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Seeking Refuge — Riddle Heights 
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Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
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OOC: Located at Vlar's previous and most likely permanent Den - Further description and images will be on her extra page once I get them.. :)

Her return to Grizzly Hollow and subsequent meeting with Jaysyek had shown the white female that once and for all - she was no longer welcomed on the lands of the pack.. Something she had accepted the night she'd left for the second time, her own selfish desires drawing her away. Thoughts of Raigo and Borden - both wolves she wished to see again had pulled her paws away from the pack borders, and far to the north - where she'd encountered the injured and emaciated Borden. Their... Conversation had left further pain in her breast, a darkened weight that settled onto her shoulders, dragging her down, forcing her into servitude to her emotions.

The fresh injury over her right eye, one that took her sight was still weeping blood, the crimson liquid leaving goopy tracks down her ivory face. Her walk wasn't limping or stunted - after all it wasn't her legs that were injured mostly.. Though the females head hung low enough between her shoulders that her nose just barely brushed the ground. Plumed tail that had once arched animatedly and dominantly over her back hung low, the longer strands of white fur brushing the ground and picking up debris of all kinds. There was a single destination in mind - a cave nestled in the southern edge of the Mountain of Dire.

The secluded location appealed to the broken lady, nestled in a place that hardly any canine traffic passed through.. Thankfully. The trees and lands began to look familiar, and with a relieved sigh, she saw the half moon clearing that marked her den site. A weary smile tugged at her lips as she crossed the line of trees, stopping a moment in the clearing before moving to the pool of water that had been hollowed into the rock bedding on the ground. The water was the sweetest thing she had ever tasted - naturally filtered by the rains and waters that washed down the mountain to dribble steadily into the pool. It had deepened since her last visit -and she could make out deep claw scores at the bottom, wondering what creature had deigned to deepen the water source.

A nervous look took over the ivory female and she lifted her single working eye to the triangular mouth of her cave before creeping towards it. An inquisitive nose entered the opening before scenting about - finding nothing...untoward.. stale musty scents. She stepped further into the den, the entrance a bit hard to squeeze into - but once she cleared the mouth, it opened up into a much larger interior that could easily and comfortably have fit three or four adults.. And it was warm - thanks to the underground hot spring that flowed beneath the ground. She turned after ensuring her den was clear. and padded out into the sunlight, lifting her muzzle to look up at the sky she could see above the trees. There was plenty of daylight left..

Preferring to remain in solitude, the white female ventured out of her clearing and began the arduous task of gathering as many nasty looking branches, bushes and other things she could find.. to drag them to the ring of trees that surrounded her home - planting them close enough together that she kept snagging her fur on them. It would take her weeks, if not months to create enough of a 'barrier' that seemed imposing and natural enough to keep other wolves out.. or from venturing into her home. She just.. wanted to be left alone. Her jaws locked once more around the thick, thorny branch belonging to a bush, dragging it towards the fortifications surrounding her home.

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Played by Haptic who has 12 posts.
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Nequam "Shatter" Eirawen
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd509/Happytic/shaaaatter-1.png); background-position: top; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 370px 25px 10px 25px; color: #000000; text-align: justify; font-family: bookman old style; font-size: 11px;">The mountains reminded him of home - his first home, that he shared with members of his family that were naught but a distant memory. It was after those days, after being beaten and chased away that his personality regressed into something less confident. He had spent much of his life in a state of carelessness. Whatever happened happened, and nothing was truly any of his business. When he had chased his sister, wanting nothing more than to be with the only semblance of a foundation that his life had ever had - but in the year and a half that he had been missing? She had built herself something strong, something dependable - and completely without him. It was seeing her the way she was that made him tear himself away from his past. He was a vagabond, a rogue with nowhere to really go - but he had gone anyways. His time as a yearling and a young adult had been miserable, but now? He had broken free of that.

