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when your heads in the clouds [M] — Vigils Keep 
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Played by Alice who has 251 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Elias Selwyn

Elias hovered as Nin forced herself to her feet, his ears flew forward as the little one-his daughter- began to whine in protest. He would have rushed forward to soothe her had it not been for Nin, who beat him to the punch. He was torn between following them to the den and staying where he was, with his little lost sons. It was absolutely heartbreaking to have to chose, to know that he would have to leave them-even if only for a moment- but Nin was right. He would come back for them and they would never ever be forgotten. He just hoped that they would wait for him.

Elias sniffed and snuffed as he tried to maintain his decorum. He knew Nineva wouldn't think ill of him for getting all upset, but this was a happy moment, or at least it should have been. Clearing his throat, he then took a long steadying breath. As quickly as he could manage he assembled a calm-ish- facade and nodded. His voice was still hoarse, shaky, but it was the best he could do. He really was giving it all, he wouldn't make a scene. Not yet.

"I-yeah. I'll...let's get you two safe and I'll deal with it."The thought made him feel naseous, a father was never meant to bury his young but this was how it had worked out. He would deal with it, alone.


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[Image: teamselwyn_2_by_marthypie-dcq9co4.png]