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Quaint Blinkered
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Played by Switch who has 85 posts.
Inactive No Rank
    we are all decieving, lost, and bleeding.

The meeting adjourned she stuck close to the plateua, but out of ear range for words. She was sure when time came Alexander would find, or send a call. Quietly she shuffled atop the stone, shooting glances across the lands. The wind was nicely blowing instead of ripping at her facade, and the sun's beam were bright. She tried to sit down, but she felt so much unused energy to sit still. She was ready to find the herd of mountain goat, she had a plan in mind. She only wasn't sure if Alexander would be part of the hunt. She had two scenarios in her head, one with three wolves, and the other four. She doubted Makita would be able, or should participate. She tried to hold to the certainty, Alexander would let her know.

Body stalked off in another direction. She thought about her encounter with Anger, and the black coated Inkheart with his velvet tongue. She thought about the stiffness the young girl, Makita felt toward her. She did think about her brothers, and missed them. She'd never been bored, or uncertain with them.