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Don't Pretend — Jasper Rocks 
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Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
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Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>A growing child, and growing more in confidence she scampered from the familiar dwelling of home to the pack's source of water to explore on her own.

The sun's light had been in this part of the wood for a time, and there was a bounce in her stride, even though her legs had kindly grew longer now, there was something about skipping rather than walking that was more fun, and seemed like it made her go faster she couldn't resist. A quick rhythem she continued, her large ears directed to the source of the trinkling water.

The young Lyall knew there was a lot of things wrong in her life. She really shouldn't have noticed in fact, as she had no real way of knowing what was normal. Father gone, and Prosper never coming back things didn't seem okay The adults fussed over their safety, eating, and her mother just didn't appear quite as happy as she once had. She often did not understand why a parent, and sibling had vanished into thin air. She had heard Kiche talk about a superior being. She never did really wrap her head around that. She always felt something was out there, but it couldn't be evil could it? It wanted to help <i>them</i> shouldn't it?

White tail swung in sync with her hips, and she halted at the large rocks which encircled the pool. She stared into the coppery, brown bottom silently making a wish things would be good. Kiche, and Aisling had returned after all, why not Father, why not Prosper?</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
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Aisling Halleck
After the hunt, things had gotten bad.

The suave, purring voice inside of her head told her to get on with it. She'd spent too much time dawdling and not enough time taking action. So, what was she to do first? Target a child. One of Jayse's pups, since they seemed to be the only ones about. It would look like nothing more than an accident, and Aisling could claim that she had done all in her power to save the poor dear. But alas, it was in vain. Another point for Aisling. Trust shoveled onto her side. She'd have the upper hand. They'd have the upper hand. But she didn't want to do it. She fought from the inside out, but it was no use. He had the cards.

Aisling let go, and wandered about the Hollow, waiting for a pup to rear its fluffy head. And there was one now..."Go...You're friends, are you not? She adores you. Use it." With a robotic gaze, Aisling followed Arlette's scent towards a small murky pool. The girl seemed to be looking at something. Aisling came up along side her, a meek, charming smile on her face. It was wrong. Absolutely wrong. <b style="color:#388d10">"What are you looking at?" The pale woman asked, head turned to look at the child. Inside, she screamed.

<b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

<i>disclaimer</i> no dead puppies in this thread. xD
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote><i>sorry for the wait, life wouldn't let me go..</i>

Golden, and red leaves swirled on top of the water. She stared at them too, remembering what Mom had said about the leaves changing, and falling. She sorta supposed that's why this time of year was called fall, but hadn't asked, preffering her own answer for it. She scooted her hips closer together, and leaned a littler closer debating on getting a drink. Everyone was worried about food, and she knew it was getting colder she wondered how the cold would affect the water.She'd been told winter was coming, but wasn't sure if she'd like it. It didn't sound like something wonderful, just a <span class='word'>tawdry</span> trick of nature.

First when she heard steps she assumed it to be a brother, or sister. She was evidently surprised to hear Aisling instead, and head jerked to the side to see her. She had not expected her to be right there, nor her question, and she jumped slightly startled; her triangle ponits twisted back on her hea., <b>"Oh, just da leafs."</b> She answered, a smile coming so natural curving her lips. She'd realized Aisling was different than before, her first memories of her were good things, and Arlette had not really pondered the difference nor if it really mattered. Things were always changing. Eyes stare into the more golden pair of the creamy wolf for a second, and casually she looks back to the inanimate objects.

<b>"Aislin', do ou like sno?"</b> She asked hesitantly, wanting to get a better opinion on the subject.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
Her paws screamed to allow her to move away, to just run, but her brain refused to let her go. Internally, she was begging, screaming at the feline monster to let her go, to free her. Her cries fell upon deaf ears. Aisling withheld a nearly criminal grin as the child jumped, and her tail merely wagged, glad that she now had the young wolf's attention. <b style="color:#388d10">"Oh yes, how lovely," Her voice was strong with an edge, but quiet as if she was trying not to speak. There was a war being waged within her and she would fight it to the death.

Pale ears flicked at the girl's question, which caught Aisling off-guard. <b style="color:#388d10">"I suppose so, yes. It allows me wonderful camouflage, as you'd imagine." The smile crack almost threateningly, and she scooted closer to the pup. It was almost ironic that she was at this pool. So easily drowned... <b style="color:#388d10">"Do you like the snow?" Leaning down, she asked this with her teeth bared. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote><i>frankie, you can powerplay if you need too.</i>
Aisling voice sounded different, and her head titled slightly while her white brows touched. She wasn't sure, but it kinda scared her, and she wanted to ask what the matter was. She held her tongue, because talking wasn't exactly her strong point. Maybe it was rude of her to ask such a thing, mother was teaching her some things were not polite. She was just on the point between controlling her urge to ask, and understanding it might upset someone.

Before she had to much time to worry, Aisling answered her first question. Lettie's large ears were cupped forward, never thinking that the snow might help her hide better. This made her smile again, though when she looked back to the white wolf she did not have good feelings about the smile on her lips. The girl was again not sure why. She liked Aisling, Aisling was nice. She shouldn't have to worry should she? She tried to look away, and managed for a second until Aisling pushed the question back at her. <b>"I,"</b> she started, when she looked back she saw teeth. Elettra had taught her what that meant, and she jumped once more her back to the water now. <b>"I, a "</b> she struggled because now she was scared. What had she done?</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
Her tongue flashed over her teeth, and she moved closer to the girl, if such a thing was possible. The cruel smile that was clearly on her face suddenly shifted into a frown, and her jowls lowered for a moment. The pale female looked absolutely terrified for one measly moment, before everything seemed to go back to the way it was. <b style="color:#388d10">"Oh, come now. No need to be afraid. Auntie Aisling is going to teach you how to swim."

