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little dreams — Whisper Marsh 
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Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
Cloudy — Current Temperature: 55° F/13° C. Just before dusk.

Even stopping at the outskirts of the marsh, just where the male still had the safety of the tree line clinging to his back at the east, had been a further trek than Indru had taken as of late. He had been hunting small prey and in his captivation of following a scent of a hare the Tainn had failed to notice as he left the thickness of the Wildwood (which he didn't think would ever stop having such a significant feeling) and entered the sparser forests of the cedar trees. By the time he had caught sight of it—at last—he was near halfway into the depths of this unfamiliar forest and not visiting the wide, open space of Whisper Marsh had been too much to pass up.

Though he was on the dryer side of the wetland Indru's paws still felt the softer earth beneath him almost as like it did not quite have the strength to hold his weight like the usual earth. His large paws sunk and Indru took a small, childish delight in the feeling of mud between his toes—both alien and familiar at the same time, it spoke of his childhood where the marsh had been a more daunting place back then with its quicksand-like mud. With a quick bark Indru barrelled forward from the trees and ran a few paces before trying to stop himself, a knowing smirk curling his features, and relished in the old game where his paws would slide along on top of the soil, unable to make a purchase in the wet ground, and create a sudden thrill of being out of control. Competing to see who could build up enough speed to slide the furthest (and hold their balance why doing so) had been one of the favourite games of the Tainn children and as his actions brought up memories he was filled with both joy and melancholy at the thought. It felt strange at least for him to be doing it alone this time.

(This post was last modified: Nov 19, 2011, 11:28 PM by Indru.)
Played by pres♥ who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
For the past year, he had been running.

Running from the only life he had ever known—the history that had created him. Running, running, running, and at last, he was tired of fleeing. It was not in his nature to be like this, but he did what it took to survive.

He paid the heavy price for his decision to leave and start anew, and the consequences were harsh. The aching loneliness in his heart was perhaps a notable side effect, but nothing compared to the cruelty of the world when there is no longer friends and family to protect your back. Not to mention that the physical ailments were not exactly enchanting as the tales he'd been told of handsome rogues and loners conquering evil.

He was a ghost of the glory he used to be. The dark wolf had taken on a weary, down-trodden appearance—tired eyes, fur snarled with nature that hung off his ribs (it shamed him to appear weak) like it no longer fit him. But there was a rugged hardiness about him, too, a tough glitter in his unusual green eyes and a firm set to his jaw that suggested much more to this unkempt figure than what met the eye. He moved with the easy grace he had always possessed, his pace always steady and unhindered by fatigue. If anything, his speed and stamina (already superb) had only increased in his wayward wanderings.

Rhoderyc felt the hush of silence all around him, drifting on his conscious like the leaves that fell from the trees. The dark wolf was alone (it had not always been this way). The eerie hush of stillness embraced him like a lost brother, and it was a tranquil, still silence that gently wrapped around his weary body. But lonely nonetheless. It was peaceful here at the marsh he had come upon—a calm sense of quietness that made Rhoderyc feel secure and hidden away from the rest of the world.

That is, until a dark tawny wolf burst blindly across the soggy marshland (straight toward him) with a sudden bark of delight, spooking a flock of birds into panicked flight as the large male slid through the mud in a joyous spurt. As quickly as the sliding adventure began, it was over, the wolf dwindling to a stop and looking rather dejected.

His spirits lifted considerably by the presence of a wolf-brother and his heart hammering with anticipation, Rhoderyc tilted his head to the side curiously, one ear flopping forward and the other lingering behind in a tense manner. He approached the wolf curiously, not particularly concerned about safety, manners, or anything of the like (skinny or not, he could still outrun any wolf, he was certain).

He was only glad to have the empty loneliness filled, even if only for a fleeting moment.

Rhoderyc could not help but feel amused by the situation. The sullen expression on the wolf’s face didn’t seem to fit the bright fire of his eyes, the broad, thick shoulders coiled with muscle, the confident muzzle, and his sheer size alone.

