausing to catch her breath. She felt a branch catch at her fur, and realised she had followed them into the forest. Though the pair were not far in front of her, they were growing harder to keep track of as they weaved in and out of the trees, which seemed to get denser with every stride. For a moment, she lost sight of them, before they re-appeared to her right, from behind a huge oak.

And then, suddenly, something grabbed her foot. Still traveling at full speed, she collided with the forest-floor in a mess of limbs and decaying leaves. She tumbled over and over, paws desperately trying to find a hold, before she finally came to rest on her side. She lay for a moment, heart fluttering like a bird trapped in a particularly small cage. Quickly, she twisted her head to find who had grabbed her foot. She expected to see a skeletal hand rising from the ground, but was met instead with the sight of a large, exposed root. Liadan exhaled deeply and let her head dropped to the soft earth for a moment.

After regaining her breath (and her composure), she began to glance around at her surroundings. She had no idea where she was. The forest was far darker than the others she had seen during her admittedly short stay in this area. The limbs of the trees seemed to have claws, like hands outreached to grab you. Liadan abruptly pulled herself to her feet; she did not like the vibes the forest was giving off, and she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Sod the deer. She'd lost them now anyway.

But where was she?

Played by Switch who has 960 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Triell Tainn
<blockquote>The hare, where had the hare gone? Jaws were clenched in a tightness, almost grinding, but not quite. His lips were sealed, and he was trying not to breath noisy. He was trying to be quiet, delicately placing his large paws against the dry ground while stalking his prey. He had spotted a brown hare scampering along the grove, and had taken pursuit of the fast creature leading him further, and further from home. This wasn't the first time the creature had wandered out of his topaz colored gaze, and he paused waiting for the brown coat to dart amongst the foilage like it did after it thought he was gone. It at first had been more of a game, now he was growing annoyed knowing he was in the Wildwood now. The place he seemed to always end up at, and was begining to wonder why.

Eyes narrowed, tracing along the brush where the hare might be hiding. He was eager to catch it, take it back for Cori to eat. She was large now, she looked very uncomfortable to the lad. The least he could do was get her something decent to eat, and hope the pups were on there way soon. He couldn't imagine being a girl, and silently thanked he was a boy. A flicker of green leaves had his attention, and the brown blur shot out into the open again. A smirk on his face, he tugged his feet hard against the foilaged and propelled himself onward, gaining ground upon the long eared prey.

The hare was a powerful, quick, and must have been pursued before. It managed to always keep a foot ahead of him. When he got close it'd jump into the nearby cover without warning. Mild irritation prickled beneath his skin, he rumbled growl vibrating in his neck. Stupid thing. He snapped his teeth in midair where it'd last disappeared, and than opened his jaws trying to catch some air. The lad soon realized looking around he was very deep in the Wildwood, deeper than he'd ever been. Nothing looked familiar, and a mild sense of panic twisted his gut. Which way was home? Get a grip. He thought, ears pinned against his skull. He could easily follow his scent safely back to the grove, and confidently strode forward (forgetting about the hare).

The woods were not the same as the Wildwood the further he stepped. They were much more menacing, and the bushes, the trees were gnarled and twisted. Like the Sacred Grove gave a comforting feeling this place gave the oppisite, an eerie darkness of sorts. Lovely, you go exploring and fine the creepiest woods. The wind blew harshly, and there were branches trying to grab his soft coat. Cautious stride he looked for a way back, trying not to get caught in a dangerous hold. The wind shifted, and a lady's scent teased his nostrils. Why would someone else be here? Where they trapped, no one could possibly want to live here. "Hello?!"
(This post was last modified: May 02, 2011, 11:00 PM by Triell.)
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are you with me through it all?
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