He could appreciate wildwood, these lands were vast, and although dangerous, he was a lupine that knew how to make it on his own. Winter would hit him hard, his frame was already smaller than you would expect from a male - but by all means he wouldn't starve, even if he became a scavenger until spring came to pass. It was cold here, but although his paws were cold, the familiar crunching of ice wasns't heard underneath his feet. It tingled of familiarity, but these rocky hills were not a place that he had been to before.This might have looked like home, but his feet hadn't led him there again - this was somewhere new. His pace was slow as he trekked over no particular path, his blue eyes taking in the area - his ears sat high atop his head, listening for anything that might be nearby. The last thing he needed was for some territorial cougar to come knock him down the hillside.

But slowly, things evened out, and he was left in a wooded area. It was as if the rocks had lifted and this was part of the forest left in tact. As he roamed, he swore that he heard the footsteps of another, the occasional scrape of branch against the ground. "Maybe I'm not alone here?" Inspecting the sound, he tried to be careful enough not to be heard, but he couldn't guarantee that his presence hadn't been alerted to. Still, he could see whispers of another wolf in the distance, flicks of white fur between the trees. Squinting, he swore that he was seeing things - and that was when he stumbled over the fallen branch, tripping forward, but catching himself on his front paws. He... hadn't wanted to be caught - but he was glad that he could be caught in the first place. That meant that his eyes had not started playing tricks on him - at least, not yet.

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: B'aww... the reunion.. ;-; Though I wonder how long it will be for them to realize it. XD

The crack of a branch brought the lady's jaws open in a silent, warning snarl, her single amber eye casting around the area for the source of the sound. The orb landed on a shock of white, the fur standing out in stark contrast to the green foliage around him. The branch had been dropped as she shifted, her long legs adjusting to give herself more of a balanced set. Her ivory fangs were still in one piece, even if her face and ears weren't. Technically, she had no real claim to this territory, but that didn't stop her from trying to anyway. After all it was *HER* home..not his.. and it was HER patch of land, damnit.

A low growl trickled from the scarred lips of the large female, her plumed tail curling tightly over her back in a display of dominance. Had she been anywhere but *HER* home, she would probably had made haste and run as far as she could.. but here, there was no where to run. Despite being broken - she still had a fighting spirit.. A spirit that told her to stand her ground and protect what was hers.

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Played by Haptic who has 12 posts.
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Nequam "Shatter" Eirawen
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd509/Happytic/shaaaatter-1.png); background-position: top; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 370px 25px 10px 25px; color: #000000; text-align: justify; font-family: bookman old style; font-size: 11px;">She reacted as if he had threatened her. Shatter stared a moment, appearing just a bit too nonchalant infront of a she wolf that would surely attack him if he made the wrong move. But it was how he had always been, there wasn't a sense of fear instilled within the male, so in the face of danger? He didn't really react any differently than if he was in a less conflicting situation. There was a slight frown that tugged at the end of his lips - he hadn't wanted to end up running into this female - this woman that was far too familiar looking for his tastes. His sister was gone, a part of his past that he left behind after he saw that she was steadily making her own future. She didn't want nor need him - she was probably residing in her pack lands now, protecting whatever life that she was living.

This female, though, was acting rather strangely. It was as if this place -albeit beautiful- was all that she had in the world. "Calm down, I don't want to take your sticks." He said, his voice level, but sincere. "Unless... it's not just your branches that you're growling at me for." And the second question, that should have been laced with sarcasm and a snarkiness that would have gotten his ass kicked had he actually been on someone's territory - wasn't. It was also sincere, his expression remaining neutral throughout. In all actuality he was rather entranced by the lupine - she looked so much like his sister, like his family that he had once tried to hold onto and then tried to forget. Neither idea had worked, leaving him the way he was with everything else - neutral. It was what it was and he couldn't change a thing about it. Besides - this couldn't be the girl from his past, nor the proud pack member that he had found almost a year before. She was scarred, and seemed to be living alone. There was potential for strength in her - but something about her seemed weak... and that wasn't the female that he had seen and left behind for that very reason.

His sister didn't need him - but it was obvious that this lupine needed someone - or she would end up like him... or worse. "Are you hiding something back there?"

(This post was last modified: Nov 13, 2011, 11:23 PM by Shatter.)
Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Poor Shatter.. Vlar's being a grumpy ass...