"Was that as much fun as you thought it would be?"
(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2011, 06:18 AM by Rhoderyc.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
I love your writing style! :)

As he stopped Indru became aware of the presence of another—it seemed that in his eagerness to see the marsh, and then the irresistible urge to relieve a short burst of his childhood, that he had overlooked the presence of a stranger. The leader tensed on instinct at first, his fiery eyes falling quickly upon the other whose appearance, though regal, boldly stated the effects life as a lone wolf had; he was skinny even with his winter fur and a tiredness ebbed from the stranger with a weariness that seemed to coat him like a shadow. But it was curiosity Indru saw in his face instead of a threat and he relaxed slightly, ears twitching when he heard the other speak. No, not really, he replied, a small smile lighting his face though the hints of dejection still clung to his voice. As you would expect any pack wolf to be, Indru was in better condition—even with the recent (yet healing) tusk wound on his throat from a tussle with a boar in the last pack hunt he looked healthy and in his prime.

Games you played as children never quite seem as fun as adults, an amused expression changed Indru's face momentarily, but he couldn't help but wonder if instead of the game not being as enjoyable it was the distinct lack of his siblings and their old carefree attitudes to enjoy it. The leaders posture was as neutral as he could make it in the presence of another, as even though they were on ground not claimed by him it was hard to drop the now instinctual pattern of showing his dominance as required with his pack members. Being a leader required a certain demeanour and once you had settled into it trying to drop it was near impossible Indru had found, none the less beyond a proudly lifted muzzle and a tail resting just above the usual relaxed posture, in level with his back, his posture was no more than a signifier of the rank he held over certain others opposed to the challenge it could have become. Have you been in Relic Lore long? He spoke fondly of the great forest, it had nourished (and destroyed, he guessed, but it seemed more of mother natures doing to him) his family since his birth and no place could seem more homely to him.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
hopefully this isn't awkward. i feel really distracted for some reason, so bits of it might be weird?
Borlla wandered south, keeping her head down. It had been awhile since she'd spoken with Indru, and while that had been because he'd supposedly disappeared again, she now knew that he was back and she missed him. It was impossible for the girl, no matter what she said, to be angry at her older brother. Impossible. All she could do was miss him, but she wouldn't leave Relic Lore to find him again. But hopefully no one would leave again. Their family had thinned out so long ago...She didn't want to see it any thinner.

As the sun began to disappear, Borlla traced her way to Whisper Marsh. She had no real goal in mind, but merely to stretch her legs, and then return to her den, but upon arriving, it seemed that she'd managed to stumble into her brother unintentionally. Of course, she had wanted to speak to him, but it seemed late now. The tawny girl exhaled, noting there was another wolf with him, and pulled her head up to see. <b style="color:#32527a">"Indru!" She called out, and skipped ahead the rest of the distance between them. Able to see the stranger more clearly now, she met his eyes for a moment, noting their oddness, before glancing at Indru. <b style="color:#32527a">"Who is this?" She asked, quietly, before making a strange sort of face, then looking towards the stranger again. <b style="color:#32527a">"Who are you?" Small talk wasn't really the girl's forte sometimes. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by pres♥ who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Aww thank you! Indru = ♥
Well, if you say so.”

He tried to sound sincere so that the stranger and he might relate in someway, but there was an odd hollowness to his voice and his returned smile was uncertain. Rhoderyc wouldn’t know if games were more fun as children than adults because, to be honest, he had never played them--or at least not as thoroughly as this male seemed to have. He did not think his short-lived childhood had been depriving, but now he could not help but wonder at this mud-sliding game—it was just bizarre. Bizarre enough that Rhoderyc had an equally bizarre impulse to try it for himself in order to discover this foreign concept of “fun”.

He noticed that the large wolf’s posture had fallen into a more relaxed state after being somewhat alarmed at his presence. The broad, vast shoulders were no longer so rigid with defensive stiffness, and the friendly smile softened the contours of his face generously, though there was pride in his stance and Rhoderyc knew then he was in the company of an alpha.

No, I haven’t,” he admitted with an easy shrug. Relic Lore, a fitting name, he decided. In the process of returning a question, the arrival of a she-wolf cut him short. Pale tawny and bright-eyed, she was quite pretty (as all she-wolves are), though she caused his stomach to clench uncomfortably, old memories stirring painfully. Pushing the feelings away, he suppressed an amused grin at her forward personality, demanding that he announce himself.

Haven’t you ever heard of manners?” He sat back on his haunches, noting the way she met his eyes fearlessly and how the two before him were certainly acquainted. “Nice to meet you, too,” he said flatly, sarcasm at its best. "I'm Rhoderyc."