Snarling, the smile quickly gone, Aisling moved to lock her teeth around the pup's neck with just enough pressure to keep her from struggling free. Moving would only make it hurt more anyway. Aisling pondered now how she would go about doing this. She couldn't judge the depths of the pool due to the murk. She supposed that merely restraining the child below the less than average depths if that was what they were, would serve their purpose. So be it. Child in tow, Aisling slid into the water, and cast the pup out, only to pull her back towards her with an easy move of a paw. <b style="color:#388d10">"Lesson one: Holding your breath," Rearing back, she pressed her forepaws onto the child's back, hoping to hold the girl beneath the water just long enough.

<b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

<i>I actually wasn't sure how deep the water was. o-o; I can change it if need be? next post will be aisling's exit post, but i figured that, despite being allowed powerplay, Arlette still deserved to get a say, and it would probably be beneficial to know what her emotions are so as to affect Aisling (super long OOC --;)</i>
Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote><i> xD okay all that ooc made me laugh. Any way, okay Frankie I just wasn't sure what you had in mind, and didn't want to make it harder...wotm so fits this, kinda weird.</i>

Her muscles were stiff knots, her bones felt like heavy stone. She wanted to run, everything inside her screamed to run. Could she? No, she was frozen by fear, because she'd never thought Aisling was one of those scary wolves, nuh uh. One second she saw her own fear mirrored in blond face, and next she some some <span class='word'>berserk</span> stranger, she was certain wanted to eat her. A single second she closed her eyes, the cream wolf grabbing hold of her. Again she wanted to yelp for help, anything, but her jaws would not even open. She was a prison to her fear, and now to Aisling.

Her body bound tight, she didn't struggle because she couldn't. The cold water didn't help, and she only quivered both with fear, and the lack of heat. She could feel Aisling's grip, and once more tried to make her body work. She was just a helpless lump, and closed her eyes praying that someone would come by. When Aisling spoke, she opened her eyes, trying to look into the amber colored orbs. <b>"Pease,"</b>she softly spoke, wondering why she was doing this. It was too late, the weight was on her back, and she was being submerged into the pool. When she could not hold her breath any longer her instincts did finally kick in, and she started to squirm, pushing hard trying to get her head above water, bubbles ejecting out of her nose.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
The girl had started to squirm beneath her paws, beneath the water. Aisling began to breath deeply, quickly, as if insanity was literally taking over. Her eyes were wide as she stared down at the child, each second ticking by like a long, amazing moment. But that last word rang in her ears like some terrible omen. "Focus. You're so close. We're so close." But the sultry, berserk feline voice was overpowered by the final plea of the child. "Pease?"

Her head snapped up from the water, ears twisted back, and she looked as if she was in actual pain, terrible physical pain. Twisting back, she landed over the rocks, hitting the dirt before she struggled, frenzied, to her paws. "NO." Something screamed at her. Something. Who. Someone? "Kill the child!" Aisling doubled over, eyes watering, as if she was crying, but such a thing wasn't possible. <b style="color:#388d10">"Nononono. Nononono." A sheer whine tore through her clenched teeth, and made her throat hurt. She didn't look at the pool for fear that she had done what she had been commanded to do. She didn't want it to be true. She wanted Arlette to be okay. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."

Played by Switch who has 207 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Arlette Dieudonné Lyall
<blockquote>First she thought she was going to die. Though she might not have been in the water very long, it seemed like forever. Her nose was starting to burn, but suddenly the weight was gone. Her body now, no longer forced floated with ease to the surface. She tried to breath, but was coughing, spluttering water from her lips when her face finally broke the surface. She had no idea how to swim, not really. She didn't really think about that part, she started moving her legs like she was running. Soon she was at least managing to keep her head above the water. She tried to feel the bottom, but had no idea where it was. She was a little scared to find out.

White lids blinking she tried to blink out the water because it stung. She took a deep breath once her lungs wer clear. First she did not see Aisling in the pool, and quickly her moonlit eyes tried to find where she had went. She saw a blond figure outside the pool, and she wanted to yell for mother, or Elettra, or even Trisden. When she thought that might make it worse she kept quiet. Maybe Aisling would go. Then again.... she started to panic waiting for her to come back upon her. Then she heard no over, and over, and the terrible sound of pain. The child was tore between asking for help, and trying to swim on her own. <b>"Aislin, pease!"</b> she barked unsure how to get out of the pool, and fearful she might not ever.</blockquote>
[Image: oaktreebend.png]
Played by Bryony who has 140 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aisling Halleck
The ringing in her ears finally ceased, and finally, everything was silent. Dead quiet. It frightened her. Casting her amber gaze about, she searched frantically for the ghostly figure of the cat, one that she hadn't seen in months, but there was nothing. She cried out loudly, as if doing so would spark a reaction in her mind, but it was silent. It was...He was gone? No. Her hackles rose out of sheer fear, and she looked up again. It wasn't possible. Her best friend was gone now. What would she do? A voice pulled her out of her mind, and she looked up, eyes still glistening with moisture.

Arlette. She was still alive! But she was in the pool. The water! With shaking legs, Aisling rushed to the pool side again, quickly grabbing the pup's nape in her teeth and lifted her out of the pool. With abrupt swiftness, she dropped the child on dry land and recoiled back a few feet. Arlette had almost drowned and it was her fault. All her fault. She didn't look at the pup, waiting only to hear her run off to tell her mother what Aisling had done. Oh...They'd kill her. Oh. Oh no. <b style="color:#388d10">"Nonono. I don't want to die. I'm so sorry, so sorry." Her voice was low, soft, pleading to no one but herself. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."