She shifted slightly, placing herself more securely between her home and this...newcomer. Little did he know that this *was* all she had.. This little spit of land, though her densite wasn't visible this far into the trees. It was still hers.. her only refuge.. place of safety. Vlarindara laced injured and bitten ears against her neck, fur around her shoulders and spine standing on edge.. the long strands still hanging limp despite her anger towards Shatter. She had no recognition to the younger male - her brother had been even younger than she when she'd been parted from the pack.

"What would you know of protection? What would you know of duty, family?" Where...was this coming from? The white female snarled, her single amber eye glittering angrilly at the other ivory canine, taking a step backwards, towards her den. "Only as strong as your weakest link - that's what protection is... " She lowered her head, a sigh escaping her lips before she turned, moving to pick up her bramble covered vine. "Do as you wish...this is rogue territory.." What was with the sudden change of demeanor? Vlarindara really didn't know - she just...didn't seem to have it in her to remain angry. She knew that had he wanted to press the issue, he would win.. what with her freshly blinded eye. So instead.. she just set about trying to fortify her home.. hoping that by ignoring the male he'd go away.

(This post was last modified: Nov 13, 2011, 11:32 PM by Vlarindara.)
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Played by Haptic who has 12 posts.
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Nequam "Shatter" Eirawen
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd509/Happytic/shaaaatter-1.png); background-position: top; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 370px 25px 10px 25px; color: #000000; text-align: justify; font-family: bookman old style; font-size: 11px;">He had tripped over the branch because with his injured eye, he had a lack of some depth perception. It wasn't enough to affect him too badly, but it was times like this that it didn't make his life easier. To him, it was obvious that she was protecting something - and honestly, he was more interested in who she was than whatever she wanted to keep to herself. That wasn't any of his business... but then again neither was she, and here he was pestering the she wolf that obviously wanted to be left alone. It was after she was calm enough to speak opposed to snarl, that he realized that she had been injured. What had happened to her eye? Perhaps she was more like him than he realized? Was that a good or bad thing?

She asked what he would know of protection, and the male let out a rather bemused him. "Honestly? Absolutely nothing." He didn't even go by his birth name anymore - something that he left behind with the memory. As she snarled he only stared, before shaking his head. "I'm just a nameless rogue." It was fact, so why should he feel bad about it? This was the way he lived, the way he chose to be. What was the point of connecting to anyone, of making a pack or family when he couldn't even remember the names of faces of the ones that he left behind? That left him behind... She seemed to suddenly take another change - maybe it wasn't just him that she was angry at. Whatever else it was, it certainly was taking a toll on her.

Shatter should have just let her walk away, but instead? The male picked up a branch and followed the she wold. "So, what are we building today?" He asked, although his words were muffled because there was a piece of a tree in his mouth. It wasn't often that he took place in any sort of construction, he was a wolf not a beaver...

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

OOC: Zomg.. Silly Vlar is silly.. and whiplashy >.O

"Something to keep inquisitive souls *out* of my home." Vlarindara growled slightly, but placed her spikey bramble on top of the growing pile, careful where she placed it lest she get her own hide impaled on the sharpened thorns of the mess. A sigh touched her lips as she watched him, knowing that.. he wasn't going to go away. She could at least offer him.. some sort of hospitality.. After all - she wasn't completely different. "I haven't hunted anything to eat..so there's no food, but there's water if you wish it." The white wolfs head was low as she moved around the bramble 'fence' and into the last few feet of trees before they gave way to the semi-circle opening of lush grass. A veritable paradise.. and it was *hers*.

In silence, she moved towards the large, flat rock that gathered the water dribbling off the mountain and cooled her throat on the sweet liquid. Lifting her head, she glanced quietly at him before moving over to the large rock close to the outer rim of her home and climbed up onto it to sprawl out somewhat bonelessly, her head dropping heavily to her paws. She said nothing to him - though.. some secret part of her enjoyed the company of another living being... one that had little to no reason to chase her away.. unless he intended to try and steal her home.. But..would she really fight to defend it? Or.. would she just roll belly up and allow him to take it.