(This post was last modified: Nov 20, 2011, 09:38 PM by Rhoderyc.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn
I really like how he and Rhoderyc gel actually! I think Indru would get on great with him, and yay I love me some Borlla. <33

The lone male didn't seem to keen, or sure, on the idea and Indru grinned quickly at the other males tone, taking the words to mean that he perhaps didn't understand how the game could be fun instead of the wolf not really having any comparison to make about games in general. This wolf seemed pleasant company after his most recent encounter with lone wolves—though he had been severely weakened and at a disadvantage at the time, it still left him wary of them. It had been the fact that the wolf was alone, and Indru himself in good condition (coincidentally better than this male) that had not made him to worried this time. The distance between them kept him at ease and this wolf seemed amicable enough, though with the oncoming winter, a dangerous time for even pack wolves let alone lone ones, he couldn't help by wonder of his intentions. When the wolf admitted that he hadn't been here long a knowing smile crossed his face, you might find that changes, he laughed lightly, most seem to find the forest... Enchanting. It was not uncommon for him to hear from others that they too had fallen victim to the allure Relic Lore seemed to give off.

Just as he finished replying to the male a familiar scent reached his nose and Indru turned, his tail already waving, to see his younger sister bounding towards him. Hello little sister, he replied affectionately when she called his name, pushing his nose tight against her cheek in greeting. Though Borlla had undeniably grown up in her short absence Indru couldn't help but notice—half amused, half exasperated—that she still had not quite grasped proper submission to her leaders, as, unlike the lone male she was beneath him in rank on or off the pack lands. Not used to his sisters abrupt demeanour the stranger took offence at her rather demanding requests and Indru had to try and resist the instinct to bristle lightly at him, protective of his sister as always, but he managed to curb it by reminding himself she had been in fault. He noted the male's name with a nod once he had spoke it and offered his in return, Indru, I lead the pack north east of here, located by the swiftest river. Though Indru's voice remained as amicable as ever, his opinion of the male too, he sidestepped closer to Borlla protectively, positioning himself just slightly in front of her to try and discourage the wolf from any further action if he wished to take it.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
New Borlla somehow transformed back into Old Borlla. I like Old Borlla better. xD

Borlla smirked at her brother's minute display of affection, and shifted slightly. But she returned the favor, in a sense, giving his chin the slightest of licks before returning her attentions to the stranger. It was a simple question really, the one she'd asked. Her ears flicked at his words, clearly not amused. How hard was it to answer a simple question. There was so much talking before he bothered to really answer her. Indru chimed in first, but Borlla didn't bother to take her eyes from the stranger, almost finding it a bit fun to irritate him. Perhaps it was the fact that Indru was standing right next to her that drove her to this. She felt like she couldn't resist.

<b style="color:#32527a">"I'm Borlla." She said, simply. Indru had really provided most of the information so she didn't seem much point to adding to it. <b style="color:#32527a">"So, what were you guys talking about? I didn't interrupt, did I?" Her tail waved about, before she settled to her haunches, making herself quite comfortable. The question sounded too forced and formal, almost betraying that the girl didn't care all that much. She just wanted to be involved, rather than a eavesdropping bystander. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention
Played by pres♥ who has 5 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Ahh yes! They do seem to gel pretty well. ^^

I’d have to agree,” he admitted with a weary nod, enjoying the sound of laughter rumbling from the wolf’s throat like distant thunder.

It had been so long since he’d heard a sound so joyous.

And the forest really was unlike anything he had ever known or seen. Though it was wild mountain-blood that thrummed through his veins, and though perhaps his heart would always belong to that border between earth and sky, the forest offered hope to Rhoderyc when it seemed there was none. He knew it was a slim chance that he would survive the cruelty of winter, and thought the forest could not save him, it prolonged his meeting with death. The lone wolf cherished that more than anything, because at this point in his life, hope was all he had left to cling to.

Rhoderyc stiffened with surprise when the alpha then greeted the newcomer as “sister”. The two could not have been more different—or so it seemed to Rhoderyc, anyway, with Indru’s kind warmth of easy friendship and patience, contrasting harshly to the forward bluntness of Borlla. Realizing he could have caused possible offense to the alpha due to his sarcastic comment to Borlla, Rhoderyc mentally slapped himself.

