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A chance encounter — The Wildwood 
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Played by Alexandra who has 28 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cadence Rainshine
Cadence was hunting, the plump hare was pretty good. With a snap Cadence's jaws closed in air, damn she'd missed it. A scent suddenly flooded her nose,pack markers and Swift River's too. Cadence sat down and growled in frustration, it had been awhile since she'd eaten and her meal had just ran into claimed territory.

She barked and snarled in frustration, she started to pace just beyond the border weighting her choices. Cadence's keen ears heard a rustling and she pounced on it, only a small vole like animal. She made short work of it before knocking the remains away, looking through the woods she could see the hare, sitting there mocking her. Her erey yellow eyes flashed in anger.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Ruiko did not prowl the borders of Swift River the way he used to when it had been first created; his reason for joining the pack once more had been to feed the hungry bellies of his nephews and niece. However, every so often the large Tainn would follow the length of the claimed territory, his figure lifting to scratch at the trees and leave a blatant scent marker. He had also promised to keep the family safe, and well patrolled borders were the best way to do so.

The large tawny wolf had chosen today to do such a trip, though his nostrils were met with the dominating scents of Indru, Corinna and even Marsh. Little seemed to be out of place until another intermingled with those he was familiar with. Pausing momentarily, the regal male soon prowled forward, noting it was unlikely the stranger had come across their borders, but they were close.

Sure enough, the male emerged from the foliage of Swift River to meet with the view of the Wildwood. Blinking, he noted the she-wolf not far away, her paw swiping at the remnants of a meal. Lifting himself dominantly, the stoical male waited for his presence to be noted, curious as to why the she-wolf was hunting to very close to his brother’s pack lands.
Played by Alexandra who has 28 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cadence Rainshine
The male's presents was unknown to Cadence until a shift in the wind brought his sent barreling towards her. Whipping her head around Cadence's hackles rose and her yellow eyes locked on his, the scar of a large wolfs upper set of teeth was spread across the bridge of her feminine face.

She didn't move forward or backwards but stayed where she was, with her tail held in a neutral posistion Cadence barked "<b>hello"</b> the her voice hard and unfeeling.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The breeze that shifted past him delivered the news of his presence to the stranger, and as she sharply glanced up to regard him, Ruiko noted the scar upon her muzzle. A token that was perhaps deserved, he mused quietly. The bristling hackles of the girl did little to ease the male into thinking her presence so close to the borders was completely innocent, and his gaze narrowed slightly. “Greetings,” he offered roughly, his tail giving a small flick. Ruiko Tainn wasn’t about to leave the borders until the she-wolf was long gone.
Played by Alexandra who has 28 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cadence Rainshine
Before speaking Cadence reminded herself that this wolf was male,older than her and had a pack behind him. The hackles slowly settled back into place and Cadence flicked her eyes down, giving this wolf mutual resepect <b>" didn't mean to step on your toes" </b>

Cadence shook the snow that gathered on her coat the wind kept changing, bring new scents to the black nose of hers. A gentle breeze made the tree branches wave and bend making a small howling noises.
(This post was last modified: Nov 30, 2011, 12:55 AM by Cadence.)
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
The she-wolf seemed to realize he was not going to simply breeze past her as if she was no threat, and as her stance relaxed, Ruiko allowed his to as well, though that did not mean he was about to continue on his way. Her words caused the male to cant his muzzle slightly, his tongue smoothing out across his lips before he cast his eyes over her once more. “Darling, if you were stepping on my toes it would mean you had come far too close to Swift River pack lands. Trust me when I say you don’t want to do that.”
Played by Alexandra who has 28 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cadence Rainshine
The words that left that wolf's mouth were grating on her ears, Cadence flicked her tail in annoyance <b>"don't call me darling, you hardly know me. Cadence, call me Cadence"</b> Cadence's leathery lips pulled back in a grin afterwards, he had a sence of humor "<b>and I'm sure that I would regret stepping on toes as handsome as yours"</b>
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
Withholding a rather roguish grin at the feisty reply he got in regards to using such an ‘endearing’ term, the girl offered her name and Ruiko gave a light nod in return. “Ruiko,” he offered back, though his tone was no more friendlier than it had been before. Her sudden grin was unexpected, and at her remark, the regal male cast the she-wolf a blink. Her compliment to his toes was rather odd, but Ruiko was certain that there was a first time for everything. “I dare say if I can’t call you darling then it’s hardly fair you compliment my toes.”
Played by Alexandra who has 28 posts.
Inactive No Rank
Cadence Rainshine
Cadence could tell that this Ruiko was a character. Her erye yellow looking the muscular wolf over, indeed he was handsome, she growled quietly to herself<i><b> 'stop, get your thoughts straight. find pack and stay out of trouble.'</b></i>

A low rumble came from deep with in Cadence's broad chest, it had been awhile since she'd laughed "<b>too true, tell me more about this fearsome pack, Swift River"</b> she indeed was toying with him.
Played by Rachel who has 545 posts.
Inactive Deceased
Ruiko Tainn
It seemed his comment made the girl laugh, though in truth he had only been playing tit for tat. Her question drew a lazy smirk to barely trace the male’s tainted lips before he lifted his shoulders in a shrug. It wasn’t the pack that was fierce, though if she crossed them in the wrong way..

“Swift River is the home to three six month whelps of whom we are all very protective of.” There was a pause before his tail gave an idle flick, wondering if she at all took the hint that she was a little too close to the pack borders for his comfort yet. “And we believe trespassing is a very serious offense.” In fact, he found it almost very strange that Indru or Marsh had yet to gain the scent of the stranger and had come to seek out the situation.