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Played by Haptic who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nequam "Shatter" Eirawen
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd509/Happytic/shaaaatter-1.png); background-position: top; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 370px 25px 10px 25px; color: #000000; text-align: justify; font-family: bookman old style; font-size: 11px;">Oh, he was an inquisitive soul? And to think that there were times that he wondered whether there was anything left of it. The male would have smirked had his mouth not been full. Following the she wolf, he was surprised at her sudden turn toward something more... friendly. Hospitality, wasn't something that he had been expecting from the woman that had lashed out at him moments before, but he wasn't going to start complaining. Shatter watched her closely as she stuck her branches in what seemed to be a makeshift fort.

Hopefully he would be able to place his own branch in just as snug a place as she had. It seemed easy enough... the male padded on over to the pile and dropped his branch - not making a mess, so he assumed that he didn't do it wrong. "Thank you." Whether he would take that offer or not? Well, he wasn't sure. This was her home, not his. Shatter hadn't had to share in years, and starting now just felt awkward for the male. "I... see that you're making a fort - but how are you getting in and out?" He could get the point of a wall, but as a wolf, he had never exactly seen a door.

He liked beigng around someone that wasn't him - but he was still curious. Something nagged him every time his gaze fell onto the listless woman. What had happened to her? Why was it so easy to accept her presence compared to many others? "Why a fort to begin with? This area is pretty secluded as it is." If he hadn't seen her, he wouldn't have found himself coming back here at all.

Played by Katsuma who has 456 posts.
Inactive No Rank

She glanced at him, her amber eye watching him before she closed it again, a quiet sigh parting from her lips before she turned her head so as not to look at him. "I intend to leave an opening.. just large enough that I might slip out.. " Duh... that.. or she might just barricade herself in the clearing.. and simply live out her life alone. However, when he asked why a fort, she simply shrugged, curling her plumed tail closer to her injured face, hiding behind it. "When you betrayed those that already know where you've lived, extra protection is always welcome."

Vlarindara lifted her head from where she had hidden it, frowning quietly at him before resting her head back on her paws. "Betas tend to upset their pack alphas when they leave with no reason behind their actions." Why was she telling him this..? Perhaps because she was enjoying.. someone to talk to?

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Played by Haptic who has 12 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Nequam "Shatter" Eirawen
http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd509/Happytic/shaaaatter-1.png); background-position: top; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 370px 25px 10px 25px; color: #000000; text-align: justify; font-family: bookman old style; font-size: 11px;">She spoke as if he should have assumed that she would leave an opening for herself. But really, it seemed sort of hard to do - especially if she was building from the outside. It seemed more reasonable for her to say that she was barricading herself in for an unknown amount of time. Watching her react to his second question, he noticed her body language become even more closed - if that was even possible. No, he was no emotional expert, but when you put your tail in front of your face, what else was that supposed to mean? It was a touchy subject... but apparently she had betrayed those that were part of her old home. What a lovely family she must have had prior to now. His lips tugged into a frown, how distateful - to deem someone a traitor. Everyone did things that they regretted, and instead of letting go, they punished the other out of some need for justice. So set in his neutral ways, he couldn't see the right in what most saw as right... nor did he see it in wrong either.

"They would be simple minded to come after you out here." If they were so concerned for each other that they had to injure one of their own just to make a point? They should be looking out for each other. "Betas also have lives of their own." He countered her argument, although there was no heat behind his tone, only a level reasoning. Within his mind, it made sense - within hers? Well, he wasn't sure how he came off to others... "If an alpha can't understand that, then they know as much about family than a nameless rogue." Family welcomed each other back from wherever they had been, no matter how long it had taken. An alpha was supposed to be strong, supposed to look out for their pack with or without their beta.

"Weren't you supposedly your alphas right hand?" He inched closer, tilting his head as he tried to take a better look at her face. Now that he was closer to her, he could see that she had taken quite a beating during her lifetime. It certainly could be quite the bitch... shame that it usually happened to strong wolves too. From the sounds of it, this she wolf had been a strong beta at one point - and now she was as much a rogue as he was. "That's not a wound from a friendly spar." He wanted to see it, take a closer look - see if there was any chance that she would ever see out of that eye again. Besides, there was no reason for her to stay bloodied like that - he was there, why not let him clean it off?

"Breaking through the silence."

(This post was last modified: Nov 14, 2011, 03:12 AM by Shatter.)
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