Trust him to stick his paw in his mouth.

However, if Rhoderyc had offended the alpha in any way, the wolf’s carefully impassive face did not betray his emotion, though he stepped in front of his sister protectively and Rhoderyc could nearly taste the awkward tension. His stomach clenched with uneasiness, but then he realized the ache was not of anxiety, but of hunger. Borlla remained stiffly unimpressed, though she seemed to be enjoying herself immensely, smugly watching the process of Rhoderyc making a fool of himself.

Fantastic, he thought to himself with an inward sigh.

However, the wolf smoothly introduced himself as Indru, and as Rhoderyc had expected, a leader to a pack. “I’m glad to have met you, Indru.” And truly, he was. His sharp gaze shifted to Borlla, who had settled more comfortably on her haunches. Indru still hovered protectively at her side. “I hardly think that’s necessary. Looks as if she’s perfectly capable of taking care of herself,” he said, attempting an easy grin, but it was weary and lacking proper humor. Even the mere effort of smiling seemed to be too much to ask for anymore. “And no, nothing of importance,” he assured her. “Your brother, he speaks highly of this forest.” Not that you’d care.

She didn’t seem to care about very much at all.

(This post was last modified: Nov 22, 2011, 01:29 AM by Rhoderyc.)
Played by Tara who has 549 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Indru Tainn

While his sisters words seemed polite and rather innocent Indru shot her a careful look from the corner of his eye—he might not tolerate anyone else scolding his sister, his protectiveness overtaking, but he was still her leader and her guardian and she was not immune to his scoldings if they were called for. At the male's admission Indru smiled, his tail giving a quick brief wave as he responded with a curt nod, me too Rhoderyc, it's always nice to meet an amicable stranger. At the moment these type of lone wolves seemed few and far between, and certainly not wolves he would want in his pack, mixing with his family. The comment about Borlla had potential to offend but Indru took it as it was meant, a light hearted comment and smiled, a small chuckle escaping him as he peered back at Borlla again. Ah, Borlla puts on a front but she's not quite as fiery as she wishes, he nudged her with his nose affectionately, the shewolf was much closer to him than just a younger sister would be, he had taken responsibility for her and would always keep her safe. Besides, I think it's important for others to be aware she has protection, especially with that mouth of hers. Again the comment was meant in jest, but a truth rung through it, family was the most important thing to Indru and whether Borlla had been in the wrong or not if she was in trouble he would be there keeping her safe, whatever happened.

We've not really known any other home, as even if Borlla had not been here as long, and like Indru had experienced land beyond Relic Lore, he could not imagine her having found a place that felt quite as homely as here—something had brought her back after all. D'you think you will stay a while? It'd be a crime to go without giving the forest a chance to sure you it's allure itself, I'm sure. A smile curled his muzzle, but genuine curiosity was in Indru's voice, though he had not known this wolf long he had a good opinion already, the best company he had met from lone strangers in a long while. With winter coming, if it's a home you are looking for I'm sure we could find room for one more. Though a pack would benefit Rhoderyc through these coming months and most certainly raise his chance of survival considerably, Indru as not unaware of the benefits this wolf could offer to his pack in return. They had pups after all who needed feeding, teaching and watching and one extra set of paws was always welcome, especially if attached to a wolf such as this one.

Played by Bryony who has 489 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Borlla Tainn-Argyris
Borlla grunted, taking the affection as it came, but she didn't seem too pleased about it. Regardless, she went on smiling, listening intently as she was spoken of as if she wasn't even there. Her eyes shifted in Indru's direction as he mentioned her protection and she fluffed up slightly, embarrassment seeping in. Perhaps she shouldn't have gone looking for him after all. Or at least she should have waited until the stranger had gone away. <b style="color:#32527a">"Well of course! It is a great forest," She said, looking back at Rhoderyc.

She hadn't expected Indru to actually invite the stranger to Swift River, but she supposed it made sense. Another wolf to hunt and all that. Just another grumpy adult to her. But if her brother wanted grumpy adults, then he could have all the grumpy adults he wanted. Borlla merely sat there, trying to look pleased and pleasant, trying to avoid accumulating anymore comments about herself. <b style="color:#32527a">"speech."

Borlla is so awkward. ><
Lurking until the end of July - Please PM/tag me to get my attention